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Monday 28 December 2009

Scorpio Horoscope ~ January 2010

You will be one of the few signs wanting liveliness at the beginning of 2010. With the Full Moon in your house of communication and neighbours you will want to be letting in the New Year with hearty conversations in a community spirit.

The 3rd will be a day of friction for you however, as your intense ruler clashes with outspoken Mars and any gripes will be aired tactlessly. Breathe deeply as more impulsive Scorpios could find themselves embroiled in quite notable bust-ups. If you can muster an air of dignity until the 5th and 6th any of issues can be discussed clearly and candidly without the need for any major dramas.

Scorpios are fond of the odd drama however, and the 8th will be a good day for those who wish for a bit of conviviality during the darkest month of the year. Your intuition will be enhanced on 11th and you may find yourself offering others sage advice and predictions. Do speak your mind on this day – sometimes the most insightful visions are those which appear at the time to make the least sense!

The New Moon on 15th will help clear the air after a sensitive couple of days in which people take things far too personally for your liking. Communication will begin to improve from this period, and people will start to be less touchy and more able to take life less seriously.

As Jupiter moves into compatible Pisces on 18th for the beginning of a 12th month+ visit, suddenly fun, creativity, romance and new outdoor activities are favoured. You’ll find you have a lot more energy this year and more people to share your ideas with. Single Scorpios are likely to have a far more romantic year in 2010, though those looking for serious relationships will find the Spring and Summer more promising in this respect.

By the 20th you will be wishing to spend a little more time in the comfort of your own home, as you’ve had a surprising amount of energy and have been concerned about career issues and where you are going. We all need more rest when worries surface but know that the deep thinking you do end up doing this month will set the groundwork for huge leaps forwards as the year progresses.

Patience is the key and do try to have that rest time as the month will end on an air of tension. Frustrations which have been harboured at times throughout 2009 will surface again on 31st. There has been much wading through treacle and progress has seemed unattainable at times. Know that when life is static it is so we are forced to stop and look. This may be the last thing we want, but is exactly what we need. Rather than succumbing to the tensions be honest with yourself about how much you have evolved and grown. As this year continues and more goes in your favour you will be equipped with an indomitable spirit and endurance like never before. What goes around comes around after all.


  1. Wow this is amazing!!!
    So far its finally clear why I was moody for the past few days. I hope my hubby will forgive me as it was beyond my control!!!

    I never doubted your ability and skill in Astrology and this just proves where your talent and strengths are. Well done you!!!

    This is far better than any horoscopes I read for January. It’s clear and to the pint unlike some confusing horoscopes where they use figure of speech and old sayings which sometimes confuse you even more.

    I think you should definitely continue doing this!!! Looking forward to February Horoscopes.

    Well done!!!

    Lots of love Mel Hadzo!!!

  2. OMG!! This is so true. At the beginning of the month I was in discussions with friends about setting up a new community group. Which we have done.

    Yesterday (14) I had a huge row at work over something and nothing with a very stubborn (Gemini) colleague.

    Just hoping now that the rest of this prediction brings me some peace and, with luck, some luuurrrrrve :)
