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Friday 26 August 2011

New Moon ~ 29th August ~ 5° Virgo

I recall that feeling of anticipation I would have returning to school in September, with the promise of a new year ahead; an unmapped path of learning, experience and friendship. The New Moon in Virgo of course always falls around this time of year and still carries with it the ~feeling~ of new beginnings that must be seen through to completion. There is an industrious and earnest spirit to Virgo and all of us, in some area of our personalities can relate to this, as we do to all other signs of the zodiac, as all fall somewhere in each of our charts.

This New Moon takes place in the early hours on Bank Holiday Monday {in the UK} and bodes well for the inception of academic and detail oriented projects. The Sun-Moon conjunction is sitting close to Venus inspiring a more creative and aesthetic perspective. By coincidence Mercury lies at the beginning of this New Moon chart, now finally moving forwards, having completed one of it’s tri-annual retrograde periods. The recent niggles and inconveniences bestowed upon us all {in areas of communication and travel} for the past few weeks have now passed.

With Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto all running in retrograde throughout September {and furthermore} the larger concerns of the fast evolving world around us may be reviewed and studied. The dramatically catapulting chaotic changes of recent times have been occurring more quickly than our creative consciousnesses can currently conceive. This Autumn will provide a welcome break as steady Saturn allows us to plod on in our day to day lives, whilst we readdress the deeper needs of our psyches and digest the impact upon the backdrop of our societies.

The New Moon in Virgo brings stability into our lives, allows us to become lost in the essence of living day to day and to relish in the one to one communications we have with those close to us.

There are hidden frustrations beneath the surface, as Mars from the 12th House of this {New Moon} chart remains at an antagonistic angle to Saturn, however this may also facilitate constructive honesty and personal awareness; so long as suppression or pretence do not become part of the equation. Most of us in the UK were surprised by the violent, frustrated rioting which occurred two weeks ago and this was illustrated clearly by Mars {expression, physical exertion, anger, personal power} in hard aspect to Uranus {individuality, revolution, higher thinking, humanitarian, group consciousness} and Pluto {destruction, renewal, transformation, rebirth, death}.

This behaviour is a symptom of a changing society and the changes in many ways are only just beginning. Most astrologers have been expecting to see Uranus in self-assertive, confrontational Aries and Pluto in establishment, tradition and financially oriented Capricorn to be symbolic of large-scale changes in both the structure of society as we know it and the public conception of the establishment as it has been developed. The interaction between these two planets in not incompatible positions has only just begun and will continue to illustrate the differences between those who run the establishment and those who live within.

Pluto in Capricorn alone {2008-2018} promises further upheaval and transformation to continue and even with this foresight it is difficult to predict the impact and/or outcome of this. What I can say is the corporate world as we know it is changing face. Finances as we understand them will be dealt with in different terms and banks will no longer be the grand power they have been in past centuries. {More about this soon….}

PS ~ Apologies for a lack of recent updates here. I would like to encourage feedback from any readers and am happy to answer any questions or write about topics suggested.

~Wishing a peaceful and joyous New Moon to all~

1 comment:

  1. I am anticipating the rest of your upcoming predictions. I agree, the world IS changing--hopefully for the better!!
