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Monday, 26 September 2011

New Moon ~ 4° Libra ~ 27th September

Who do you love?

Libra is traditionally the sign of romance and love, the corresponding 7th house in the horoscope represents how we relate and the partners we choose, the ruling planet is Venus ~the Roman goddess of love, beauty and charm. This New Moon in Libra is tightly connected to Mercury ~ the messenger ~ encouraging us to think more deeply and communicate more succinctly in our close personal affairs.

Venus and the 7th House also relate to the traditional concept of marriage; or as society evolves, the long-term partner and close associates. Herein lies the concept of projection; reflecting the inclination of many to choose a partner with complimentary and yet differing qualities. This is where we begin to question the truth of love as represented by Libra, Venus, 7th House.

Marriage in history was seen as essential; a sign of commitment, a financial and social safe-guard ~ the only legitimate way to create a family and be respected in the community. Ever since astrologers have been reading the birth chart marriage has been socially favoured as the correct representation of a loving respectful relationship.

Love hasn’t always been the priority however. Throughout much of history financial stability was probably the most important factor in deciding who one should choose to marry. With no social security, health service or pensions, marriage ensured that survival of the parents and children was more likely. Weddings weren’t romantic celebrations but often more of a rite of passage to adulthood and the joining together of two families.
So considering that these are the traditions honoured by Venus and Libra ~ should we still regard Libra as the sign of love?

Valentines Day occurs during the Sun’s sojourn through Aquarius. Now in most cases the timing of annual events links very closely to the passage of the Sun through the zodiac signs and the appropriate symbolism of the traits we associate with each. In the respect of Valentines Day however, this is frequently regarded as less appropriate and a little off-kilter. Aquarius is known as the sign of rebellion, individualism, analysis and social equality {just as the ruler of Aquarius ~ Uranus asks us to find these truths, these causes, these unique parts of ourselves}.

Born personally right in the middle of Aquarius ~ I loathe the contrived, commercial, costly, consumerism that is Valentines Day, however being an astrologer and an Aquarian I am qualified to state that I also believe Aquarius is the sign of ‘true love’.

Living ~ in the UK ~ during this era of comparative luxury; with warm homes, with enough food available to eat in every town, with the technology to achieve more than our ancestors would have ever believed possible ~ humans have changed immeasurable in the last few generations.

There is no longer a need to be in a partnership, there are numerous alternative lifestyles and choices {too many for us to have yet adapted to as a species ~ but I’ll save that for another time} the need for another is no longer there. The emphasis of life is no longer based around survival but around leisure.

And so we are now free to choose our own perspective and permeation of relationships and love. Most of us are still confused by this choice; should we choose the adapt partner who embodies the skills we do not? Do we choose that person who shares all our interests? Or the tall dark handsome stranger imbued with mystery, intrigue and the unknown?

I believe true love is being able to be truthful: the absolute, honest recognition and expression of one person to the other; the freedom and durability to delve down into one’s soul and communicate with another, beyond the visceral.

The basis for a relationship such as this must surely be friendship. True Love isn’t needy or conditional ~ love isn’t adaptive or strategic ~love isn’t even a compromise or a promise. Love is acceptance and honesty, laughter and truth, the pleasure of the moment and the respect of the other, the never fading interest in the one who we encourage to grow and experience more of themselves as our gift to them.

Love is freedom. Love doesn’t manipulate or protect, ask or disrespect. Love just IS. It is in the moment, it allows the revolution of the soul and the rebellion of the heart; it celebrates the uniqueness of the human spirit and wishes for the object of affection to share their heart expansively. True love doesn’t OWN the other but wishes for the other to become more as a result of the exchange.

True love is Uranus and Uranus love is truth. It is only when we actually decide who we choose to be, and live as our natural characters confidently that we will be ready to experience the truth of love and let go of the other in order that every moment is of a choice rather than a contract.

This New Moon in Libra asks us to look deeply at how we understand Love. The merging of the Sun-Moon with the ‘thinking’ planet Mercury asks us to think and consider. Uranus in this chart forms a close opposition and we are again encouraged to seek free spirited truth in our expression of love. Venus represents the love we know to be human relationship but now, in this Age of Aquarius, we are offered an opportunity to seek and experience a higher more soulful octave. The free-love movement of the 1960s ceased and floundered as its inception was based in politics and its purpose to create a reaction. The source was not love; some of the values however helped us to step closer to the truth.

Now as we develop as individuals and no longer required the trappings of tradition we have the space and choice to ask ourselves... Who/how do I love...?

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