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Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio - 31st Oct 2019 - 21st Nov 2019

I was going to write this article a little earlier, but since the UK date for leaving the European Union was also on 31st October, I felt it was prudent to wait and see if this was still likely to go ahead. The latest news is that there will now be a UK election in December 2019 and all big decisions are therefore delayed.

As many people are aware, during a Mercury retrograde a certain amount of things will undoubtedly go wrong. Mercury retrograde periods are famous for the negative impact upon IT products and telephone communication in general, they usually coincide with transport issues also; such as increased traffic problems and train delays. Lesser observed is that Mercury will also cause issues with paperwork, legal decisions and contracts. It is incredibly fortuitous therefore, that the UK are to choose a better time for their monumental decision, than a day which likely be notably full of delays, miscommunication and niggling issues in general.

This Mercury retrograde takes place entirely in Scorpio, beginning on 31st October with Mercury at 27°Scorpio and ending with Mercury at 11°Scorpio; meaning that anybody born between 1st November and 22nd November will be more affected than most. If this is you, don't let this be a cause for worry, although there may be inconveniences, delays and minor issues which come to light during this time, there are many advantages to Mercury retrograde also!

Everything has it place and it's purpose and sure, if you are late getting in to work, or your internet connections starts dropping out more, you are going to feel annoyed and stressed. When under pressure from employers it's not easy to be blasé about; time commitments and legal necessities and communication problems.

I sometimes look at Mercury as an old fashioned fellow though. All of the areas which become more problematic, are ones which are very much examples of our modern lives. None of these issues could have occurred in the same way 50 years ago, and it seems that Mercury dislikes the so called 'progress' of our IT age! In fact when we are in a Mercury retrograde period, taking an old fashioned approach of our own can prove to be very beneficial.

There are ways to prepare for problems; do you need to travel as much as you do for example? Could you use the telephone, could you travel by public transport, is it worth considering working from home for often? We do also rely on telephones a great deal, yet actually speaking to people, or sending letters through the post can be so much more effective from time to time.

Is time as important as the modern era dictates? Do we really need to live by the clock when so much business is global and we can contact people from a park bench, just as easily as we can from the office? Perhaps delays and issues are arising to provide solutions rather than problems? It so easy to become fixed on what we believe should be the outcome to what we are doing, and in doing so we miss all the other possibilities and potentials that could be far better options after all.

We've all seen movies where somebody misses their plane or a train, only to find that they are in the right place to meet the love of their lives. Sometimes something far better and more meaningful is out there for us.

Dreams are far more vivid and meaningful at this time.  If you are somebody who wishes to learn more about your deep soul calling then paying attention to your dreams will be very insightful and interesting at this time.  You may also begin to develop your psychic abilities if you may more attention to your gut feelings and emotions.  Scorpio is a wonderful sign for development of insights and third eye vision, it also helps us to understand our shadow feelings and desires.

I also have studied dream analysis and the power of the subconscious mind for many years, so feel free to contact me if you would like a dream interpretation from me.  I can do this for £10 and you can request this via my page: or directly by my email:

For those of you who are in a situation in which you are separated from one you love, or missing an old flame the chances of them getting back in contact with you are far more likely at this time.  Mercury will revisit energies which are still active and whilst it can be easy to keep busy and pretend that something, or somebody is no longer important, this type of approach will simply not work when Mercury is retrograde.  Particularly, with this being in Scorpio, which is all about passion, deep feelings and sexual connections.  Scorpio, as a sign is fixed and therefore will deal with areas of emotion which remain hidden beneath the surface.  There is no ignoring the depths and intensity of a sign ruled by transformative Pluto and many will begin to reunite with past loves during the month of November, I am happy to say.

If you would a twinflame or soulmate reading, contact me on my facebook page: to make a booking, or via email.  I will only charge £20 to look into the connection between yourself and your love and readings can be conducted via email, messenger, or telephone.

Workwise, if you have the kind of employer who threatens you because you have been unlucky enough to get stuck on a motorway, perhaps it's time to be looking for a much more reasonable place to work? There are always options, it's very easy to become blinkered and confined by expectations and routines but we are on this planet to live our lives, as WE wish, to experience all of what WE love and feel drawn to. Living for others' is a waste of life, and you'll never look back on years of compromise with fondness and gratitude; rather resentment and regret.

Mercury retrograde can point out the areas of our lives which need a fresh outlook and a furbished new approach.

In these busy modern lives we often find ourselves running from place to place, doing task, after chore, after favour etc. It can be that our feelings, our thoughts upon what matters to us, and our needs become neglected and squashed down. If you receive bad news whilst at work, the chances are you will try not to react so that you can continue with what you were doing. You could have harsh words with your partner in the morning and then have to spend the whole day telling everybody you 'are fine' when deep inside your stomach is churning and tears are caught in your throat.

Another effect of Mercury retrograde is that it helps us to revisit suppressed feelings and needs. It may seem inconvenient that an old emotion comes to the surface unexpectedly, but when this happens during a Mercury retrograde period, often a solution becomes apparent also. This is actually an incredibly healing time for many people, as often with a little time, new perspectives are available and resolutions and compromises are far more appropriate at this time.  It's not just soul connections which are drawn back together at this time, but friendships which have become stagnant can be rejuvenated and only contacts may waltz back in to your life.

Dates to watch out for during this period:

1st November – this will feel like a some tension is released and that more is possible, despite the retrograde. Freedom will be within your grasp.

3rd November – healing is very possible and powerful on this day, spending some time with loved ones and connection emotionally can really help relationships become closer.

5th November – passions will run high and arguments and power play are likely. Be careful on the roads and try to avoid acting upon angry feelings, as accidents and incidents will be more prevalent.

8th and 9th November – very good days for creativity ideas and putting down roots. Whilst change is never favoured during a Mercury retrograde period, recognition and promotions are well favoured at this time, just try to wait until after 21st to implement new beginnings.

12th November – Full Moon at 19°Taurus, this will be good for domestic projects, any kind of DIY, gardening. Book a massage and have your favourite food, nourish yourself!

16th November – destiny is calling, expect to hear from people you haven't seen for a while, or to experience great synchronicity. Write down ideas you have for your future today and start the Law of Attraction process at the next new Moon (which will be on 26th November)

20th November – this will be a day of even more confusion and misunderstanding, try not to book any important meetings or event on this day. You would be better to go to a spa, or be around water and music than try to do anything productive or useful at this time.

Wishing you all a very insightful and uplifting November – and a happy Halloween!
Shalom and blessings~~~~~
WaxyJo ♥

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