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Tuesday 22 December 2009

Taurus Horoscope - January 2010


The year begins with a burst, after a portentous Full Moon next to your co-ruler Venus. This should feel like a new start for you as the capacity for heart felt and open communication will allow you to feel closer to those who matter and start the year off on the right foot.
There is much in your life to be grateful for and you have good reason to be positive about the year ahead and the people you have in your life. Watch out for others’ mood swings on 3rd, though it is likely you’ll happily skirt around any surrounding skirmishes.
The 5th will be another heart-warming day with Venus gliding happily along next the Sun and Mercury and the Moon in earthy Virgo; you will be the beacon of hope amongst the weary worn workforce!

Because of the positive start to the year and the Moon traversing through your house of partners on 8th, this will be the first of two excellent weekends for Taureans. It won’t be action packed but there is a feel good factor for you this month, which adds a feeling of security which has been lacking a little for the last few years.

The 14th is a dreamy day, full of ‘what could have beens’ and romantic pipe dreams. Certainly for the creative types there could be excellent ideas today and great empathy is also possible.

The 15th brings the first New Moon of the year, and the rest of the world will begin to catch up with you and start dusting the cobwebs from their hair. It’s a lovely New Moon and perfect for romance also. Single Taureans could meet somebody new this month, and once Jupiter moves into your house of groups and friendships on 18th and Venus into your career house don’t turn down invitations from friends you work with. They could introduce you to some very interesting new people; ones who could play a much larger role in your life in time.

Work will be more of a focus for you from the 20th and you will have some new ideas for projects/improvements on 22nd. This is a good day to set up meetings and new systems which you would like to see implemented in the long-term.

Don’t save new ideas for 25th as communications will have less clarity and people are more likely to behave in an unpredictable manner, seemingly for the sake of it. The final week of the month will probably be your least favourite, as other’s will seem irritable at times. Be patient and try not to be dragged into any dramas or confrontations. These things will pass and being the steadying force behind the storm will be a great source of strength to those around you.

The 31st is a difficult day but your keen sense of order and logic will help put things in perspective if you make a keen effort to stand back from being drawn into the middle of things.

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