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Friday, 6 September 2013

The 10th Degree

Consider a birthday on or adjacent to the following dates;
31st December, 30th March, 1st July, 3rd October. 

Those whose birthday falls on/around these dates will have been born with their sun close to 9° degrees of the cardinal signs.  There is a slight variance upon the exact date from year to year, but you can assume that if you birth date is significantly close to one of these dates (allow 2 days either side) then you are going to be impacted directly by the 10th Degree.

I mention these months, as they are all applicable to the cardinal signs (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra) and those with planets in these areas will be feeling the emphasis the most profoundly. 

There will be many more of you with different planets  in your chart (Moon, Mercury, Venus etc. ) on or near the 1oth degree of the Cardinal Signs and indeed any other of the signs.  This intensity of activity will extend to reach all of us in some way.   

Pluto has been at 9° Capricorn since 15th July 2013 and it will remain at this degree until 24th November 2013.  It was also at 9° Capricorn throughout March, April and May 2012 and at the end of December 2012/early January 2013.  I mention these dates as they are linked to the present, when different areas of the sky are illuminated by transiting planets they trigger particular areas of our natal charts.  The lesson of Pluto is always to learn to let go, whether this is in relation to the physical areas of symbolism such as sex, death and the occult, or in the bigger picture the lesson is always that where we attach we will eventually have to detach.  Nothing is forever and ownership of anything or anybody is an illusion....even our beliefs.     

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, the last time it was in Capricorn was from 1762-1778 a period most notable for the onset of the industrial revolution, which impacted the structure of society so much the changes have continued reverberate ever since.  Where Pluto makes a change the change usually lasts for a long time.  For instance photographic film was invented in 1885, just after Pluto had moved into Gemini (the sign associated with communication of the written and visual word and all things media oriented).  I think it's clear to most people that the structure of the world's Governments and political circus is beginning to change.  In typical Pluto fashion we observe these developments through their ugliness; represented by the greed, conflicts and control that pervade the global climate.  Pluto will destroy before it will rebuild and the crumbling chaotic carcass will exist before the chrysalis can be constructed.  As Capricorn represents all that structures formal society, it is easy to see the early impact of this occuring.

Added into the mix is the planet of revolution, individuality and freedom ~Uranus.  Uranus has been joining in the dance of disruption with Pluto since June 2012 when the two of them made their first square (a position of tension at 90° apart) and will be squaring for the 4th time on 1st November 2013 at the 9°Capricorn and Aries.  Expect some rather dramatic events to occur towards the end of October to middle of November.  There are impactful changes in the air.  These two planets create 3 more squares after this point with the final on being on 17th March 2015.  By this point we'll know the outcome of the changes around us; it's up to us as individuals to co-create that however by choosing to bring love, truth and joy into the world around us.  The ripple effect is a reality.

Towards the end of this month (September 2013) Saturn makes its own journey to the 10th degree, this time from Scorpio.  Saturn; the planet of structure and planning will do its level best to offer a grounded, sensible and conscientious approach.  On the other side of the scale, the foresight and clarity that Saturn can bring will provide the means of predicting cause and effect.  Big decisions can be made at the end of this month and they may be rather calculated and logical.  For those of you with 10th degree planets this could be an either constructive or restrictive time for you.  Saturn is zipping through Scorpio and won't return to this point again for 29 years.  All of us with any fixed sign (Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo) planets around the middle will be feeling the rather pressing gravitational presence of Saturn this Autumn.  Probably reminding us of our own inadequacies, failed hopes, or simply pressing us to work as hard as we can to prove our worth. 

For the end of the year the 10th degree is joined by Chiron, the asteroid of healing through the vulnerability of our flaws.  It's difficult to say whether the onslaught of emotional insight which Chiron will bring from 9° Pisces will result in actions of fear or compassion.  It can always go either way with Chiron.  An evolved soul will recognise that an integrated flaw in another is in fact the essence of their truest beauty, a repressed soul may take that flaw and expose and mock it in the other.  The repressed soul of course fears the recognition of their own weaknesses. 

We have a choice with Chiron in every moment we are confronted with the vulnerability of being human.  Will we share in love, or separate and ostracise in denial?  It is most likely that the period from early October unto the end of December 2013 will show many acts of each type of behaviour. 

For the final week in December we will have buoyant Jupiter arriving at 9° Libra, trying to reinforce the message of love, but when it squares Pluto on the final day of 2013 I have a feeling that this will be overwhelmed by pride. 

There are definitely some cagey times coming up this Autumn.  As the division between those who follow truth and those who wish to seek power grows wider we are witnessing different types of conflict.  We are in some senses now part of a world which can live as one.  We are all interacting easily, quickly, sharing the same information, merging our cultures and our minds.  However from great beams of light more definitive shadows may be cast and the concept of 'them' and 'us' is yet again becoming a concern. 

What is more dangerous than a passion for a cause without the understanding of the cause?  I see so many ardently defending their views from their hearts, slowly being dragged into the quagmire of reactivity....and anger.

Be your own conscience, find your own truth.  It doesn't matter what choices others make, there is no need to concern ourselves overly with the thoughts, wishes, needs of others.  We really can change our surroundings if we live through our own hearts and accept one another just as we are.  If we all focus a bit more on choosing to act in a loving way, then the means of manipulation which are cleverly chosen and twisted to cast great shadows over our hearts, will be seen as the translucent shallow irrelevances which they truly are...

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