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Sunday, 21 April 2013

Partial Lunar Eclipse 25th April 2013

This partial eclipse falls at 5° Scorpio, so those born during the first ten days of Scorpio will feel it the most.  In fact you are already experiencing the heaviness and tests of Saturn being near your Sun, ensuring that you put in a great deal of effort for any reward or relaxation.

Saturn conjunct Sun is never an easy transit, sometimes it's welcome as it may bring a new level of focus, concentration and grounding to ideas which helps to see them through to manifestation..  It always feels serious though, I personally find I don't laugh as much when Saturn makes a strong aspect to my Sun, as if frivolity seems somehow wasteful and excessive {which of course it never is, rather it is more important than ever}.  There are times in our lives we do need to create the building blocks of our lives, we may need to work extra hard to learn the ropes in a new job, or have to save money in order to buy a house etc.  Saturn will choose the timings of these events and so long as you have an accurate birth time a decent astrologer can discern timings quite accurately.

In this Lunar Eclipse chart Saturn lies covertly in the shady 12th House, the house of the unseen and unheard.  This indicates that life's strifes and struggles seem to be coming from 'out of nowhere', that there are niggles, issues, extra demands for money, pressures at work and in our emotional lives which feel oppressive and unpredictable.   Certainly with the country still in recession there is a feeling of this anyway and the eclipse chart seems to be almost empathising with the plight of the compromised and compressed human spirit. 

With the Sun and Mars opposite (a full moon occurs when the Sun is opposite to the Moon) in the 6th House, there is an emphasis on work without reward.  The constant grind and day to day duties that must be done, the 'household chores' and the filing at work; the requirement of eating and washing.  Sometimes it feels life is taken up more with these essentials than with the actual areas of our lives that make us feel like ourselves.  We can of course put our personal energy into everything we do however and I suppose this is the best way to look at it at the moment.  Be present.  Even when washing up, feel the bubbles popping in your hands, listen to the tune of the crockery as it collides and sings.  This is what Buddhism teaches and this is very successful and rewarding way to approach life.  

If there is any message to be gleaned from this Eclipse chart it is to love one another.  I know us hippies always say things like this but with Venus so tightly conjunct the 7th House cusp of 'the other' the chart really is illustrating the importance of supporting, appreciating and caring for one another.

Here in the Western world many people have become so far removed from community living that they purchase small box flats in large blocks containing other identical little spaces, sleeping only feet (sometimes inches) away from another person adjacent; with whom, in some cases they have never even conversed!  Both people will rise early in the morning, source their car in a minute parking bay amidst numerous other cars and travel a few miles to a job which may be located on the same road as the person that sleeps feet away from them in the next door flat. 

The point being that people are so packed into a small space they have become desensitised from one another, they don't interact, they don't socialise, they barely smile.  They are living to the rule book passed by their elders and 'helpfully' reinforced by the media.  The said key to happiness in the modern world is status and money, the way to achieve this is by working to a set of rules and measures and targets and tick boxes. 

Now with even this formula failing on so many levels ~due to recession, advanced robots, banks lending fantasy money to those who have none and the people who have jobs working far too many hours in a week~ society finds itself in a position again where it needs a new formula.  The Government think the old one will still work if they make life more difficult for the average person, they stand to lose much wealth and status should it fail.  The average person; despite being fed their daily media soup and still thinking that new DFS sofa is necessary has realised that the formula no longer procures the lifestyle it promised. 

The solution of course is not opposition, as the great Japanese warriors would say:

"to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill.  To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill." - Sun Tzu

The true power we have as individuals is community.  If we are connected and close to those near us then we are automatically stronger personally too. 

So the overall message of this chart is that while life may seem to be fraught with difficulties at the moment, those difficulties are not what our lives actually consist of.  Our real life is about the other and reaching out and connecting to them.  Where there is love and friendship there is happiness.  If we as individuals shift our focus to supporting each other rather than being too concerned with ourselves then we will probably find we have everything we need already. 

As Mahatma Ghandi famously quoted; "be the change you wish to see in the world"

With love, Waxy x


  1. Beautiful Waxy. I loved the points on love and friendship.


  2. Thank you G, much appreciated x
