It’s always interesting to see a Full or a New Moon within the last degree of a sign. It means that it’s the second Full or New Moon in this sign in a month, which implies ‘unfinished business’ or a reiteration of a theme. In this case the ‘theme’ is Sagittarius; the sign of optimism, considered opinion, exploration, religion, higher education, cultural awareness and travel. This centaur is more interested in looking to the source of a subject, than transmitting information, it wants to know; why, how and where before considering a debate upon a topic.
When you consider the situation in the UK at present; the appopriacy of a second Full Moon in Sagittarius becomes apparent. Here we are at the pinnacle of a possibly portentous change that could affect the economy and fortunes of not only this generation but the next, and so many are willing to vote flippantly on the basis of visceral propaganda thrust so transparently by the media campaigns.
Welcome to the 21st century. For those who are reading this outside of Europe, I refer to the impending vote that UK citizens are about to make upon whether to remain a part of the EU or exit.

As the Full Moon in Sagittarius suggests; there is a strong emphasis upon cultural diversity, immigration laws and religious dogma in the political debate. Jupiter; the ruler of Sagittarius, sits on the Ascendant of this chart, further embellishing this superficial stance being used as a spurious sway tactic. Interestingly though, is the accompaniment of the North Node bringing destiny to the picture. Is it the destiny of the UK to make a flippant and unconsidered decision by appealing to the masses who are most easily influenced? Does Mercury (the thought planet), on the MC (the bigger picture) in Gemini (which rules the media) point to choices made on the basis of media?
I think it will be a close call, looking at the angles of this chart. I am glad to say that Saturn at the IC (the home and in this context – Country) with its restrictive and repressive conscientiousness, is forming a close opposition to Mercury in this chart. This restraint; I believe, will be just enough to release us from a rash decision which will leave the UK floating alone, with its nostalgic superiority complex stubbornly held onto as it sinks deeper into the future of the modern world.
No, it seems that by a small majority we will stay in position. Ridiculed by many, hostilely viewed by others, but intact – so to speak, for now.

So to look at the backdrop of this breakdown of civility in the land of the ‘stiff upper lip’ the whole scenario is represented by the ongoing Saturn-Neptune Square.
Of course everywhere is affected equally by this aspect, the outcomes and manifestations will vary greatly but the energy creates the feeling of a tousle between all that one values as safe, structured, reliable and orderly (Saturn) and that which is ephemeral, aspirational, creative and soulful (Neptune). These are probably the two least compatible planets as one stands for all that is tangible (Saturn) and that is (intangible) Neptune. They couldn't be more different, and when they form an aspect which creates tension we feel we are vacillating wildly between these two opposing concepts. All that we can usually control and predict (Saturn – Saturn, or Kronos also rules time) is suddenly unreliable; all that we are moved by and use for escapism (Neptune) is encumbered and blocked.
It's a complex and uncomfortable aspect for which the exact timings are; 26th November 2015 (at 7º Sagittarius and Pisces), 17th June 2016 (today – at 10º Sagittarius and Pisces) and finally on 10th September 2016 ( 12º Sagittarius and Pisces). Those of you born between 26th February and 3rd March or 27th November and 2nd December will feel this most strongly. Or if you have planets between these degrees being aspected, you will also be more affected than most.
Ultimately we can all feel the uncomfortable tension in the air however. Usually one would turn to optimistic and hedonistic Jupiter for respite and freedom but, as mentioned earlier; Jupiter is also in the fray and is blocked and confined by the conflicting energies of these two astrological heavyweights. There is no escape. We have to look at who we really are, and who we actually want to be at this time and decide whether we are working towards who we most choose to be, or not. This is a time of deep and often uncomfortable truths.
“It is during the worst times of your life that you will get to see the true colors of the people who say they care for you. “ - Ritu Ghatourey
What choices are you going to make?

As an addendum; may I also express my great sorrow for the shooting of Jo Cox yesterday; cruelly shot in a fit of insanity yesterday in broad daylight. She was clearly a loving, kind and forward thinking lady and I wish to send some reiki and love to her family at this terrible time.
*** For fellow astrologers – a really interesting note about the EU formation chart (25th March 1957, 18:30 Rome, Italy) and that of the referendum vote on 23rd June 2016 is; 1. The Moon is the same place; at 2° Aquarius, 2. Jupiter is coming up to its Virgo placement, 3. There is a Saturn return also! Also in the EU chart there is almost a star of David – missing a point only at 4° Sagittarius, which tells me this is a significant transit position and that Saturn transiting here for February to April and during November 2015 is intrinsic to this set up (since the announcement of the act and the ratification where in May 2015 and December 2015 respectively, this informs me the information release was delayed by a month on each occasion.)
If you are feeling the pressure at the moment and would like a consultation, or an email reading based upon your personal chart; please do contact me at: Prices start from £25.
When you consider the situation in the UK at present; the appopriacy of a second Full Moon in Sagittarius becomes apparent. Here we are at the pinnacle of a possibly portentous change that could affect the economy and fortunes of not only this generation but the next, and so many are willing to vote flippantly on the basis of visceral propaganda thrust so transparently by the media campaigns.
Welcome to the 21st century. For those who are reading this outside of Europe, I refer to the impending vote that UK citizens are about to make upon whether to remain a part of the EU or exit.
As the Full Moon in Sagittarius suggests; there is a strong emphasis upon cultural diversity, immigration laws and religious dogma in the political debate. Jupiter; the ruler of Sagittarius, sits on the Ascendant of this chart, further embellishing this superficial stance being used as a spurious sway tactic. Interestingly though, is the accompaniment of the North Node bringing destiny to the picture. Is it the destiny of the UK to make a flippant and unconsidered decision by appealing to the masses who are most easily influenced? Does Mercury (the thought planet), on the MC (the bigger picture) in Gemini (which rules the media) point to choices made on the basis of media?
I think it will be a close call, looking at the angles of this chart. I am glad to say that Saturn at the IC (the home and in this context – Country) with its restrictive and repressive conscientiousness, is forming a close opposition to Mercury in this chart. This restraint; I believe, will be just enough to release us from a rash decision which will leave the UK floating alone, with its nostalgic superiority complex stubbornly held onto as it sinks deeper into the future of the modern world.
No, it seems that by a small majority we will stay in position. Ridiculed by many, hostilely viewed by others, but intact – so to speak, for now.
So to look at the backdrop of this breakdown of civility in the land of the ‘stiff upper lip’ the whole scenario is represented by the ongoing Saturn-Neptune Square.
Of course everywhere is affected equally by this aspect, the outcomes and manifestations will vary greatly but the energy creates the feeling of a tousle between all that one values as safe, structured, reliable and orderly (Saturn) and that which is ephemeral, aspirational, creative and soulful (Neptune). These are probably the two least compatible planets as one stands for all that is tangible (Saturn) and that is (intangible) Neptune. They couldn't be more different, and when they form an aspect which creates tension we feel we are vacillating wildly between these two opposing concepts. All that we can usually control and predict (Saturn – Saturn, or Kronos also rules time) is suddenly unreliable; all that we are moved by and use for escapism (Neptune) is encumbered and blocked.
It's a complex and uncomfortable aspect for which the exact timings are; 26th November 2015 (at 7º Sagittarius and Pisces), 17th June 2016 (today – at 10º Sagittarius and Pisces) and finally on 10th September 2016 ( 12º Sagittarius and Pisces). Those of you born between 26th February and 3rd March or 27th November and 2nd December will feel this most strongly. Or if you have planets between these degrees being aspected, you will also be more affected than most.
Ultimately we can all feel the uncomfortable tension in the air however. Usually one would turn to optimistic and hedonistic Jupiter for respite and freedom but, as mentioned earlier; Jupiter is also in the fray and is blocked and confined by the conflicting energies of these two astrological heavyweights. There is no escape. We have to look at who we really are, and who we actually want to be at this time and decide whether we are working towards who we most choose to be, or not. This is a time of deep and often uncomfortable truths.
“It is during the worst times of your life that you will get to see the true colors of the people who say they care for you. “ - Ritu Ghatourey
What choices are you going to make?
As an addendum; may I also express my great sorrow for the shooting of Jo Cox yesterday; cruelly shot in a fit of insanity yesterday in broad daylight. She was clearly a loving, kind and forward thinking lady and I wish to send some reiki and love to her family at this terrible time.
*** For fellow astrologers – a really interesting note about the EU formation chart (25th March 1957, 18:30 Rome, Italy) and that of the referendum vote on 23rd June 2016 is; 1. The Moon is the same place; at 2° Aquarius, 2. Jupiter is coming up to its Virgo placement, 3. There is a Saturn return also! Also in the EU chart there is almost a star of David – missing a point only at 4° Sagittarius, which tells me this is a significant transit position and that Saturn transiting here for February to April and during November 2015 is intrinsic to this set up (since the announcement of the act and the ratification where in May 2015 and December 2015 respectively, this informs me the information release was delayed by a month on each occasion.)
If you are feeling the pressure at the moment and would like a consultation, or an email reading based upon your personal chart; please do contact me at: Prices start from £25.
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