This Autumn’s lunar eclipse takes place at 10:03am on Thursday 1st September (time accurate in the UK). This is a very intense configuration occurring at 9’21° Virgo, closely squaring Saturn at 10’04° Sagittarius and opposing Neptune at 10’39° Pisces.
In fact it is one of the most auspicious astrological events of the year; capitulating the background feature of Saturn square Neptune which has been causing confusion, chaos and political unrest in so many parts of the world recently.
This area of the mutable signs (which are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces) has been under the spotlight considerably in recent times. Whilst Saturn glided over this point during mid-December 2015 it has remained static at the 10th degree of Sagittarius for the entire month of August, with Mars hanging around closely exacerbating and causing a rather frustrated and tense energy during the last two weeks.
Interestingly, when Mars turned retrograde earlier this year on 23rd April, it was also at this point of Sagittarius that it stationed and began it's apparent backward motion. There is an incredible emphasis being placed in this area of the sky and with an eclipse triggering all of the energy which has been so concentrated for the past 9 months; change is being forced indelibly upon us.
On a personal note, whilst I retain a rather blasé and yielding attitude to planetary motion on the whole, I am find this frenetic dance upon my personal Neptune placement, rather disconcerting and unsettling. Those of you who have any planets between 7-11 degrees of the mutable signs, will I’m sure be feeling a similar intensity (whether you are aware of a planetary placement here or not!) For those of you born close to either; 28th February, 30th May, 1st September or 1st December your Sun is in the mix and I’m sure you’ve had a suitably strange and complex year so far. I would love to say that this is now over, but the changes heralded by an eclipse can actually be felt a few months before and after the actual date of the event. In this case most notably so, due to the triggers being outer and slower moving planets.
It is difficult to know what to expect with an eclipse. I would tend to look at the area of the chart it falls in, and then where the affected planets interact with and which house(s) they rule. This will provide a great insight into where impacts will be felt and in the case of this eclipse the positions of Saturn-Mars in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces are very relevant to any investigative approaches also.
To look further into the chart of the eclipse itself, I see that we have 17° Libra Rising with the ruler; Venus sat covertly in the 12th house, but congenially close to Jupiter and Mercury, which turned retrograde at around 2pm on Tuesday 30th August (and will remain so until Thursday 22nd September). The 12th house placements here seem to add to suppressive tendencies which the Saturn-Mars conjunction has been bringing to us for the past 2-3 weeks already. It's a case of 'better the devil you know' as many of us will avoid risks, overt honesty and frankness in favour of saying nothing at all. This of course creates its own problems as, whilst it may seem as if nothing you can do/say/bring to the table is right at the moment, lack of expression doesn't actually change the energy permeating from you to those around you. Actions speak louder than words and in many cases, thoughts illustrate feelings more powerfully than when open communication is attempted.
There will be misunderstandings at this time, Mercury beginning its retrograde motion is making sure of that, if the placement of the other planets wasn't making this clear enough. What I can say is that what you think you create; and this counts for conscious and subconscious thought equally, so meditation and trying to find a deeper connection with ones true feelings is one of the only ways to surpass the issues that will come into play for many of us at this time.
Neptune itself is sat in the 5th house of the eclipse chart, along with Chiron and indicating that music, creativity, art and drama are where the most joy can be found. Be as a child, and if you can't manage that be around children. The innocence and beauty of life's simplicity can be appreciated most fully at this time. Animals may have a similar appeal, as their inability to be dishonest is equally alluring and refreshing.
Whilst I almost always encourage people to ignore the news and focus on their own lives, at this time deceit and subterfuge are going to be even more prevalent focuses than usual. Also people will be more sensitive to contamination both in the air and in the food chain, so try to keep overall health a priority to keep the immune system on top form. Finances will be a concern for some and community issues a focus. Perhaps there will be more of an emphasis on pulling together and looking out for one another, but with energy being low and wills being weak I think that imbalances will be more noticeable, rather than inroads being made into actually addressing them at this point.
There will be more political confusion over the next couple of weeks, as Mercury retrograde adds even more messiness to the minds of many.
The overall message of this eclipse is that old cliche of 'what you resist persists', there is no avoidance of truth. No amount of failing to speak out will actually change the reality of any situation. If I've learned anything in this life, it is that there is a shedding of intensity in speaking out. Sometimes expression of pain, or sorrow, or frustration, or anger majorly dissipates the feeling itself, where suppression of such adds further difficulty.
Take a risk, speak your mind, if something is important to you it is worth saying. I won't back any confrontation, major decision-making or life changes at this point, simply surrounding ourselves with good people and sharing how we really feel about our lives. Friendship is a great balm at this time and the eclipse meeting the north node in the house of friendship encourages us to trust and allow our hearts to open up to those who care the most about us.
This is a confusing time, a lot of what we see, believe, or feel around these next two weeks should be recognised as untrustworthy. Feelings will be intense, and not necessarily indicative of reality. On the other hand responsibilities may feel more like burdens than usual. Taking time out is essential and learning to take oneself less seriously will help. As Shakespeare once said, "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players", right now viewing ones life as a play or a movie will add a backstory that could be the most enjoyable perspective to take.
Wishing you all a beautiful, liberating, story-telling new moon eclipse on Thursday!!
Leo dried peas & love.
~~for those wishing to know how the eclipse is impacting your personal chart, contact me at A brief reading where I hone in on this eclipse and its impact for you can be done for just £20.
In fact it is one of the most auspicious astrological events of the year; capitulating the background feature of Saturn square Neptune which has been causing confusion, chaos and political unrest in so many parts of the world recently.
This area of the mutable signs (which are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces) has been under the spotlight considerably in recent times. Whilst Saturn glided over this point during mid-December 2015 it has remained static at the 10th degree of Sagittarius for the entire month of August, with Mars hanging around closely exacerbating and causing a rather frustrated and tense energy during the last two weeks.
Interestingly, when Mars turned retrograde earlier this year on 23rd April, it was also at this point of Sagittarius that it stationed and began it's apparent backward motion. There is an incredible emphasis being placed in this area of the sky and with an eclipse triggering all of the energy which has been so concentrated for the past 9 months; change is being forced indelibly upon us.
On a personal note, whilst I retain a rather blasé and yielding attitude to planetary motion on the whole, I am find this frenetic dance upon my personal Neptune placement, rather disconcerting and unsettling. Those of you who have any planets between 7-11 degrees of the mutable signs, will I’m sure be feeling a similar intensity (whether you are aware of a planetary placement here or not!) For those of you born close to either; 28th February, 30th May, 1st September or 1st December your Sun is in the mix and I’m sure you’ve had a suitably strange and complex year so far. I would love to say that this is now over, but the changes heralded by an eclipse can actually be felt a few months before and after the actual date of the event. In this case most notably so, due to the triggers being outer and slower moving planets.
It is difficult to know what to expect with an eclipse. I would tend to look at the area of the chart it falls in, and then where the affected planets interact with and which house(s) they rule. This will provide a great insight into where impacts will be felt and in the case of this eclipse the positions of Saturn-Mars in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces are very relevant to any investigative approaches also.
To look further into the chart of the eclipse itself, I see that we have 17° Libra Rising with the ruler; Venus sat covertly in the 12th house, but congenially close to Jupiter and Mercury, which turned retrograde at around 2pm on Tuesday 30th August (and will remain so until Thursday 22nd September). The 12th house placements here seem to add to suppressive tendencies which the Saturn-Mars conjunction has been bringing to us for the past 2-3 weeks already. It's a case of 'better the devil you know' as many of us will avoid risks, overt honesty and frankness in favour of saying nothing at all. This of course creates its own problems as, whilst it may seem as if nothing you can do/say/bring to the table is right at the moment, lack of expression doesn't actually change the energy permeating from you to those around you. Actions speak louder than words and in many cases, thoughts illustrate feelings more powerfully than when open communication is attempted.
There will be misunderstandings at this time, Mercury beginning its retrograde motion is making sure of that, if the placement of the other planets wasn't making this clear enough. What I can say is that what you think you create; and this counts for conscious and subconscious thought equally, so meditation and trying to find a deeper connection with ones true feelings is one of the only ways to surpass the issues that will come into play for many of us at this time.
Neptune itself is sat in the 5th house of the eclipse chart, along with Chiron and indicating that music, creativity, art and drama are where the most joy can be found. Be as a child, and if you can't manage that be around children. The innocence and beauty of life's simplicity can be appreciated most fully at this time. Animals may have a similar appeal, as their inability to be dishonest is equally alluring and refreshing.
Whilst I almost always encourage people to ignore the news and focus on their own lives, at this time deceit and subterfuge are going to be even more prevalent focuses than usual. Also people will be more sensitive to contamination both in the air and in the food chain, so try to keep overall health a priority to keep the immune system on top form. Finances will be a concern for some and community issues a focus. Perhaps there will be more of an emphasis on pulling together and looking out for one another, but with energy being low and wills being weak I think that imbalances will be more noticeable, rather than inroads being made into actually addressing them at this point.
There will be more political confusion over the next couple of weeks, as Mercury retrograde adds even more messiness to the minds of many.
The overall message of this eclipse is that old cliche of 'what you resist persists', there is no avoidance of truth. No amount of failing to speak out will actually change the reality of any situation. If I've learned anything in this life, it is that there is a shedding of intensity in speaking out. Sometimes expression of pain, or sorrow, or frustration, or anger majorly dissipates the feeling itself, where suppression of such adds further difficulty.
Take a risk, speak your mind, if something is important to you it is worth saying. I won't back any confrontation, major decision-making or life changes at this point, simply surrounding ourselves with good people and sharing how we really feel about our lives. Friendship is a great balm at this time and the eclipse meeting the north node in the house of friendship encourages us to trust and allow our hearts to open up to those who care the most about us.
This is a confusing time, a lot of what we see, believe, or feel around these next two weeks should be recognised as untrustworthy. Feelings will be intense, and not necessarily indicative of reality. On the other hand responsibilities may feel more like burdens than usual. Taking time out is essential and learning to take oneself less seriously will help. As Shakespeare once said, "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players", right now viewing ones life as a play or a movie will add a backstory that could be the most enjoyable perspective to take.
Wishing you all a beautiful, liberating, story-telling new moon eclipse on Thursday!!
Leo dried peas & love.
~~for those wishing to know how the eclipse is impacting your personal chart, contact me at A brief reading where I hone in on this eclipse and its impact for you can be done for just £20.
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