The Scorpio new moon will fall on Sunday 30th October at 17:37 (UK time) and for the first time in a while heralds a pure feeling of new starts, without any lurking heaviness. The chart for this new Moon shows a conjunct from the Sun and Moon at 7’43 to Mercury at 9’40 Scorpio, encouraging honest, candid and open communication.
The Sun and Mercury actually are conjunct today (Thursday 27th October) and so the whole weekend will be imbued with lively conversation and depth which Scorpio so naturally inclines towards. If you are a secretive person who prefers the truth to be hidden, then it could be better to lie low this weekend. People will be saying what they see more than usual, and barriers which have been created by the recent fogginess of the Saturn-Neptune square will be burned, broken or buried by the formation of better bonds.
The New Moon chart also shows a Venus-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, which is actually exact at 0:05 on the Sunday morning UK time. Whilst this brings with a straightforwardness that sits nicely with the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio, it does also have a sombreness that is rather more akin to redressing issues of contention, than to Saturday night style parties.
When Venus and Saturn come together it can be a great time for real relationships to be given a more solid footing. While Venus is concerned with art, beauty, aesthetics, finances and love, Saturn is all about building foundations, achieving, formalising and commitment. If these two planets had never met than marriage would probably never have been invented, as the sum of their parts represents the kind of long-term promises, cited in the wedding ceremony.
In the study of synastry (the name for the study of relationship using astrology) connections between Venus and Saturn are a portentous promise of serious commitment in a relationship. With this aspect in the sky casual may become more formal and stability may be sought by some and separation by others, where the ingredients for long-term are simply not present. The latter is made more likely by the Mars-Uranus square (exact on the morning of 29th October) and creating the need for freedom in those who feel stifled in any way.
Mars is about the drive, energy and physicality of the self. It rules sports, the sex drive, combat and initiation and when it meets the planet of revolution and freedom; Uranus it enhances self-expression and hedonism. When these two come together disputes and fights become more likely but the source of this kind of behaviour is often built up from the suppression and confinement. One cannot feel the need to ‘break out’ and become more expressive, without these being pent up emotions beforehand. Hence, when Mars and Uranus meet they help us take a step towards acknowledging our own inclinations and true beliefs. I personally am happy to see people stand up for what they believe in and for the right to express who they truly are. There is no maliciousness or meanness with this combination, only the fight for what we feel to be our truth and, as a natural Uranian, I wish to encourage that at all times, in all people.
Stand up for what you believe, always but first you may need to search deep within yourself to learn what it truly is.
We live in a society which educates us to know the facts, but rarely are we encouraged to question them. We are told that we should form an opinion but then are offered the choice of two option upon which to decide. At school the option to decide upon a career is thrust upon us, but only if we follow the distinct procedures to reach the destination and therefore learn that we have to read and analyse the same books in order to express our ability. An ability which is gauged upon whether an examiner agrees.
For those who have been conditioned by all of the above and have never questioned; the sign of Scorpio may fill you with fear and dread. A connection between Mars and Uranus could bring up feelings of confusion and frustration, the desire to break out of something, but not know what that something is. So, yes, some people may have to start to dig deep.
If you’re reading this you probably already have!
Blessings of a Samhain to all and love and connection to all souls who have passed and are remembered on 1st November.
As a Halloween styler I am offering tarot readings for £15 for the next two weeks, with readings taking around 20-30 minutes. I can do by email, skype or face to face.
Reiki will always be sent free to anybody who asks, or needs it.
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