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Saturday, 26 November 2016

New Moon in Sagittarius ~Tuesday 29th November ~12:18pm (UK time)

This new Moon at 7ยบ42 Sagittarius links back into the theme that 2016 has emphasised so well of, delusions and how they manifest.

As mentioned in so many recent articles, there been a real push/pull between the rather incompatible planets of Saturn and Neptune for the last year or so. Where Saturn stands for all that structured, planned, focussed, and responsible, Neptune is about dreams, imagination and all that flows and cannot be grasped. With these two being so prominent this year, there has been a lot of unexpected twists and turns; lies and deception; creative highs, followed by crushing confinements. The only way to understand and work with Saturn is to assess ones place in life and whether the actions you take in the physically structured world are in keeping with what you wish to achieve. Whereas with Neptune clarity can only exist on a deeper, amorphous, inner level. If indeed clarity is indeed possible for more than a snapshot at a time, but therein lies the beauty. Where Saturn is all about planning, Neptune can only be found in the moment and grasped in a lingering assimilation of sensory perception (extra or ordinarily speaking).

This story which has created much of the confusion and turmoil of 2016, is changing, Saturn and Neptune are no long in speaking distance in an astrological sense. However, humans have a tendency to perpetuate and replay what they fear or dislike the most. Where a cat can find a spot of sunlight and dissolve into existential bliss, a human being, if they even stop to appreciate the spot, will still stage their soliloquy sifting through imaginary scenarios, of seemingly unsolvable conundrums – that have not even happened yet!

So, this New Moon which falls so close to the location of Saturn at the last point in its square to Neptune, and re-triggers lingering Neptune, is about stepping into a new paradigm; walking away from unwanted delusions and taking a chance to live the dream.
Sometimes I come across articles which try to surmise what they assess to be 'human nature', based upon studies of previous attitudes and behaviour. My view is the opposite; live as if you are a new species, create your own version of reality. It amazes me that psychological teaching is still based upon the pent up projections of Sigmund Freud, who, in fact, did live in a society which was based upon suppression of natural desires (and so his observations did have contextual validity when written). Obviously, there are limitations to what humans are and can be, and there are basic needs which seem to resonate within us all; like the need for love, acceptance, connectivity and community. What I don't believe is our nature is 'greed', 'self-sabotage', 'competition', 'judgement' 'desire for power'. Sure these are all behaviours which have been observed in humans for centuries and they have become major players in the structure of society as we know it. They are learned environmental responses however, and anything which can be learned, can be unlearned. Our education system is based upon the worst of human history, and encourage the kids to prepare their natures to interact with this. I read a lovely quote last week, something like; “don't teach your children to be the kind of people who can deal with the harshness of society, teach them to be sort of the people who will change this.”

Magic allows for more magic. In a scientific world belief in the intangible is frowned up; if there is no evidence or proof then it cannot, and never will exist. These same people who recognise the beauty of genius' like Einstein, fear new ideas and you can be sure they never can see the irony in this! Neptune is all about allowing for magic to manifest, in an unmeasured, non-material and sometimes intangible way. Neptune is the dandelion clock; appearing from nowhere with it's ephemeral blossoms, flying through the air, dissipating, leaving behind the paling pin cushion, framed with brachts like a fading Roman sun god. Magic and beauty are everywhere in immeasurable, unquantifiable bursts of nature. One should never forget the romance of nature, or become so removed that it no longer serves as an inspiration.

A lot of fellow astrologers observe Neptune's dark side to about deception and lies. It's something to be acknowledged, as it most certainly can be the case. The point here is to never expect another to be your source of inspiration, there has to be a deeper connection to all that is for Neptune to be enjoyed. If the fairytales that Neptune so joyfully depicts start to gather cast members, or definitives, then the lower side of Neptune becomes inevitable. Where there is expectation there is disappointment, and where somebody is pressured to be or act in any way, they rebel and break free. This is no ivory tower, the walls are that of a waterfall; differing in each second, with varying hues and refraction. We are drawn to the water walls for their beauty and endless fascination, no structure can exist in such a place and it is only perception which allows for continued appreciation.

The butterfly will die in a closed fist.

Saturn has moved forward a little now and makes an harmonious aspect with the planet of revolution and freedom; Uranus. Different as they are, they do have a negotiating term and in many ways work well together. Uranus only wants to destroy that which is unjust, and Saturn whilst it cares less about fairness and more about propriety, is often willing to work with Uranus in this regard. A spark of Uranus-style inventive genius can only be turned into something real with the help of Saturn. So these next two weeks are a good time to develop great ideas, or to add a little creativity to the mundane. As Mars moves through Aquarius, it will reach the midpoint also and bring energy, vitality and enthusiasm wherever there is insightful, intelligent thought. If you have a great idea, patent it, or look at working at the foundations required to develop it.

In many ways this is a dispassionate, time of imagination and escapism, mixed with ideas and industriousness. The Venus-Pluto conjunction has moved on, and so has the heavy energy which pervaded as a result.

New Moons are always a great time to start something new, if you choose to do so with this one, then allow the inspiration of all that is inexplicable be the root of all that transpires for you this week.

If you want to a little inspiration and new moon enthusiasm from me, then I can do you a little New Moon reading and talk about what's coming for you in 2017. Starting from £20 for one question, or £50 for three questions focussing on particularly areas of your life.

 Peace and love to all~~~~

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