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Monday, 21 August 2017

Solar Eclipse at 28'52 Leo~~ 21st August 2017~~ 7:30pm (UK)

It's been a while since I wrote an article about what's going on in the sky.  Part of the discouragement for me was that I had very little to offer in the way of optimism and positivity.  I am of the school that if you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all.

However, despite the political climate being dire and dismal (in the UK and US at least) this was always going to be the case during Plutos transit of Capricorn.  Since Pluto rules change, rebirth, death, sex, upheaval (and overall in principle~~ letting go) and it's moving through the sign which is most affiliated with oppression, rules & regulations, hierarchy, power and achievement (at any cost), it will demand a change in the way we live.  We can't really continue to believe in a system which was created centuries earlier, by a set up which has no relevance to modern society.  Even the most unthinking of the species are starting to realise that the information they receive via the media is untrustworthy.  A revolution of sorts is inevitable.

Pluto through Capricorn began in January 2008 and will complete in January 2024, we have some time yet and the good news is that when Pluto enters the liberal sign of Aquarius there will be focus on equality and justice for all.  There may be upheavals on the path to improvement but such is the nature of how humans do things; badly mostly...

So that's just a background to an ongoing theme but this post is to cover today's Solar Eclipse in Leo.  Eclipses always come in twos or threes (good 'path of the ecliptic' if you need to know more) and this one follows a Lunar Eclipse which occurred two weeks ago on 7th August at 15'25 Aquarius.  Aquarians you probably felt it?  I certainly did with it being right next to my natal Sun position.

The first thing to note with Eclipses is that they are physically draining.  It's inexplicable, but not dissimilar to the exhaustion one feels after walking along a windy beach.  In theory no extra energy has been expended, but in reality something seems to have zapped the usual energy resource.  If you've felt tired this weekend and today also, just try to allow yourself more sleep.  Change is occurring, Eclipses always bring about change and usual unexpectedly, although often in a way so subtle that it is only retrospectively we can gauge what occurred.

Wherever mid-Aquarius is in your chart you will already have felt the winds of change blowing through your life.  For those with their Sun position in the middle of Leo, Taurus and Scorpio it will have had an affect on your view of yourself, as that is what the Sun in a chart denotes (what people more commonly and inaccurately refer to as a 'star sign').

Today's eclipse occurs at 7:30pm UK time at the end of Leo at 28'52, edging into the final degree.  If your birthday is around this time you will feel it most, if you have any other planets at this point in Leo you will affected a lot also.  For those with their Sun at the end of Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio, again you will feel this a lot in terms of yourself and your identity, but because it's at the end of the sign those who are born at the beginning of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius may also be impacted more personally.

Do note that Eclipses can be felt up to 6 months before and up to 6 months after they occur.  So it may be that you have already experienced a great deal of personal changes in the run up to this.  Eclipses also create a ~~~ripple~~~ effect and so one small difference can begin to filter into other areas of your world, perhaps unwittingly and invisibly at first.  Pay attention, there may be more going on under the surface that you think.  Everything is connected, even something small such as a change in personnel at work for instance, can have a much bigger impact on your life over time than you realise...

The chart for the Eclipse features, Mars in Leo, loosely conjunct from 20'41 Leo and forming a neat trine to Saturn, still retrograde in Sagittarius.  Mars in Leo is bolshy, outspoken and loves to show off, those born with Mars in Leo are often the life and soul of the party and crave attention just a little more than most (a lot more!) but when Mars is moving through Leo we all feel a share of the upbeat gregariousness.  With the trine to Saturn overt behaviour is reigned in and so the playful and creativity of Leo, is metered to become a little more structured and productive.

The Eclipse is also trine Uranus which is at 28'23 Aries and has just begun its retrograde sojourn.  As Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, is the planet of change, upheaval, sparks of genius and connectivity, it implies that the changes brought about by this solar eclipse may be done so ~consciously~.

Where so frequently Eclipses can signify unexpected and sometimes quite unwanted upheaval it does appear that this solar eclipse is providing us with a more insightful and concerted potential.  What do you wish to change in your life?  Are you happy with how you are living?  Who you are (or aren't) living with?  Does your work represent your talents, or does it just pay the bills?  Have you grown into the kind of person you wish to be, or are you focussing your energy in areas which no longer serve you?

We can all improve ourselves, no matter how far we have come or how much we have worked, there is always more we can do to refine our lives.  Sometimes what we need to do improve, is to allow ourselves to loosen up and just live.  (Laughter really is the best medicine) or perhaps you have been wanting to take up meditation or yoga, something which improves overall health, and have been putting it off?

Solar Eclipses are still New Moons and are incredibly powerful for bringing about changes.  We can improve ourselves at any time but the point of understanding astrology is to utilise the cycles of life.  Decisions and plans begun on a new moon are far more likely to have a long-term positive effect upon us than at any other time.  A Solar Eclipse is the most powerful time to begin something important and beginning something can be as simple as recording, or forming a strong intention in a particular area.  Whatever it is you want to do to change you life can be done today.  Even if you want to move to another area, saving a picture of your ideal and using it as your screensaver or wallpaper will be the first step in forming that intention.

If you want to find love, then lighting some pink candles in the relationship area of your room and accompanying that with a positive meditation will help form the intention.  If you want to change careers, write down your perfect job, find images of how you imagine your workspace to look.  Keep the images.  We can create anything we wish for, timing does need to be on our side also, but when there is a Solar Eclipse time really IS on your side (yes it is!)

Interestingly, with Jupiter now in balanced Libra and moving forwards again, it is beginning to form an opposition to Uranus in Aries.  These two planets together are the most potent in terms of manifesting wishes and dreams.  They won't be in exact opposition until the end of September, so anything you do begin to create now has a very good chance of manifesting in 5 weeks' time.

The key with bringing the dreams into fruition is to keep whatever it is you have begun in your sights.  Spend 5 minutes a day visualising and feeling the joy that you will feel once you have attained your wish ~~as if it has already happened~~ 

Good luck with creating your dreams!

You are very welcome to contact me and share your stories, if you're not sure which direction you wish to head in at the moment then perhaps I can help you with that.  Brief readings to illuminate you mission / path / life focus can be provided for just £20; by email, skype or in person.

Love, joy and boiiiings to you all and wishing you a very magical manifestation month!!

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