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Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Starting the new year with a twist or two

Well hasn’t this year begun on a higher energy? I thought it was my imagination until I took a look at the planets and found that Mars (drive, competition, physical energy), had been waltzing alongside Jupiter (enthusiasm, luck, optimism, expansion of all it touches) in Capricorn since 1st January! Whilst this pair continue to saunter along, hand in hand for another week or so (having reached their exact conjunction on Sunday 7th Jan). Another rather powerful meet up between Venus and Pluto is building up in Capricorn with both Venus (love, relationships, creativity, equanimity) and the Sun (self, essence, vitality, truth) linking up with Pluto (power, transformation, endings, passion) tonight in UK time.

It seems a rather fortuitous time for me to begin delving into the expectations of the forthcoming year, all things considered!

Eclipse season is looming with a full lunar coming through on 31st January, more about that later. For the next, forthcoming chapter I’m actually going to be looking at conducting a format for each of the Sun signs for the first time in a while, with a particular nod to further integrating asteroids; Chiron and Juno into the forecasts.

I will be looking at the period from now until the end of March, but omitting any focus upon the eclipses, as I will be examining those as independent events from charts.

This year I’d like to also contribute some more posts for those who are interested in my findings on synastry (relationships between one or more people, using their charts as comparisons). A lot of my recent research has been based in this area and it is an incredibly accurate form of astrology. Where one can ignore areas of potential in their natal chart, it’s less easy to neglect characteristics when another person with their own needs, feelings and vulnerabilities comes into the picture.

Another consideration is the ruler of Taurus, discussions of which often tend to cause contention within the astrological community. There are many astrologers who are loathe to develop and change systems which they feel have worked well for centuries. I, on the other hand, feel that a worker is only as good as their tools (no surname jokes please! Haha) and to use old, worn out notions in a 21st Century context seems insane to me. To me that’s like using leeches to bleed somebody who has tonsillitis (which they actually used to do!).

So, on an experimental level and because of how successful Juno has become in synastry, I am going to be using this asteroid as the ruler of Taurus. Despite Ceres appearing to be attributed with some of the likelier attributes of the Taurean nature, this asteroid has never ‘held up’ as a ruler when working on more complex elements of astrology. On the other hand; Juno is proving to be intrinsic in all areas, particularly in synastry and relationships and this implies that further application and tests could bring some very interesting results.

Chiron has irrevocably proven itself to me as the ruler of Virgo and the level of insights made possible with accurate delineations cannot be underestimated (unless you’re a traditionalist with no desire to explore or develop new ideas ;-))

Hopefully tomorrow I will ready to present a few forecasts for the first part of 2018.

Shalom and amour~~~~ 

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