The new moon today will occur at 8:12pm, UK time and falls at 26’35 Libra, which is almost precisely opposite Uranus; currently at 26’31 Aries.
The precept of a new Moon, is that it symbolises a new beginning, phase and cycle. Although we have one every 29.5 days, they fall in different areas of the sky, forming different inter-planetary aspects and hence, have an entirely different emphasis.
The basic principles of Libra are around love, harmony, balance, appeasement, compromise and justice. Ruled by Venus (and the only sign ruled by Venus under the single rulership system that I work to) it is worth noting the position of Venus in this chart is also in Libra. Venus is moving away from a conjunction with Mars which was active earlier in the month and towards a square to Juno in Capricorn.
Immediately this indicates signs of a shift as Venus – the love planet – transfers it’s allegiance from the passions and energetic frequencies of Mars; to a more constructive committed kind of allegiance, aka Juno. As an asteroid Juno is associated with the ideal partner; and where it falls in the natal chart shows more about what we need in order to form a long relationship, which can be quite different from what we actually think we desire! Juno in itself shows a level of truth and higher awareness that circumnavigates the psyche and our known consciousness. Add this to the current position of Juno, which is Capricorn and we have thoughts of commitment and stability bolted onto longevity and practicality, coming to the forefront of priorities around the time of this new Moon. The actual contact between Venus and Juno will occur on the 23rd October, so thoughts of this nature will be most notable from 21st to 25th October, although it is fair to consider them activated at the point of the new Moon itself.
Last week on Tuesday 10th October, Jupiter to moved into Scorpio for the first time in 12 years and it shall remain there until 8th November 2018. Jupiter always spends a year in each sign and blends its optimistic buoyance to the nature of the sign in question. Ruling, as it does, higher education, learning, humour, good fortune and the laws of attraction (i.e. like attracts like) it should be an interesting journey through Scorpio. We already have seen a hint of what to expect with the news emphasis upon the Harvey Weinstein scandals and whilst this began a little before Jupiter moved into the sign (of Scorpio) which rules sex, death, hidden truths and transformation, this is likely to mark the beginning of a year of similar discoveries. Jupiter will always ‘expand’ whatever it touches, for better or for worse, although one could argue that truth and exposure almost always turns out for the better and Jupiter is predominantly linked to very positive experiences.
For those born with Jupiter in Scorpio, this period heralds a new phase of luck, good fortune and the potential for increased financial achievement. Indeed, for those aged; 11-12, 23-24, 35-36, 47-48, 59-60, 71-72 and so on, this could be quite a fortuitous year. To learn more of the effects, it is important to consider the condition of Jupiter in the natal chart (the snapshot of the time you were born), but in general this is a good year to risk following your dreams. Wherever Jupiter strings it's Sagittarian style bow; optimism and ensuing success are sure to follow.
The new Moon falls in mentionable proximity to Jupiter in early Scorpio, although a little beyond the classic 4º orb that astrologers tend to regard as potent, at less than 6º from the Sun-Moon conjunct to Juipter, this will be the closest embellishment we will have this year. I, for one, will be making my new Moon wish with the benefic presence of Jupiter’s uplifting influence in mind.
To look further at the new Moon chart itself we have to again note how close the opposition to Uranus is, and how this itself will create a see-saw between the harmonious, peace-making tendencies of Libra, and the more warrior-like competitive nature of Aries. When Uranus is in the mix, expectations are rendered irrelevant and whilst this can be deemed a good thing overall, a certain level of insecurity and anxious uncontrolled energy fission will therefore become inevitable also.
Uranus is the planet which rules upheaval, revolution, electricity, sparks of illuminative genius and rules Aquarius. Without Uranus life becomes stagnant and dull, with too much Uranus things are exciting but can be cold and austere at the same time.
On this basis it is difficult to predict how this new Moon will manifest; although innocuous in nature in and of itself, the opposition to Uranus does increase the likelihood of unexpected events and occurrences. Here in the UK we have more storms predicted and no doubt they will be a little more vociferous than those which just passed, as the Sun’s opposition to Uranus at this point will still be fully activated.
Jupiter in Scorpio will continue to ensure that hidden truths are revealed and any corner cutting exercises are exposed and vilified. A situation which is increasingly possible in the modern technological world we live in. The downside of Scorpio is also the revengeful stagnant potential of the sign, we've all heard of Scorpios having a 'sting in their tail' and certainly these kinds of tendencies for retaliation or grudge holding may become more of a societal prevalence. Of course this also has it's upside however; as accommodating, hopeful sign of Libra has encouraged passivity and mass acceptance of some dreadful political and globally alarming situations. Perhaps the more upfront, strident influence of Scorpio will cause a more reactive and confrontative stance in areas which are important.
This isn't a major new Moon chart, but it does bridge a gap between a week which has been intrinsically insidious and a start to a more stridently expressive situation of Scorpio truths and more constructive activism.
Peace, truth and love to all~~~~♥
If you would like to know more about where Jupiter falls in your chart and how it's sojourn through Scorpio is likely to affect you, then sending your time, date and place of birth to me at: and I will advise you for a small fee, or perhaps even for free ♥
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