Aries Sun (applies to Aries Rising also)
January to March 2018 –
The year has begun at a high level frequency featuring ruling planet Mars marching hand in hand the most energising fellow planet; Jupiter. Working from the sun sign perspective this influence falls in the solar 8th House which puts an emphasis on shared resources, intimacy and intuitive connections. Unhealed sorrows could be fuelled by this influence; strengthened by the link up occurring in Scorpio.
Further into January, work takes centre-stage as Saturn, now in its own sign of Capricorn, reminds you that whilst you will reap what you sew, it’s only germination time. This is an ideas and initiation time; best suited to beginning new projects. Success will not yet be earned without time, effort and adequate planning. Of course, as humans, we tend to appreciate that for which we have toiled and so whilst this could be the start of a busy 2.5 years of Saturn in Capricorn, it could also be an excellent time to assert oneself career wise and status wise. Get grafting!
Ruling planet Mars moves into Sagittarius at the end of January, where it will remain until mid-March. Thoughts will move towards overseas trips, higher learning and even utilisation of ones’ knowledge for teaching others. Energies will be low mid from 15th to 21st February and this could be a good time for a trip to the sea, or indulging oneself in a spa get away. When Mars and Neptune meet up clarity can be difficult to come by, but relaxation is a breeze, especially when involving creative activity and/or water.
March as a month will be hit and miss; as random ups and downs, interlaced with coincidence and changes in fortune reign, alongside emotional upheavals. Uranus has been moving through your sign of Aries for a few years now and those of you born towards the end of the sign (14th to 21st March) will be feeling this more unpredictable undercurrent affecting your lives more now. Uranus brings great change wherever it falls, and as the planet of revolution and change it can indicate great personal changes when it links up with your Sun. Depending upon where this falls in your personal chart this can also indicate a change in external circumstance also. With Mars throwing a trine to Uranus on the 10th March will add to this, a good way to utilise all that is Uranus.
January to March 2018 –
The year has begun at a high level frequency featuring ruling planet Mars marching hand in hand the most energising fellow planet; Jupiter. Working from the sun sign perspective this influence falls in the solar 8th House which puts an emphasis on shared resources, intimacy and intuitive connections. Unhealed sorrows could be fuelled by this influence; strengthened by the link up occurring in Scorpio.
Further into January, work takes centre-stage as Saturn, now in its own sign of Capricorn, reminds you that whilst you will reap what you sew, it’s only germination time. This is an ideas and initiation time; best suited to beginning new projects. Success will not yet be earned without time, effort and adequate planning. Of course, as humans, we tend to appreciate that for which we have toiled and so whilst this could be the start of a busy 2.5 years of Saturn in Capricorn, it could also be an excellent time to assert oneself career wise and status wise. Get grafting!
Ruling planet Mars moves into Sagittarius at the end of January, where it will remain until mid-March. Thoughts will move towards overseas trips, higher learning and even utilisation of ones’ knowledge for teaching others. Energies will be low mid from 15th to 21st February and this could be a good time for a trip to the sea, or indulging oneself in a spa get away. When Mars and Neptune meet up clarity can be difficult to come by, but relaxation is a breeze, especially when involving creative activity and/or water.
March as a month will be hit and miss; as random ups and downs, interlaced with coincidence and changes in fortune reign, alongside emotional upheavals. Uranus has been moving through your sign of Aries for a few years now and those of you born towards the end of the sign (14th to 21st March) will be feeling this more unpredictable undercurrent affecting your lives more now. Uranus brings great change wherever it falls, and as the planet of revolution and change it can indicate great personal changes when it links up with your Sun. Depending upon where this falls in your personal chart this can also indicate a change in external circumstance also. With Mars throwing a trine to Uranus on the 10th March will add to this, a good way to utilise all that is Uranus.
However the additional square to Chiron the following day brings sorrows, insecurity and emotional outbursts. The best way to work with Chiron is not separate the self from others, rather to recognise that we are all vulnerable, flawed and sad at times and times such as these that remind us to stay compassionate and connected.
The Month ends with Mars in Capricorn from the 18th and this will bring great energy resources. Mars is exalted (performs at its best) in Capricorn and if you want to get a lot done, this is the time to do so. With Mercury turning retrograde on 21st March, planning is the practical choice until mid-April where you have a clear 4 weeks in which to implement all of your best laid plans! This will be a very productive Spring for Aries, but a note to those born in early Aries that the stresses of Saturn in Capricorn throwing a difficult angle to your Sun cannot be ignored. You will have to work harder to prove yourself, but knowledge really *is* power and the key to Saturn is to be conscientious, studious and to allow these qualities to reign whilst they must. All will bear fruit in the long run.
To add in a note to Juno (as promised), this purposeful little asteroid will be moving though Aquarius throughout January and February bringing great social times and some convivial meet-ups with friends. As it steps into Pisces for March this will be a good time to be more aware of ones intuitive connections with others and to look at the unseen communications that occur every day without us even noticing mostly. You know how when you suddenly stare at somebody they almost always turn and look at you? Imagine how much we could use this kind of energy emitting from our eyes and aura if we actually honed it? Test it out a little this March, see if it works for you.
{if you’d like to hear more about Uranus in Aries and how it is and has affected your life over the last few years, then do contact me for a reading:}

Taurus Sun (also applies to Taurus Rising)
January to March 2018 –
For Taurus the high octane start to 2018; with Mars and Jupiter the most energetic and expressive planets linked up together in Scorpio, emphasises the partnerships area of your chart. It is worth noting that your personal chart will differ, but from a perspective of simply considering your Sun Sign of Taurus, this denotes a very upbeat, jovial and passionate period between yourself and those closest to you.
As we look forwards to the rest of January, I will look to Juno; the asteroid I am experimentally using as the ruler of Taurus. You will have been told that Taurus is ruled by Venus in the past, but have you noticed this doesn’t quite describe you correctly? Juno relates to enduring love, the kind of earthy grounded devotion which is required for a relationship to last the distance. On this basis, Juno is also about physical nourishment (nutrition and health, and the unconditional self-sacrifice required for true compromise. Over the years there have been many articles based around Juno denoting how one actually loves, (as opposed to Venus – what one looks for aesthetically and Mars- what draws us passionately) Juno is supposed to be about the ingredients required for real, earthy, human based love. Where Juno falls in your chart tells all about what kind of a mate you are actually compatible with, as opposed to the more superficial notion of having ‘a type’.
So on this note I am using Juno as the new ruler of Taurus, having noted how powerfully important the position of this asteroid is in synastry (the astrological study of compatibility between two people’s charts in relationship to one another).
Juno begins 2018 in Aquarius, where it remains until 23rd February. This is the career house from the Taurus Sun perspective and so will feel in effect as if you are, ‘married to your job’ at the beginning of the year. Your commitment to your work will be tested at the beginning of the year, this can apply equally to parenthood for those of you with children. In effect the career house ‘how one is seen in the world’, relates very much to how children view their parents; as for dependants their parents or guardians are, in effect, their world. So equally if your ‘job’ is to be a parent, this will be the main focus of the first 6 weeks of 2018.
The social sphere will take off after the 23rd February as there are more community event and friend get-togethers. Responsibilities have eased off a little and this lighter note will be effect throughout March also, removing a little of the tension from work and bringing a sense of social and environmental conscientiousness to the fore.
A main event to note also is that Saturn moved into Capricorn at the end of December, of note to us all, as Saturn rules Capricorn and will be suitably judicious during it 2.5 year sojourn. This puts an emphasis on studies and travel, though not for pleasure. Saturn is all about gravitas and responsibility, and so whilst thoughts towards higher learning may be of interest, the purpose of study and even travel choices, will be part of a longer term plan, rather than pleasure.
It can also be that expertise you have amassed in any areas over the years could be utilised more effectively during Saturn’s time in Capricorn. If you’ve been considering doing a TEFAL course, or looking into overseas conservation issues now is the time to begin, especially during February and March for the latter.
Uranus is still sitting tight in Aries until May and this may feel as if you have little control on the outer events of your life. Tranquil time is key, we are creating more than we know, but there’s a part of us which is always aware. Tune into this and the world can be your oyster this year!
{If you would like to know more about how Juno affects you and where it falls in your natal chart, contact me at:}

Gemini Sun (also applies to Gemini Rising)
January to March 2018 –
Your ruling planet, Mercury begins the year in your opposite sign of Sagittarius. From a sun sign perspective (your personal chart is likely to be different) this is the house ruling partnership and close associates, so there should be good levels of communication to begin the year.
The Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio which occurred during week 1 was in your 6th House, so focus around day to day domestic duties may have stolen the focus. It’s always a good time of year to think about feng shui, in the aftermath of the most consumerist time of year, bought into by so many, clutter can be a very basic side-effect. The basis of feng shui is entirely logical, we all know that if we are sat with our back to the door there is a slightly uncomfortable feeling when the door opens behind us. Or there is that untidy person who leaves their bag to trip over in the hallway. We all need basic order in our homes with natural light, air clearing plants and natural energy flow from space to space. Gemini is one of the more scatter brained signs and can certainly benefit from a little bit of thought around this area and that of domestic finances and overall health.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on 12th January, linking up with Saturn over the weekend further the practical mindset. This is a time to go out celebrating, Saturn is about structure, planning and establishing oneself in life. Saturn moved into its home sign of Capricorn at the end of December and will remain there for the next 2.5 years, this coming weekend will bring the first psychological acknowledgement of the switch between relationship issues and the practical side of sharing life, resources and energetic space with another. Saturn will be in your solar 8th House for this period (very likely this will be a different place in your personal chart) and will be bringing responsibilities to the fore in the area of planned finances (i.e. pensions, insurance and formal arrangements) as there is always the consideration of loss and fear of change when Saturn associates with this area of the chart. The message of Saturn is, “the more you plan; the less there is to fear” and also, “the harder you work; the greater the reward.”
Mercury moves into Aquarius neatly on the 1st February, gaining speed on Venus, already in Aquarius. These two are going to be moving closer together throughout the month bringing more charisma and creativity to us all. You’ll be in good spirits and the end of last year was a stressful one for Geminis (with Mercury retrograde conjunct Saturn throughout November and December). The raincloud has finally dissipated and it’s time for a bit of relaxation!
Later in February (from 18th) is the perfect time to book a holiday, Mercury will still be hurtling through the zodiac with Venus at the helm. Mercury and Venus are such a congenial pair, and together in Pisces the end of February will be very uplifting. It’s a creative, imaginative and inspiring time, excellent for those who seek romance, so simply wish to bring a little more love and kindness into every day life.
It’s a short trip before Mercury moves into Aries on the 7th March, but long enough for a decent holiday. The rest of March will be more about work and responsibilities and energies will be high (except around the 8th & 9th which will could be quite stressful and any recent mistakes made will come under scrutiny). Uranus has been in your career house now for a few years and this period is set to end in May 2018, so if you do want to bring forth any big changes in situ the end of March will be the time to beginning planning them (although they should be initiated until mid April).
You may be aware that your ruling planet goes into retrograde motion 3 times a year? The 23rd March marks the next period, and is the reflective time. As a Gemini you have a keen, quick intellect, and are not prone to revising or sense-checking your choices. Hence, these Mercury retrograde periods are set aside to ensure that you do spend the time reviewing and refining all that has occurred during the previous 3 months. It may seem frustrating and dull to do so, but without a little introspection and consideration our progress could never be properly directed or appreciated..
{If you would like a deeper view into your personal astrological chart then email me at:}

Cancer Sun (also applies to Cancer Rising)
January to March 2018 –
As mentioned for the other signs there was quite an energetic start to the year with the most expressive fiery planets; Mars and Jupiter meeting up in Scorpio. This was a harmonious energy from one water sign to another and so hopefully your year got off to a very positive beginning.
Currently brought back down to earth this week by the Sun and Venus both lingering around Saturn which has recently moved into Capricorn your opposite sign.
You may well find that your natal chart does not show this as your 7th House (unless you have Cancer Rising) however as this is written from the perspective of the Sun sign the area of your chart currently under the spotlight is that of partnerships. Saturn entered Capricorn, the sign it rules, at the end of December and will remain here for the next 2.5 years bringing a serious tone to relationships. Those of you already in a long term relationship will be considering formalising this, and for those of you who aren’t you will likely be looking for a partner with whom you can settle down.
Saturn isn’t in any way romantic or whimsical, so the considerations will have a practical and financial concern. The New Moon on 19th January at 28 Capricorn further emphasises this point, although as it forms a harsh angle to Uranus which doesn’t bode well for formalised plans, in the fact the contrary could be the case and it’s possible some Cancerians will terminate less fulfilling relationships at this point, or indeed find that their partner decides they want out!
The Lunar Eclipse on 31st January will fall in Leo and, as always with eclipses, will be powerful. Especially for those who have a personal planet at around 11 Leo. On a general note this falls in the 2nd House for the Cancer Sun sign. The 2nd House is concerned with how we primarily relate the physical world, and so it rules feelings, sensory perceptions, and all that we own. Possessions and finances are involved with this house and there could be changes in this area of your life around this time. Perhaps you will decide to divide up resources, or changes your income stream, refurbish your home, or start looking after your body in a more nourishing way. Whilst this all sounds positive, do note that eclipses are to do with endings. There could be some need to let go of something or someone in your life around this time.
This is followed up by the partial solar eclipse on 15th February in Aquarius, which probably won’t create the most romantic backdrop for this years’ Valentine’s Day (although since this day always puzzlingly falls in one of the least romantic signs of the zodiac, this is frequently the case!). Again there is a sense of letting go and in some ways a connection to finances. Look within. Have you outgrown certain areas of your life? Is it time to move on, or declutter your life (physically or metaphorically)? Cancerians are known for being adverse to change, but in life we often find it a whole lot easier to follow choices that we have made ourselves, than those that are forced upon us.
There is a supportive backdrop with Jupiter remaining in Scorpio mid-late Summer and Neptune moving through Pisces, both very sympathetic fellow water signs. Uranus in Aries has brought a little chaos of late but soon (May 2018) that too will be moving into a sign that resonates more easily with your own.
Later born Cancerians will find this a more complex period with both Uranus and Pluto causing consternation and confusion on many levels, early Cancerians will be feeling the force of Saturn opposing your Sun and the hard work and pressure which are inevitable; whether due to successful endeavours, or due to having to make up for times where you have previously lacked initiative and application.
For March the full Moon at the beginning on the 2nd will bring a more harmonious and relaxed energy, as you find yourself feeling more connected to your surroundings and more interested in connecting and communicating with friends.
If you need to get away then the New Moon in 17th March in your 9th House of travel and further learning bodes well. Note that with Mercury retrograde at this time extra planning and attention may be required, but so long as you double-check everything this shouldn’t be too much of an issue and this year has not begun as simply as you hoped. Maybe mark the Spring Solstice on 21st March as your new start instead, as Mars bringing fresh energy into Capricorn gives you drive and pizazz you have been waiting for.
{if you would like to know more about how Saturn and Pluto in your opposite sign are affecting you, email me at:}
The Month ends with Mars in Capricorn from the 18th and this will bring great energy resources. Mars is exalted (performs at its best) in Capricorn and if you want to get a lot done, this is the time to do so. With Mercury turning retrograde on 21st March, planning is the practical choice until mid-April where you have a clear 4 weeks in which to implement all of your best laid plans! This will be a very productive Spring for Aries, but a note to those born in early Aries that the stresses of Saturn in Capricorn throwing a difficult angle to your Sun cannot be ignored. You will have to work harder to prove yourself, but knowledge really *is* power and the key to Saturn is to be conscientious, studious and to allow these qualities to reign whilst they must. All will bear fruit in the long run.
To add in a note to Juno (as promised), this purposeful little asteroid will be moving though Aquarius throughout January and February bringing great social times and some convivial meet-ups with friends. As it steps into Pisces for March this will be a good time to be more aware of ones intuitive connections with others and to look at the unseen communications that occur every day without us even noticing mostly. You know how when you suddenly stare at somebody they almost always turn and look at you? Imagine how much we could use this kind of energy emitting from our eyes and aura if we actually honed it? Test it out a little this March, see if it works for you.
{if you’d like to hear more about Uranus in Aries and how it is and has affected your life over the last few years, then do contact me for a reading:}

Taurus Sun (also applies to Taurus Rising)
January to March 2018 –
For Taurus the high octane start to 2018; with Mars and Jupiter the most energetic and expressive planets linked up together in Scorpio, emphasises the partnerships area of your chart. It is worth noting that your personal chart will differ, but from a perspective of simply considering your Sun Sign of Taurus, this denotes a very upbeat, jovial and passionate period between yourself and those closest to you.
As we look forwards to the rest of January, I will look to Juno; the asteroid I am experimentally using as the ruler of Taurus. You will have been told that Taurus is ruled by Venus in the past, but have you noticed this doesn’t quite describe you correctly? Juno relates to enduring love, the kind of earthy grounded devotion which is required for a relationship to last the distance. On this basis, Juno is also about physical nourishment (nutrition and health, and the unconditional self-sacrifice required for true compromise. Over the years there have been many articles based around Juno denoting how one actually loves, (as opposed to Venus – what one looks for aesthetically and Mars- what draws us passionately) Juno is supposed to be about the ingredients required for real, earthy, human based love. Where Juno falls in your chart tells all about what kind of a mate you are actually compatible with, as opposed to the more superficial notion of having ‘a type’.
So on this note I am using Juno as the new ruler of Taurus, having noted how powerfully important the position of this asteroid is in synastry (the astrological study of compatibility between two people’s charts in relationship to one another).
Juno begins 2018 in Aquarius, where it remains until 23rd February. This is the career house from the Taurus Sun perspective and so will feel in effect as if you are, ‘married to your job’ at the beginning of the year. Your commitment to your work will be tested at the beginning of the year, this can apply equally to parenthood for those of you with children. In effect the career house ‘how one is seen in the world’, relates very much to how children view their parents; as for dependants their parents or guardians are, in effect, their world. So equally if your ‘job’ is to be a parent, this will be the main focus of the first 6 weeks of 2018.
The social sphere will take off after the 23rd February as there are more community event and friend get-togethers. Responsibilities have eased off a little and this lighter note will be effect throughout March also, removing a little of the tension from work and bringing a sense of social and environmental conscientiousness to the fore.
A main event to note also is that Saturn moved into Capricorn at the end of December, of note to us all, as Saturn rules Capricorn and will be suitably judicious during it 2.5 year sojourn. This puts an emphasis on studies and travel, though not for pleasure. Saturn is all about gravitas and responsibility, and so whilst thoughts towards higher learning may be of interest, the purpose of study and even travel choices, will be part of a longer term plan, rather than pleasure.
It can also be that expertise you have amassed in any areas over the years could be utilised more effectively during Saturn’s time in Capricorn. If you’ve been considering doing a TEFAL course, or looking into overseas conservation issues now is the time to begin, especially during February and March for the latter.
Uranus is still sitting tight in Aries until May and this may feel as if you have little control on the outer events of your life. Tranquil time is key, we are creating more than we know, but there’s a part of us which is always aware. Tune into this and the world can be your oyster this year!
{If you would like to know more about how Juno affects you and where it falls in your natal chart, contact me at:}

Gemini Sun (also applies to Gemini Rising)
January to March 2018 –
Your ruling planet, Mercury begins the year in your opposite sign of Sagittarius. From a sun sign perspective (your personal chart is likely to be different) this is the house ruling partnership and close associates, so there should be good levels of communication to begin the year.
The Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio which occurred during week 1 was in your 6th House, so focus around day to day domestic duties may have stolen the focus. It’s always a good time of year to think about feng shui, in the aftermath of the most consumerist time of year, bought into by so many, clutter can be a very basic side-effect. The basis of feng shui is entirely logical, we all know that if we are sat with our back to the door there is a slightly uncomfortable feeling when the door opens behind us. Or there is that untidy person who leaves their bag to trip over in the hallway. We all need basic order in our homes with natural light, air clearing plants and natural energy flow from space to space. Gemini is one of the more scatter brained signs and can certainly benefit from a little bit of thought around this area and that of domestic finances and overall health.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on 12th January, linking up with Saturn over the weekend further the practical mindset. This is a time to go out celebrating, Saturn is about structure, planning and establishing oneself in life. Saturn moved into its home sign of Capricorn at the end of December and will remain there for the next 2.5 years, this coming weekend will bring the first psychological acknowledgement of the switch between relationship issues and the practical side of sharing life, resources and energetic space with another. Saturn will be in your solar 8th House for this period (very likely this will be a different place in your personal chart) and will be bringing responsibilities to the fore in the area of planned finances (i.e. pensions, insurance and formal arrangements) as there is always the consideration of loss and fear of change when Saturn associates with this area of the chart. The message of Saturn is, “the more you plan; the less there is to fear” and also, “the harder you work; the greater the reward.”
Mercury moves into Aquarius neatly on the 1st February, gaining speed on Venus, already in Aquarius. These two are going to be moving closer together throughout the month bringing more charisma and creativity to us all. You’ll be in good spirits and the end of last year was a stressful one for Geminis (with Mercury retrograde conjunct Saturn throughout November and December). The raincloud has finally dissipated and it’s time for a bit of relaxation!
Later in February (from 18th) is the perfect time to book a holiday, Mercury will still be hurtling through the zodiac with Venus at the helm. Mercury and Venus are such a congenial pair, and together in Pisces the end of February will be very uplifting. It’s a creative, imaginative and inspiring time, excellent for those who seek romance, so simply wish to bring a little more love and kindness into every day life.
It’s a short trip before Mercury moves into Aries on the 7th March, but long enough for a decent holiday. The rest of March will be more about work and responsibilities and energies will be high (except around the 8th & 9th which will could be quite stressful and any recent mistakes made will come under scrutiny). Uranus has been in your career house now for a few years and this period is set to end in May 2018, so if you do want to bring forth any big changes in situ the end of March will be the time to beginning planning them (although they should be initiated until mid April).
You may be aware that your ruling planet goes into retrograde motion 3 times a year? The 23rd March marks the next period, and is the reflective time. As a Gemini you have a keen, quick intellect, and are not prone to revising or sense-checking your choices. Hence, these Mercury retrograde periods are set aside to ensure that you do spend the time reviewing and refining all that has occurred during the previous 3 months. It may seem frustrating and dull to do so, but without a little introspection and consideration our progress could never be properly directed or appreciated..
{If you would like a deeper view into your personal astrological chart then email me at:}

Cancer Sun (also applies to Cancer Rising)
January to March 2018 –
As mentioned for the other signs there was quite an energetic start to the year with the most expressive fiery planets; Mars and Jupiter meeting up in Scorpio. This was a harmonious energy from one water sign to another and so hopefully your year got off to a very positive beginning.
Currently brought back down to earth this week by the Sun and Venus both lingering around Saturn which has recently moved into Capricorn your opposite sign.
You may well find that your natal chart does not show this as your 7th House (unless you have Cancer Rising) however as this is written from the perspective of the Sun sign the area of your chart currently under the spotlight is that of partnerships. Saturn entered Capricorn, the sign it rules, at the end of December and will remain here for the next 2.5 years bringing a serious tone to relationships. Those of you already in a long term relationship will be considering formalising this, and for those of you who aren’t you will likely be looking for a partner with whom you can settle down.
Saturn isn’t in any way romantic or whimsical, so the considerations will have a practical and financial concern. The New Moon on 19th January at 28 Capricorn further emphasises this point, although as it forms a harsh angle to Uranus which doesn’t bode well for formalised plans, in the fact the contrary could be the case and it’s possible some Cancerians will terminate less fulfilling relationships at this point, or indeed find that their partner decides they want out!
The Lunar Eclipse on 31st January will fall in Leo and, as always with eclipses, will be powerful. Especially for those who have a personal planet at around 11 Leo. On a general note this falls in the 2nd House for the Cancer Sun sign. The 2nd House is concerned with how we primarily relate the physical world, and so it rules feelings, sensory perceptions, and all that we own. Possessions and finances are involved with this house and there could be changes in this area of your life around this time. Perhaps you will decide to divide up resources, or changes your income stream, refurbish your home, or start looking after your body in a more nourishing way. Whilst this all sounds positive, do note that eclipses are to do with endings. There could be some need to let go of something or someone in your life around this time.
This is followed up by the partial solar eclipse on 15th February in Aquarius, which probably won’t create the most romantic backdrop for this years’ Valentine’s Day (although since this day always puzzlingly falls in one of the least romantic signs of the zodiac, this is frequently the case!). Again there is a sense of letting go and in some ways a connection to finances. Look within. Have you outgrown certain areas of your life? Is it time to move on, or declutter your life (physically or metaphorically)? Cancerians are known for being adverse to change, but in life we often find it a whole lot easier to follow choices that we have made ourselves, than those that are forced upon us.
There is a supportive backdrop with Jupiter remaining in Scorpio mid-late Summer and Neptune moving through Pisces, both very sympathetic fellow water signs. Uranus in Aries has brought a little chaos of late but soon (May 2018) that too will be moving into a sign that resonates more easily with your own.
Later born Cancerians will find this a more complex period with both Uranus and Pluto causing consternation and confusion on many levels, early Cancerians will be feeling the force of Saturn opposing your Sun and the hard work and pressure which are inevitable; whether due to successful endeavours, or due to having to make up for times where you have previously lacked initiative and application.
For March the full Moon at the beginning on the 2nd will bring a more harmonious and relaxed energy, as you find yourself feeling more connected to your surroundings and more interested in connecting and communicating with friends.
If you need to get away then the New Moon in 17th March in your 9th House of travel and further learning bodes well. Note that with Mercury retrograde at this time extra planning and attention may be required, but so long as you double-check everything this shouldn’t be too much of an issue and this year has not begun as simply as you hoped. Maybe mark the Spring Solstice on 21st March as your new start instead, as Mars bringing fresh energy into Capricorn gives you drive and pizazz you have been waiting for.
{if you would like to know more about how Saturn and Pluto in your opposite sign are affecting you, email me at:}
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