The total lunar eclipse on 27th July 2018 marks the beginning of a rollercoaster of change and intensity.
Since 27th June this year we have been in a Mars Retrograde period which has forced us all to slow down, look within and deal with unresolved issues from the past. Whereas a Mercury retrograde period will affect technology, communication, transport (and traffic) and force to revise our thoughts and ideas, Mars is quite different.
During Mars retrograde we have to look at the make up of our egos. In a sense you could bring it down to the basics by saying love vs fear. We all need our ego to remind us to have boundaries and a sense of self in the modern world, but when the ego takes control in any area of the personality it often loses touch with the true soul purpose.
We can always get back to our inner truths by focusing on being love centred and working on our self love, but this requires regular mindfulness and meditation. In reality most of us start to attach with certain elements of fear/ego driven behaviours and focal points through habit and influence.
The lunar eclipse on 27th July 2018 marks the almost exact midpoint of the Mars retrograde period (which completes on 28th August at 28 Capricorn) and it also falls within one degree of Mars which will be at 4 Aquarius at this point. Those of you born between 21st and 27th January will feel this eclipse very personally, along with those of you who have a birthday around this time (meaning your Leo Sun is affected personally also).
As this Moon-Mars opposite Sun configuration is also very close to an exact square from Uranus in Taurus there could be some very surprise events occur at this point. Whenever Uranus comes into the mix we have to allow for the unexpected as it rules; revolution, rebellion, change and the unexpected. There is always a spark of genius and humour with Uranus though, this doesn't bring foreboding change, rather changes which uplift. It's those who follow routine and order who are upset by Uranus, but on a higher level it naturally brings about its own sense of order. For those of you who have worked with Cosmic ordering, you will be aware that Uranus is the ignition that you can use to help you bring about big changes in focal areas of manifestation.
So, whilst this eclipse may bring about change that appears to be unwarranted, it can also be used as an impetus to help create what you really want in your lives. Mars retrograde has being showing us where our egos have been holding us back, tripping us up and clouding our inspiration. Meditating on this full moon can help hone this energy to clear out old behavioural patterns, fears and other blockages in a ~conscious~ manner, to begin to prepare for a very exciting and productive Autumn.
Mercury will turn retrograde the day before this eclipse, so looking inward will continue to be the theme for the coming weeks. Introspection is key, try not to have too many distinct plans at this time, they will fall through. With the Uranus aspect to this full moon and both Mercury and Mars retrograde, going with the flow and learning to surrender control will definitely make life a lot easier. Trying to control anything (or anyone!) at this time will create arguments, anger, conflict and further delays.
Anyone with planets around 2 degrees of any of the signs will feel the complications in early August. With Chiron at 2 Aries, Saturn moving back from 3 to 2 Capricorn, Mars passing 2 Aquarius and Uranus at 2 Taurus, and stationing retrograde here for almost 3 months, there is a lot of activity. This is personal, there are big changes to any planets at this position, all will be in the crossfire of complicated and supportive aspects.
Do you have any planets at 2 degrees of the signs? Would you like me to take a look at how the current planetary positions can be used for growth, rather than angst? Contact me at:
Since 27th June this year we have been in a Mars Retrograde period which has forced us all to slow down, look within and deal with unresolved issues from the past. Whereas a Mercury retrograde period will affect technology, communication, transport (and traffic) and force to revise our thoughts and ideas, Mars is quite different.
During Mars retrograde we have to look at the make up of our egos. In a sense you could bring it down to the basics by saying love vs fear. We all need our ego to remind us to have boundaries and a sense of self in the modern world, but when the ego takes control in any area of the personality it often loses touch with the true soul purpose.
We can always get back to our inner truths by focusing on being love centred and working on our self love, but this requires regular mindfulness and meditation. In reality most of us start to attach with certain elements of fear/ego driven behaviours and focal points through habit and influence.
The lunar eclipse on 27th July 2018 marks the almost exact midpoint of the Mars retrograde period (which completes on 28th August at 28 Capricorn) and it also falls within one degree of Mars which will be at 4 Aquarius at this point. Those of you born between 21st and 27th January will feel this eclipse very personally, along with those of you who have a birthday around this time (meaning your Leo Sun is affected personally also).
As this Moon-Mars opposite Sun configuration is also very close to an exact square from Uranus in Taurus there could be some very surprise events occur at this point. Whenever Uranus comes into the mix we have to allow for the unexpected as it rules; revolution, rebellion, change and the unexpected. There is always a spark of genius and humour with Uranus though, this doesn't bring foreboding change, rather changes which uplift. It's those who follow routine and order who are upset by Uranus, but on a higher level it naturally brings about its own sense of order. For those of you who have worked with Cosmic ordering, you will be aware that Uranus is the ignition that you can use to help you bring about big changes in focal areas of manifestation.
So, whilst this eclipse may bring about change that appears to be unwarranted, it can also be used as an impetus to help create what you really want in your lives. Mars retrograde has being showing us where our egos have been holding us back, tripping us up and clouding our inspiration. Meditating on this full moon can help hone this energy to clear out old behavioural patterns, fears and other blockages in a ~conscious~ manner, to begin to prepare for a very exciting and productive Autumn.
Mercury will turn retrograde the day before this eclipse, so looking inward will continue to be the theme for the coming weeks. Introspection is key, try not to have too many distinct plans at this time, they will fall through. With the Uranus aspect to this full moon and both Mercury and Mars retrograde, going with the flow and learning to surrender control will definitely make life a lot easier. Trying to control anything (or anyone!) at this time will create arguments, anger, conflict and further delays.
Anyone with planets around 2 degrees of any of the signs will feel the complications in early August. With Chiron at 2 Aries, Saturn moving back from 3 to 2 Capricorn, Mars passing 2 Aquarius and Uranus at 2 Taurus, and stationing retrograde here for almost 3 months, there is a lot of activity. This is personal, there are big changes to any planets at this position, all will be in the crossfire of complicated and supportive aspects.
Do you have any planets at 2 degrees of the signs? Would you like me to take a look at how the current planetary positions can be used for growth, rather than angst? Contact me at:
The next Eclipse is a solar eclipse and will take place on 11th August 2018 at 18'41 Leo, so this will affect those with a birthday around this time and also those born from around 4th to 8th February, 9th to 13th November and 7th to 12th May the most.
Mercury is in on the act here, and sat close to the new Moon (conjunction of Sun and Moon) Eclipse point, as if to reiterate the reminder that Mars made during the previous eclipse. Mercury isn't quite at the middle point of its retrograde cycle, but it seems to want to affirm the messenger's messages to us by highlighting its journey backwards through Leo. An edgy aspect to Pluto shows again that trying to rise above controlling behaviour is one of this Summer's underlying growth points.
Whether we are looking at the hierarchical societal structures which trap and confine us, or the oppressive hand to mouth existence of living in debt that so many find ourselves in; these kinds of themes may loom over us oppressively at this point. Or perhaps we are being shown our own fear-based behaviours which cause us to stay stuck in patterns which do not suit us, or interactions with others which have gotten into loops of control drama and stagnation.
All of these themes will be poignantly exposed during the middle of August. Where the eclipse falls in your own personal chart will show more about how/what and where. The chances are you will already have a fairly good idea of what makes you feel suppressed and confined in your life at the moment. Things only reach a head when we have out grown them, or have ignored their negative influence for long enough for intervention to become necessary.
It's important to try to look at these times as growth periods, rather that resisting and fighting the patterns of nature, it is better to yield and allow change. Often the difficult times are where we clear out all the blockages so that the magic and joy can follow.
The heaviness of these themes does indicate some political and social flux too, things will seems unsettled overall during August. The weak spot at 2 degrees of the signs will impact wherever it falls. I'm not an astrologer who works with the charts of countries but if I was I would mention that the great instability of the UK at the moment is due to Pluto being opposite the Moon of the UK chart and having recently crossed the Sun in the chart also chart!
{For details:}
By the end of August things will look very different for us all. This is going to be a complicated month, but it is also an adventure, a learning curve and a great opportunity to grow. Those who have had ideas and projects that have been neglected recently may well suddenly find the time to go back to these. The great thing about retrograde periods, is that it's excellent for study, revising previous projects and completing them properly and it's also an opportunity to have a rest and really catch up on leisure time.
It may be a complex period emotionally, but it will also be one that can be regenerative and restorative. For some this will be a very healing experience, others will need to go through and unblock a fair few areas in order to allow the healing, but it's worth doing so.
September will feel like a new year, enjoy the hot Summer of growth in the meantime.
Mercury is in on the act here, and sat close to the new Moon (conjunction of Sun and Moon) Eclipse point, as if to reiterate the reminder that Mars made during the previous eclipse. Mercury isn't quite at the middle point of its retrograde cycle, but it seems to want to affirm the messenger's messages to us by highlighting its journey backwards through Leo. An edgy aspect to Pluto shows again that trying to rise above controlling behaviour is one of this Summer's underlying growth points.
Whether we are looking at the hierarchical societal structures which trap and confine us, or the oppressive hand to mouth existence of living in debt that so many find ourselves in; these kinds of themes may loom over us oppressively at this point. Or perhaps we are being shown our own fear-based behaviours which cause us to stay stuck in patterns which do not suit us, or interactions with others which have gotten into loops of control drama and stagnation.
All of these themes will be poignantly exposed during the middle of August. Where the eclipse falls in your own personal chart will show more about how/what and where. The chances are you will already have a fairly good idea of what makes you feel suppressed and confined in your life at the moment. Things only reach a head when we have out grown them, or have ignored their negative influence for long enough for intervention to become necessary.
It's important to try to look at these times as growth periods, rather that resisting and fighting the patterns of nature, it is better to yield and allow change. Often the difficult times are where we clear out all the blockages so that the magic and joy can follow.
The heaviness of these themes does indicate some political and social flux too, things will seems unsettled overall during August. The weak spot at 2 degrees of the signs will impact wherever it falls. I'm not an astrologer who works with the charts of countries but if I was I would mention that the great instability of the UK at the moment is due to Pluto being opposite the Moon of the UK chart and having recently crossed the Sun in the chart also chart!
{For details:}
By the end of August things will look very different for us all. This is going to be a complicated month, but it is also an adventure, a learning curve and a great opportunity to grow. Those who have had ideas and projects that have been neglected recently may well suddenly find the time to go back to these. The great thing about retrograde periods, is that it's excellent for study, revising previous projects and completing them properly and it's also an opportunity to have a rest and really catch up on leisure time.
It may be a complex period emotionally, but it will also be one that can be regenerative and restorative. For some this will be a very healing experience, others will need to go through and unblock a fair few areas in order to allow the healing, but it's worth doing so.
September will feel like a new year, enjoy the hot Summer of growth in the meantime.
Shalom and blessings~~~ WaxyJo
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