The year begins on a sombre tone, celebrations will be tamer and less elaborate than usual. There may be some how can ignore the Sun meeting up with Saturn from 1st to 3rd January, in fact indulging in excess is possibly only way to avoid it. So, those prone to extremes, may be more so, but overall most will have their eye on the year ahead, with the consideration of how to make it a productive and successful one.
It could be my own eyes, from my environment, but it seemed that 2018 was a particularly difficult year for most. Whether we can consider that to be a result of both Saturn and Pluto being in Capricorn, and the fact that Chiron in early Aries was having a little show down with Saturn for a large part of the year, it's hard to say. Maybe having 6 months of the year taken down by inner planet retrogrades; with Venus and Mars adding to Mercury's regular backward parade, also played a large part in slowing down progress and enjoyment for many.
{PS – if any of you really loved 2018 and had a great year, I would be very interested to hear about it – please do email me at:}
The first Eclipse of the year will be at 1:29am on Sunday 6th January – as always it will effect those with a birthday falling around this date the most, or those whose birthday is at the opposite end of the zodiac; around 8th July (give or take a couple of days either side). The is a New Moon eclipse and a partial Solar Eclipse (mostly visible in Russia) which signifies new beginnings.
This will be a very interesting year for those who have planets affected by 15'25º Capricorn, particularly those who begin their year at this time (if your birthday is around 6th January).
The Sun and Moon fall close to Saturn at 12º Capricorn and close enough to Pluto at 20º Capricorn, this is, in effect a taste of what is to come later, as these planets dancer closer together and then step apart once more. They don't actually meet up in the sky until year 2020 and it's fair to expect all manner of change when they do.
As this particular eclipse links up the chasm between them in the sky, there will be a sense of change in the air. A nice aspect to Neptune in Pisces softens the energy and gives a kind of ambitious flavour to the week. Although there is a feeling that fate and destiny are irrevocable forces, Neptune brings the potential for dreams, creativity and the imagination to provide an uplifting outlet. When WW2 broke Saturn and Pluto were in an exact aspect – a hard square – those who lived through this time will talk about how this time brought out the best in people though too.
In a world which has been racing into a materialistic, technological age, in which the rich and poor divide is once more becoming more pronounced, something does need to give. There are all manner of possible eventualities and ways that big changes are due over the next 2 years, but I think there is a sense of inevitability about the fact that they will occur.
The last time Saturn and Pluto met up in this manner; was in 1982 in Libra and I think it's fair to say that this marked the beginning of capitalism as we now know it. The start of 'the throwaway society' when things began to be made with less artistry and integrity, so that they could be more quickly replaced and profited upon. What kind of an era will be see the beginning of 2020? Well I shall look deeper into that later in the year, in the meantime know that the planets show change, but it's the people on the planet who dictate the kinds of change that will occur….
As an interesting side note, the last time Saturn and Pluto met up in the same sign; Capricorn, it was 1518. The treaty of London at this time created a peace union between all the countries in Europe and a promise to defend one another against attacks from other Empires! This time around we have Brexit….
{Do you feel like lots is going on in your life, even though you don't have a birthday at these times? Contact me for a reading. There is a lot going on in the sky, I can help guide you. A simple chart consulation via messenger or skype will cost just £1 per minute. Email me: or visit my page:}
The second January eclipse takes place on Monday 21st January at 5:16am, with the Sun having moved into Aquarius the previous day, this eclipse falls at 0'51 Leo. So all of you Leos who are born on the first day of your sign (over the cusp from Cancer) will definitely feel this quite intensely!
On the plus side, energy will be high during this Full Moon. Venus and Jupiter will be having a jolly old time in Sagittarius, lifting spirits, encouraging the more upbeat and brighter side of life is appreciated. Jupiter is all about fun and laughter on the upside, and congenial, peacemaking Venus does tend to bring out this side in Jupiter, especially whilst traversing through the sign of Sagittarius which Jupiter rules and correlates to.
There is, however also a square to Mars in Aries in the mix here. Now if you wanted to do something daring, random and sporty, this is a great time to most enjoy such an activity. If though, you are in more restrained environment, hoping that disputes don't break out and tempers don't flare….well I'm afraid you'll need to wish hard. Mars is Aries is fast, reactive and armed with great energy and drive. Jupiter in Sagittarius, is over opinionated, zealous and can be quite combative. There is only so much Venus can mitigate with pleasantries when there is a Full Moon in the mix also.
This eclipse could bring about some explosive energy, Uranus about to leave Aries for the final time, may well wish to make it's mark through fire and intensity. It is at a square to the eclipse point and there is a potential for; natural disasters, uprisings and disputes on small and large scales to come about as a result of this eclipse.
It is important to note that eclipses can be activated for up to 6 months before and after their events. Planets touching on the areas in the sky where the eclipse falls at all time in coming months, could re-activate them. So, for this one in particular, when Mars makes a square to the 0'51 Leo point from 0'51 Taurus, we could find that all that I cited above is reactivated for a day or so. Sometimes the reactivation points are stronger, so 15th and 16th February 2019 could be dates to be cautious. Days to lie low, book in a massage, or cosy time this weekend perhaps.
Overall it is rather an intense beginning to the year. The New Year always begins with the Sun in Capricorn but this year, having the two heavy weights (Saturn and Pluto) traversing up and down, activating eclipses and hitting the personal planets makes it all a whole lot more intense.
For those of you who are ambitious and want to make waves in your career, there is a good potential in fact in these areas. Things are a little more rigid and conservative, but hard work is more notably rewarded at this time also.
Jupiter in Sagittarius suggests a more global approach at this time. Travel is not necessary for the world to connect up any more. New areas of commerce and different ways of trading are increasing in popularity and will continue trending when Uranus moves back into Taurus on 6th March 2019. Think outside the box, or if you're more like me ~~~burn the box!
Shalom and blessings~~~~ WaxyJo
It could be my own eyes, from my environment, but it seemed that 2018 was a particularly difficult year for most. Whether we can consider that to be a result of both Saturn and Pluto being in Capricorn, and the fact that Chiron in early Aries was having a little show down with Saturn for a large part of the year, it's hard to say. Maybe having 6 months of the year taken down by inner planet retrogrades; with Venus and Mars adding to Mercury's regular backward parade, also played a large part in slowing down progress and enjoyment for many.
{PS – if any of you really loved 2018 and had a great year, I would be very interested to hear about it – please do email me at:}
The first Eclipse of the year will be at 1:29am on Sunday 6th January – as always it will effect those with a birthday falling around this date the most, or those whose birthday is at the opposite end of the zodiac; around 8th July (give or take a couple of days either side). The is a New Moon eclipse and a partial Solar Eclipse (mostly visible in Russia) which signifies new beginnings.
This will be a very interesting year for those who have planets affected by 15'25º Capricorn, particularly those who begin their year at this time (if your birthday is around 6th January).
The Sun and Moon fall close to Saturn at 12º Capricorn and close enough to Pluto at 20º Capricorn, this is, in effect a taste of what is to come later, as these planets dancer closer together and then step apart once more. They don't actually meet up in the sky until year 2020 and it's fair to expect all manner of change when they do.
As this particular eclipse links up the chasm between them in the sky, there will be a sense of change in the air. A nice aspect to Neptune in Pisces softens the energy and gives a kind of ambitious flavour to the week. Although there is a feeling that fate and destiny are irrevocable forces, Neptune brings the potential for dreams, creativity and the imagination to provide an uplifting outlet. When WW2 broke Saturn and Pluto were in an exact aspect – a hard square – those who lived through this time will talk about how this time brought out the best in people though too.
In a world which has been racing into a materialistic, technological age, in which the rich and poor divide is once more becoming more pronounced, something does need to give. There are all manner of possible eventualities and ways that big changes are due over the next 2 years, but I think there is a sense of inevitability about the fact that they will occur.
The last time Saturn and Pluto met up in this manner; was in 1982 in Libra and I think it's fair to say that this marked the beginning of capitalism as we now know it. The start of 'the throwaway society' when things began to be made with less artistry and integrity, so that they could be more quickly replaced and profited upon. What kind of an era will be see the beginning of 2020? Well I shall look deeper into that later in the year, in the meantime know that the planets show change, but it's the people on the planet who dictate the kinds of change that will occur….
As an interesting side note, the last time Saturn and Pluto met up in the same sign; Capricorn, it was 1518. The treaty of London at this time created a peace union between all the countries in Europe and a promise to defend one another against attacks from other Empires! This time around we have Brexit….
{Do you feel like lots is going on in your life, even though you don't have a birthday at these times? Contact me for a reading. There is a lot going on in the sky, I can help guide you. A simple chart consulation via messenger or skype will cost just £1 per minute. Email me: or visit my page:}
The second January eclipse takes place on Monday 21st January at 5:16am, with the Sun having moved into Aquarius the previous day, this eclipse falls at 0'51 Leo. So all of you Leos who are born on the first day of your sign (over the cusp from Cancer) will definitely feel this quite intensely!
On the plus side, energy will be high during this Full Moon. Venus and Jupiter will be having a jolly old time in Sagittarius, lifting spirits, encouraging the more upbeat and brighter side of life is appreciated. Jupiter is all about fun and laughter on the upside, and congenial, peacemaking Venus does tend to bring out this side in Jupiter, especially whilst traversing through the sign of Sagittarius which Jupiter rules and correlates to.
There is, however also a square to Mars in Aries in the mix here. Now if you wanted to do something daring, random and sporty, this is a great time to most enjoy such an activity. If though, you are in more restrained environment, hoping that disputes don't break out and tempers don't flare….well I'm afraid you'll need to wish hard. Mars is Aries is fast, reactive and armed with great energy and drive. Jupiter in Sagittarius, is over opinionated, zealous and can be quite combative. There is only so much Venus can mitigate with pleasantries when there is a Full Moon in the mix also.
This eclipse could bring about some explosive energy, Uranus about to leave Aries for the final time, may well wish to make it's mark through fire and intensity. It is at a square to the eclipse point and there is a potential for; natural disasters, uprisings and disputes on small and large scales to come about as a result of this eclipse.
It is important to note that eclipses can be activated for up to 6 months before and after their events. Planets touching on the areas in the sky where the eclipse falls at all time in coming months, could re-activate them. So, for this one in particular, when Mars makes a square to the 0'51 Leo point from 0'51 Taurus, we could find that all that I cited above is reactivated for a day or so. Sometimes the reactivation points are stronger, so 15th and 16th February 2019 could be dates to be cautious. Days to lie low, book in a massage, or cosy time this weekend perhaps.
Overall it is rather an intense beginning to the year. The New Year always begins with the Sun in Capricorn but this year, having the two heavy weights (Saturn and Pluto) traversing up and down, activating eclipses and hitting the personal planets makes it all a whole lot more intense.
For those of you who are ambitious and want to make waves in your career, there is a good potential in fact in these areas. Things are a little more rigid and conservative, but hard work is more notably rewarded at this time also.
Jupiter in Sagittarius suggests a more global approach at this time. Travel is not necessary for the world to connect up any more. New areas of commerce and different ways of trading are increasing in popularity and will continue trending when Uranus moves back into Taurus on 6th March 2019. Think outside the box, or if you're more like me ~~~burn the box!
Shalom and blessings~~~~ WaxyJo
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