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Thursday, 13 October 2016

Full Moon at 23'14 Aries, 15th October 2016

The forthcoming full moon occurs at 5:23am in the UK, on Sunday 15th October, give the Saturday night prior an excellent upbeat flavour of lunacy. 

Exact at 23’14 Aries and closely conjunct Uranus 22’25 Aries, this looks to be a very high energy full moon, with a much needed boost of liberated, free-spirited expressiveness promised. 

As the first sign of the zodiac; Aries is the initiator, the fearless youth, the relentless and ruthless ramrodding ram.  There’s nothing tentative about Aries, and nothing preconceived either; for this reason it can be recognised as one of those honest and forthright signs and this full moon may uncover a few festering truths.

 There’s no doubt that this year has been a complex one; both politically and financially and in some way we’ve all been dragged into the furore.  As previously mentioned, this has been largely down the backdrop of Saturn square Neptune, which was been creating a division between conforming and creativity; conservatism and idealism; facts and the unfathomable.  These two planets stand for diversely different principles; not even opposing ones, which can provide some common ground at least.  What they are about simply cannot co-exist; it is said that somebody born with a configuration of this sort (Saturn square Neptune, Saturn opposite Neptune or even Saturn conjunct Neptune) is more likely to develop arthritis in later life; as the skeleton (ruled by Saturn) can be weakened by the planet of dissolution and fluidity; Neptune!  Compare this metaphor to any area of life and an illustration of 2016 starts to appear.

There is always something to learn of course and from this, the lesson is in not being extreme.  By taking ‘sides’ or seeing the world in ‘black and white’ we miss out on the beauty of other dimensions and complexities.  If living in the more Saturn way and focusing upon; earnings, status, building for the future, following the rules, considering how others view you, then you may forget that we are all just cells vibrating, that our bodies are mostly water and our hearts all beat in the same way.  On the other side, if you live in the Neptune extreme and exist only to escape all that is tangible, then you can equally miss out on the beauty of connectivity, cause and effect and how our worlds actually link together in the physical.  A successful (fully experienced) life will incorporate both of these principles and recognise the validity in all that exists. 

We, as humans have decided that the world exists of rights and wrongs, good and bad, happy and sad.  The Universe itself has no bias; and all that exists simply resonates with all that is similar.  Put simply; like attracts like and energy vibrations around us will match the energy vibrations within us. 

The squabbling square between Saturn and Neptune has brought to the fore a great deal of diversity awareness.  Many people seem to be trying to decide between one thing and another; the whole of America is caught up in this theatrical him versus her propaganda competition, perfectly illustrating how easy it is to rouse the public into a clear cut; two-sided division.  Certainly, many of our fables, movies and games still centre on the simplicity of the ‘goodie’ and the ‘baddie’, the right and the wrong.  All a hangover from the religion dominated dogma days.  Humans have not evolved beyond this mentality; media is the new God. 

A little off topic, but an important aside I feel.  As the Saturn-Neptune square continues to dissipate, it’s important it leaves a little legacy of wisdom its wake.  Many believe that life is about finding happiness, I believe it is about growth and authenticity; neither of which are purveyors of joy in a world where repetition is recognised more than ingenuity. 

I’m hoping the Full Moon starts to bring a little of the latter to the forefront again as Uranus; ruler of ideas, freedom, invention and revolution is given a voice once more.  There will be more struggles however as Mars creeps closer to Pluto in Capricorn and brings conflict and subversion into the spotlight also.  This will be close during the Full Moon and is due to be exact on 19th – 20th October.  Mars and Pluto together are very passionate also, so physical conflict can be a result but it’s also a very sexually potent combination.  Mars is at its best in Capricorn, where it is now, and so for better or worse, people are more sure of themselves, clearer in opinions and higher in energy.  Directed energy can be a great thing, or can lead to confrontations, it is at least, expressive and the week following the Full Moon will not be a quiet one.

Adding to the passionate mix; the art and love planet Venus still in Scorpio, meets up with the asteroid Juno, which is all destiny and allegedly in the natal chart shows up as a representation of the ‘perfect partner’.  Certainly Venus and Juno meeting up in Scorpio will encourage people to be seeking compatibility and deeper connections. 

It is a week where it would be easier to find a new relationship, but with Uranus so majorly prominent it would have to be one where freedom and self-expression is factored in strongly.  Also passions could run a little too high in a relationship beginning with a Mars-Pluto conjunction, both individuals would need be very expressive, energetic and be comfortable with the ensuing conflict which is an inevitable by-product of such a combination.

As Jupiter races through Libra and triggers of the Saturn-Neptune square, we will find a lot of behind the scenes information starts to be revealed towards the end of the month.  This will be compounded by the Scorpio New Moon which will be on Halloween for the first time since 1997!  More about that closer to the time…

In the meantime wishing you all a wild, wonderful and expressive Full Moon weekend!
Witchy blessings~~~~~ ♥

I am beginning work on 2017 forecasts now, if you would like to order one as a gift, or for yourself I can offer them at the reduced rate of £60 (just for the remainder of this month).  

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