Sagittarius Sun (also applies to Sagittarius Rising)
January to March 2018 –
The year began with Mars joining your ruling planet, Jupiter in Scorpio. This had an energising effect, giving you more desire to celebrate than you've probably had for a while, peaking on 7th January.
It has been a strange few months for Sagittarius, writing on the basis of your Sun sign (your own personal chart is likely to differ) your ruling planet, Jupiter has been in your solar 12th House since mid-October. This brings a feeling of being a little 'in the dark' and not so much in control as you would usually like to be. Your dreams have probably been more vivid and prophetic, but your daily life a little less predictable and congenial. I can only recommend using this time, until Jupiter moves into Sagittarius in November, to learn to meditate and co-ordinate your life using your intuition, more than you would usually be comfortable to do. Life is all about adapting and learning new ways to function.
For a comparative you can always look back 12 years, Jupiter takes a year to move through each sign, so you will experience trends in 12 year cycles. Often retrospective knowledge of the self, is far more helpful than anything anybody else can provide for you.
At the end of December Saturn moved out of your sign (finally) and into Capricorn, where it will remain for the next 2.5 years. Whilst this is probably a great relief in some respects, there is also the feeling of, “what now?” With the pressure removed and less need to work extra hard, you will still be adjusting to having more time. If you can set time aside to indulge more in the senses; appreciating taste, touch, feel, go for a massage now and again, savour some of your favourite foods and wines, then this January will be a lovely time for you.
There may be some financial concerns which go along with this switch in focus. Rather than worrying, putting more definitive financial plans in order would be a better use of this time. The New Moon on 17th January is a good time to consider this in more detail' so that you have a set plan, rather than a period of insecurity which Saturn is in Capricorn.
On 31st January the first eclipse of the year is a lunar one (equal to a full Moon) and will fall in Leo. This is the part of your chart which looks at higher learning, philosophical and religious concerns, global issues and travel. Eclipses are also about endings and letting go, so perhaps you will be revising some of your long-held opinions at this time, or begin to lose faith in something that you've believed in a little too easily and lightly.
As Mars will already be in Sagittarius from 27th January through to 18th March you will be feeling livelier, focused and that indomitable positive life force that Sagittarius is best known for, will once again be apparent.
With Mercury and Venus moving alongside one another in Aquarius for the first half of February, all feels good with the locals and congeniality should reign during this time. The partial solar Eclipse on 15th February could portent some great social gatherings, of neighbours and friends. It could be a leaving party, as eclipses do often signify endings, but there will be a good overall feeling.
On 2nd March there will be a full Moon in Virgo, and this will put an emphasis on career issues. Anything that's been neglected or half done work-wise will need to have extra care and attention at this time. It's not a problem, Mars will give you the get up and go to achieve whatever you need to.
Through to mid-March you will be wanting to get out and about more. Through the 2nd half of February there was more of a desire to stay home, conserve finances and indulge in a few intellectual pursuits. From mid-late March that creative and expressive side of you will be coming to the fore again. As Venus links up with Uranus the planet of change, inventiveness, and revolution in the most expressive and romantic part of your chart, single Sagittarians are likely to meet very exciting and interesting potentials mates; whereas settled Sagittarians will want to be more dramatic, creative and fun loving personally. March will be an enjoyable month for you Sagittarius, it's fine to take some time to relax (now) before the fun starts!
{if you would like to know more about Jupiter in Scorpio falls in your personal, natal chart, contact me at:}
Capricorn Sun (also applies to Capricorn Rising)
January to March 2018 –
This year has begun on quite a social note for Capricorns, not know for your gregariousness generally; with Mars and Jupiter hanging out together in the Scorpio you will have probably had a fair few invitations to begin your year.
Working from the Sun sign only (your personal chart will display different houses most likely) Scorpio features as your 11th House which is about friends, community, conservation and environmental concerns. Jupiter will continue to emphasise this part of your chart until it moves into Sagittarius, come October 2018.
In late December Saturn, your ruler, moved into Capricorn and will remain in situ for another 2.5 years approximately. This is big news, as Saturn rules all that is constructive, worked for, planned and co-ordinated. There will be a knock on effect upon everybody; as hard work, conservative values (is that an oxymoron?) and planning become a prime focus. Of course these are all qualities you embody and know how to moderate in equal doses.
Those of you born in early Capricorn (up to the end of December) will be feeling Saturn transiting your Sun through the early part of 2018. Accustomed as you are to the qualities of Saturn, it still can bring a fair amount of pressure with it when it reaches your Sun. It may seem that you have to work twice as hard to reach the same achievements, like running up a hill, exertion will be doubled. Overall we do tend to reap the rewards of Saturn, after the event, so even if it seems you are being pushed by others and not appreciated try not to worry too much about that. Put the effort in, focus on the tasks in hand and rewards and recognition will follow...eventually.
The new Moon in your sign on 17th January is at 28 Capricorn and is throwing a square to chaotic Uranus. Those of you born in the last 6 days of Capricorn (14th to 21st January) will be currently experiencing the chaos and excitement of Uranus square your Sun, just as you did at the end of 2017. Make the most of it, whilst Uranus may not be a welcome spanner in the works to a grounded Capricorn, it does enhance ideas, creativity and coincidence. Most of the great successful business people give a nod to intuition and gut feeling; it's often the added magic which creates the notable recognition in life. A great idea plus hard work = a decent level of success, but add in a little intuition and you have recipe for true success.
Sparks of genius will never come in the guise of that which we can control or predict. Ideas which come to you around the time of this new Moon should be noted and considered.
On 31st January the first of this years' eclipse takes place as a lunar one in Leo. This may well call you to let go of something or someone to whom you've become rather unnaturally attached. The solar 8th House shows an area of your life where you give yourself away to others, whether through sexual relationship, shared finances, or through the trust and sacrifice required by compromise in a relationship. Perhaps you will need to make another sacrifice at this time, or learn more about how transient and changeable life really is. It can be all too easy to form attachments in life, but fear of losing something or someone does not indicate value or purpose.
Pluto has been in your sign for a while and for those of you born between 8th to 13th January will be noticing a lot of personal changes in your life. Depending upon how and where your Sun falls in your chart, there will be some very intense times of self awareness, for better and for worse. This is not an easy time by any means, but it's helping you to recognise who you really and how powerful you can actually be. Of course all false ideas of yourself may be lost in this process and that can be tough.
In early February it would be a good time to take a little time out, go to a spa, take a short trip away. Finances look okay and with Saturn in Capricorn demanding more focus from you, time out is ever important to your overall health, especially around 15th February when the partial solar eclipses occurs in Aquarius.
You may be feeling a little burned out still in March and until Mars moves into your sign on 18th March, it is a good idea to take it easy and try to get as much down time outside of your work hours as you can. The new Moon proceeding Mars' ingress into your sign on 17th March will begin a livelier more sociable period for you. Fun times with friends will be appreciated and overall mental energy will be more upbeat and expressive.
Mercury moves into retrograde motion on 23rd March, so communication will be less clear from this point and niggles in the home, computers and transport are far more likely. Try to be patient, you will be powerful as Mars moves up to reach Saturn in Capricorn but you may also be scary and rather difficult to please. Own your power, but do remember to be gentle!
{if you would like to know how Saturn and/or Pluto conjunct your Sun is and has been affecting you, contact me at:}

Aquarius Sun (also applies to Aquarius Rising)
January to March 2018 –
The year began with Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio edging closer to one another and connecting exactly on 7th January. For Aquarius this is the solar 10th House (note that this will likely be a different place and emphasis in your personal chart) highlighting ones' social status, career direction and how we generally present ourselves in the world at large. As Mars and Jupiter are both energetic fire planets, both bring ideas, gravitas and inspirations for how you would like to make waves in the world at large this year. Staring as it did amidst a fresh wave of energy, for once, this new year actually felt like the beginning of a year.
The first new Moon of the month will be on 17th January, falling in the dark side of your solar chart, being as it is, in the last few degrees before the Sun moves into Aquarius. Do you have unfinished business, are there loose ends to tie up before your solar new year begins? Background work may be required at this time, you don't want to begin the year with mental or physical clutter.
The Lunar Eclipse on 31st January may bring some more clues, as it brings partnerships and how we interrelate with those closest to us into the focus. Are you fully appreciated for who you truly are Aquarius? One of the most difficult aspects of being Aquarius, is that you are loathe to speak up and state your own needs and wants. This can be particularly troublesome in partnerships and is often the reason that Aquarians are regarded as aloof and distant. Actually it is because you need time to regenerate and focus upon yourself again, in a world of people making demands upon your time, thoughts, energy and good nature. It's okay to let go of those who don't fully respect you, you won't even miss them. It's just very difficult to tell them, I know.
Juno the asteroid of commitment and long-term love, will be in Aquarius for all of January and February and there will be thoughts about long-term relationships and how best to work with them. Aquarius is not a very romantic or needy sign, but it's actually on of the most faithful and loyal once it commits, so it doesn't ever do so lightly. The sign (in your full personal chart) that Juno falls in, tells more about what you need to feel committed to another and how trust can be built enough for you to allow another person into your emotional world. This will form a backdrop of your Jan-Feb experience.
Early February starts with a lovely set up of Sun, Mercury and Venus all happily moving through your sign and bringing upbeat energy and conviviality into the mix. Mars in compatible Sagittarius will be adding it's own explorations and liveliness; as a result your social life should be quite upbeat and fun. For once this year will provide suitable celebratory conditions to fully enjoy your solar return!
Uranus is still in Aries and for late Aquarians; sending a neat sextile to your Sun. Enjoy it, it will never be in this part of your chart again, in your lifetime! Your ruling planet of chaos and rebellion is a little more explosive and impatient in Aries, but it does bring initiative and great enthusiasm to ideas. It won't be quite so dynamic when it moves into Taurus in May, so if you need to be inventive and make sure you fully scope out your latest inventions, try to do so during the early part of the year. Planning will be possible with Uranus in Taurus, but ideas will be less dynamic and spontaneous.
Your annual new Moon will fall on 15th February, and as always, this will herald the Chinese New Year. It will also be a partial solar eclipse, so whilst making a wish and beginning a new project is just as (even more) important, there be a need to sacrifice a little something in order to do so. Eclipses are always about endings and letting go of something, even the solar ones. This is time to plan to be, do, or express a part of yourself that you have been neglecting for a long time, but you may need to give up some less useful habit(s) as a result. Never take the easy route, it's only the brave path which leads to wonderful discoveries. The road less travelled always bears the undiscovered fruits and rewards.
Venus in Pisces from 19th February will take you out of the spotlight and put a consideration towards looking after yourself and your finances a little more. You've probably been attracting a lot of attention between late January and mid-February and may be quite happy to be able to sink back into the background and spend a little more time indulging in the senses. Taste, smell and touch can be very intoxicating and enjoyable. When the new Moon in Pisces follows on 17th March this emphasis will be embellished and enhanced once more.
In the meantime, March will be a relaxed month. Communications with others are good, ideas are flowing. Venus is moving closer to meeting up with ruler, Uranus towards the end of the month and bringing thoughts to overseas travel, higher learning and even whether or not teaching is something to be considered at some point in the future (for those who are already teachers, perhaps you will be considering broadening your subject base or refining an area of your knowledge).
Mercury will move into retrograde motion on 23rd March and communications will be less clear and effective at this point. Often Mercury retrograde helps us to consider other methods of transport, and forms of communication and interaction with others. Rather than being frustrated by that which isn't working, Aquarius will often be the first to see the validity in using methods which are less relied upon. Maybe it's a good time to hand write a letter to somebody, or spend a little more time learning about body language and all of the other layers of interaction that go on. How do animals communicate with us and each other?
{If you'd like to know more about where Juno falls in your chart and how this could help you to open up more easily in relationships then you can email me at:}

Pisces Sun (also applies to Pisces Rising)
January to March 2018 –
You'll feel like you want to be far away from civilisation at the beginning of 2018, regardless that everybody around you is a more genuinely upbeat frame of mind, you will still wish you were trekking through the Amazonian jungles, or swimming with turtles in a tropical sea.
Chances are though, the trips will be confined to your own imaginative inner world and you will left to contend with the actual community you live in and the friends that you share all that with.
Working with Pisces Sun and so using solar houses (most personal charts will differ from this) the transgression of Saturn from Sagittarius to Capricorn in late December has removed a little bit of pressure for you Pisces. Focusing as it was on your career, status, standing in the world and in some cases simply how you, if a parent, are viewed by your children. Now your social groups, community issues, conservation and to some extent charitable organisations are where you will need to express your focus. Pisces usually cares deeply about conserving nature and the environment, along with the protection of humans and other animals. Saturn in this solar house assist you in fitting your ideals into a more constructive plan now and for the next 2.5 years!
Kicking off, so to speak with a new Moon in Capricorn on 17th January, if you do wish to dedicate a portion of your focus towards some community or charitable concerns, then this is a great day to set the wheels in motion and make a declaration. (The Universe will pay heed)
The first of 2018's eclipses occurs on 31st January, as a full Moon in Leo. A area of your chart associated with domestic and day to day concerns, with a sign not so well suited to the task. You may feel like making a grandiose gesture towards refining your home, changing your diet or better planning your finances. An Eclipse is not a typical full Moon however and often portends endings alongside the energetic peak associated with the average full Moon. There may be a sense of loss felt at this time, whether for something actual, or simply a nostalgic metaphysical notion. As you know Pisces, perception is the real truth and if you can experience it through the senses and feelings, it doesn't matter whether it is deemed to 'exist', or can be tangibly proven. It is still real, if you experience it. That is enough truth.
February brings with it a strong Aquarius spirit, not just from the Sun but also Mercury, Venus and Juno are present there. As your solar 12th House, this marks a retreat time for you. As you are not necessarily the most sociable sign and quite often more comfortable in your dream world than that place other people call home, this isn't entirely unwelcome and the new Moon on 15th February may be great for visually based ideas, creative expansion and vivid dreams. If you don't already partake, this would be a good time to take up meditation or any kind of practise which involves momentary prescience and clear mindedness.
With Venus and Mercury happily floating through Pisces at the end of February and slowly meeting up in early March you should feel quite a positive burst of energy at the full Moon on 2nd March. The closer this is to your birthday, the more it will be felt, and also always it's a great time to start something new, something creatively fulfilling would be best for you right now Pisces.
Pisces whose birthdays are between 1st to 5th March will even more aware of the intoxicating creative, but slightly spaced out presence of Neptune's proximity to your Sun. As it is your ruler you are more than willing to welcome the creativity enhancement which a Neptune transit portends, the real issue is to try to keep a foot in the practical world too. To not lose sight of what is required for everyday life and existence.
Late Pisceans have been dealing with Chiron for a while and will have felt more emotional than creative of late. Chiron can bring up a lot of sorrow and painful issues and the new Moon in 17th March will exacerbate these emotional experiences. The aftermath of feeling the vulnerability of Chiron is increased kindness, compassion and desire to heal the self and others also. It's what makes humanity wonderful and Chiron rules our relationship with animals, which is why are companions are so important when we feel that the 'real' world is a pit of snakes writhing in its own insurmountable selfishness.
The month will end with a Mercury retrograde beginning on 23rd March bringing misunderstandings and fogginess to those who like everything to be perfectly planned and co-ordinated at all times (don't laugh, I know this isn't you!). The Sun when it moves into Aries will bring some tension to the building conjunction between Mars and Saturn in Capricorn (culminating at the end of the month). This will add to the frustrations of those who like to be in control. Sit back and be your gentle intuitive self Pisces, you will be the solace in the storm!
{if you would like to learn more about your creativity and how to use Neptune in Pisces fully, contact me at:}
January to March 2018 –
The year began with Mars joining your ruling planet, Jupiter in Scorpio. This had an energising effect, giving you more desire to celebrate than you've probably had for a while, peaking on 7th January.
It has been a strange few months for Sagittarius, writing on the basis of your Sun sign (your own personal chart is likely to differ) your ruling planet, Jupiter has been in your solar 12th House since mid-October. This brings a feeling of being a little 'in the dark' and not so much in control as you would usually like to be. Your dreams have probably been more vivid and prophetic, but your daily life a little less predictable and congenial. I can only recommend using this time, until Jupiter moves into Sagittarius in November, to learn to meditate and co-ordinate your life using your intuition, more than you would usually be comfortable to do. Life is all about adapting and learning new ways to function.
For a comparative you can always look back 12 years, Jupiter takes a year to move through each sign, so you will experience trends in 12 year cycles. Often retrospective knowledge of the self, is far more helpful than anything anybody else can provide for you.
At the end of December Saturn moved out of your sign (finally) and into Capricorn, where it will remain for the next 2.5 years. Whilst this is probably a great relief in some respects, there is also the feeling of, “what now?” With the pressure removed and less need to work extra hard, you will still be adjusting to having more time. If you can set time aside to indulge more in the senses; appreciating taste, touch, feel, go for a massage now and again, savour some of your favourite foods and wines, then this January will be a lovely time for you.
There may be some financial concerns which go along with this switch in focus. Rather than worrying, putting more definitive financial plans in order would be a better use of this time. The New Moon on 17th January is a good time to consider this in more detail' so that you have a set plan, rather than a period of insecurity which Saturn is in Capricorn.
On 31st January the first eclipse of the year is a lunar one (equal to a full Moon) and will fall in Leo. This is the part of your chart which looks at higher learning, philosophical and religious concerns, global issues and travel. Eclipses are also about endings and letting go, so perhaps you will be revising some of your long-held opinions at this time, or begin to lose faith in something that you've believed in a little too easily and lightly.
As Mars will already be in Sagittarius from 27th January through to 18th March you will be feeling livelier, focused and that indomitable positive life force that Sagittarius is best known for, will once again be apparent.
With Mercury and Venus moving alongside one another in Aquarius for the first half of February, all feels good with the locals and congeniality should reign during this time. The partial solar Eclipse on 15th February could portent some great social gatherings, of neighbours and friends. It could be a leaving party, as eclipses do often signify endings, but there will be a good overall feeling.
On 2nd March there will be a full Moon in Virgo, and this will put an emphasis on career issues. Anything that's been neglected or half done work-wise will need to have extra care and attention at this time. It's not a problem, Mars will give you the get up and go to achieve whatever you need to.
Through to mid-March you will be wanting to get out and about more. Through the 2nd half of February there was more of a desire to stay home, conserve finances and indulge in a few intellectual pursuits. From mid-late March that creative and expressive side of you will be coming to the fore again. As Venus links up with Uranus the planet of change, inventiveness, and revolution in the most expressive and romantic part of your chart, single Sagittarians are likely to meet very exciting and interesting potentials mates; whereas settled Sagittarians will want to be more dramatic, creative and fun loving personally. March will be an enjoyable month for you Sagittarius, it's fine to take some time to relax (now) before the fun starts!
{if you would like to know more about Jupiter in Scorpio falls in your personal, natal chart, contact me at:}
Capricorn Sun (also applies to Capricorn Rising)
January to March 2018 –
This year has begun on quite a social note for Capricorns, not know for your gregariousness generally; with Mars and Jupiter hanging out together in the Scorpio you will have probably had a fair few invitations to begin your year.
Working from the Sun sign only (your personal chart will display different houses most likely) Scorpio features as your 11th House which is about friends, community, conservation and environmental concerns. Jupiter will continue to emphasise this part of your chart until it moves into Sagittarius, come October 2018.
In late December Saturn, your ruler, moved into Capricorn and will remain in situ for another 2.5 years approximately. This is big news, as Saturn rules all that is constructive, worked for, planned and co-ordinated. There will be a knock on effect upon everybody; as hard work, conservative values (is that an oxymoron?) and planning become a prime focus. Of course these are all qualities you embody and know how to moderate in equal doses.
Those of you born in early Capricorn (up to the end of December) will be feeling Saturn transiting your Sun through the early part of 2018. Accustomed as you are to the qualities of Saturn, it still can bring a fair amount of pressure with it when it reaches your Sun. It may seem that you have to work twice as hard to reach the same achievements, like running up a hill, exertion will be doubled. Overall we do tend to reap the rewards of Saturn, after the event, so even if it seems you are being pushed by others and not appreciated try not to worry too much about that. Put the effort in, focus on the tasks in hand and rewards and recognition will follow...eventually.
The new Moon in your sign on 17th January is at 28 Capricorn and is throwing a square to chaotic Uranus. Those of you born in the last 6 days of Capricorn (14th to 21st January) will be currently experiencing the chaos and excitement of Uranus square your Sun, just as you did at the end of 2017. Make the most of it, whilst Uranus may not be a welcome spanner in the works to a grounded Capricorn, it does enhance ideas, creativity and coincidence. Most of the great successful business people give a nod to intuition and gut feeling; it's often the added magic which creates the notable recognition in life. A great idea plus hard work = a decent level of success, but add in a little intuition and you have recipe for true success.
Sparks of genius will never come in the guise of that which we can control or predict. Ideas which come to you around the time of this new Moon should be noted and considered.
On 31st January the first of this years' eclipse takes place as a lunar one in Leo. This may well call you to let go of something or someone to whom you've become rather unnaturally attached. The solar 8th House shows an area of your life where you give yourself away to others, whether through sexual relationship, shared finances, or through the trust and sacrifice required by compromise in a relationship. Perhaps you will need to make another sacrifice at this time, or learn more about how transient and changeable life really is. It can be all too easy to form attachments in life, but fear of losing something or someone does not indicate value or purpose.
Pluto has been in your sign for a while and for those of you born between 8th to 13th January will be noticing a lot of personal changes in your life. Depending upon how and where your Sun falls in your chart, there will be some very intense times of self awareness, for better and for worse. This is not an easy time by any means, but it's helping you to recognise who you really and how powerful you can actually be. Of course all false ideas of yourself may be lost in this process and that can be tough.
In early February it would be a good time to take a little time out, go to a spa, take a short trip away. Finances look okay and with Saturn in Capricorn demanding more focus from you, time out is ever important to your overall health, especially around 15th February when the partial solar eclipses occurs in Aquarius.
You may be feeling a little burned out still in March and until Mars moves into your sign on 18th March, it is a good idea to take it easy and try to get as much down time outside of your work hours as you can. The new Moon proceeding Mars' ingress into your sign on 17th March will begin a livelier more sociable period for you. Fun times with friends will be appreciated and overall mental energy will be more upbeat and expressive.
Mercury moves into retrograde motion on 23rd March, so communication will be less clear from this point and niggles in the home, computers and transport are far more likely. Try to be patient, you will be powerful as Mars moves up to reach Saturn in Capricorn but you may also be scary and rather difficult to please. Own your power, but do remember to be gentle!
{if you would like to know how Saturn and/or Pluto conjunct your Sun is and has been affecting you, contact me at:}

Aquarius Sun (also applies to Aquarius Rising)
January to March 2018 –
The year began with Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio edging closer to one another and connecting exactly on 7th January. For Aquarius this is the solar 10th House (note that this will likely be a different place and emphasis in your personal chart) highlighting ones' social status, career direction and how we generally present ourselves in the world at large. As Mars and Jupiter are both energetic fire planets, both bring ideas, gravitas and inspirations for how you would like to make waves in the world at large this year. Staring as it did amidst a fresh wave of energy, for once, this new year actually felt like the beginning of a year.
The first new Moon of the month will be on 17th January, falling in the dark side of your solar chart, being as it is, in the last few degrees before the Sun moves into Aquarius. Do you have unfinished business, are there loose ends to tie up before your solar new year begins? Background work may be required at this time, you don't want to begin the year with mental or physical clutter.
The Lunar Eclipse on 31st January may bring some more clues, as it brings partnerships and how we interrelate with those closest to us into the focus. Are you fully appreciated for who you truly are Aquarius? One of the most difficult aspects of being Aquarius, is that you are loathe to speak up and state your own needs and wants. This can be particularly troublesome in partnerships and is often the reason that Aquarians are regarded as aloof and distant. Actually it is because you need time to regenerate and focus upon yourself again, in a world of people making demands upon your time, thoughts, energy and good nature. It's okay to let go of those who don't fully respect you, you won't even miss them. It's just very difficult to tell them, I know.
Juno the asteroid of commitment and long-term love, will be in Aquarius for all of January and February and there will be thoughts about long-term relationships and how best to work with them. Aquarius is not a very romantic or needy sign, but it's actually on of the most faithful and loyal once it commits, so it doesn't ever do so lightly. The sign (in your full personal chart) that Juno falls in, tells more about what you need to feel committed to another and how trust can be built enough for you to allow another person into your emotional world. This will form a backdrop of your Jan-Feb experience.
Early February starts with a lovely set up of Sun, Mercury and Venus all happily moving through your sign and bringing upbeat energy and conviviality into the mix. Mars in compatible Sagittarius will be adding it's own explorations and liveliness; as a result your social life should be quite upbeat and fun. For once this year will provide suitable celebratory conditions to fully enjoy your solar return!
Uranus is still in Aries and for late Aquarians; sending a neat sextile to your Sun. Enjoy it, it will never be in this part of your chart again, in your lifetime! Your ruling planet of chaos and rebellion is a little more explosive and impatient in Aries, but it does bring initiative and great enthusiasm to ideas. It won't be quite so dynamic when it moves into Taurus in May, so if you need to be inventive and make sure you fully scope out your latest inventions, try to do so during the early part of the year. Planning will be possible with Uranus in Taurus, but ideas will be less dynamic and spontaneous.
Your annual new Moon will fall on 15th February, and as always, this will herald the Chinese New Year. It will also be a partial solar eclipse, so whilst making a wish and beginning a new project is just as (even more) important, there be a need to sacrifice a little something in order to do so. Eclipses are always about endings and letting go of something, even the solar ones. This is time to plan to be, do, or express a part of yourself that you have been neglecting for a long time, but you may need to give up some less useful habit(s) as a result. Never take the easy route, it's only the brave path which leads to wonderful discoveries. The road less travelled always bears the undiscovered fruits and rewards.
Venus in Pisces from 19th February will take you out of the spotlight and put a consideration towards looking after yourself and your finances a little more. You've probably been attracting a lot of attention between late January and mid-February and may be quite happy to be able to sink back into the background and spend a little more time indulging in the senses. Taste, smell and touch can be very intoxicating and enjoyable. When the new Moon in Pisces follows on 17th March this emphasis will be embellished and enhanced once more.
In the meantime, March will be a relaxed month. Communications with others are good, ideas are flowing. Venus is moving closer to meeting up with ruler, Uranus towards the end of the month and bringing thoughts to overseas travel, higher learning and even whether or not teaching is something to be considered at some point in the future (for those who are already teachers, perhaps you will be considering broadening your subject base or refining an area of your knowledge).
Mercury will move into retrograde motion on 23rd March and communications will be less clear and effective at this point. Often Mercury retrograde helps us to consider other methods of transport, and forms of communication and interaction with others. Rather than being frustrated by that which isn't working, Aquarius will often be the first to see the validity in using methods which are less relied upon. Maybe it's a good time to hand write a letter to somebody, or spend a little more time learning about body language and all of the other layers of interaction that go on. How do animals communicate with us and each other?
{If you'd like to know more about where Juno falls in your chart and how this could help you to open up more easily in relationships then you can email me at:}

Pisces Sun (also applies to Pisces Rising)
January to March 2018 –
You'll feel like you want to be far away from civilisation at the beginning of 2018, regardless that everybody around you is a more genuinely upbeat frame of mind, you will still wish you were trekking through the Amazonian jungles, or swimming with turtles in a tropical sea.
Chances are though, the trips will be confined to your own imaginative inner world and you will left to contend with the actual community you live in and the friends that you share all that with.
Working with Pisces Sun and so using solar houses (most personal charts will differ from this) the transgression of Saturn from Sagittarius to Capricorn in late December has removed a little bit of pressure for you Pisces. Focusing as it was on your career, status, standing in the world and in some cases simply how you, if a parent, are viewed by your children. Now your social groups, community issues, conservation and to some extent charitable organisations are where you will need to express your focus. Pisces usually cares deeply about conserving nature and the environment, along with the protection of humans and other animals. Saturn in this solar house assist you in fitting your ideals into a more constructive plan now and for the next 2.5 years!
Kicking off, so to speak with a new Moon in Capricorn on 17th January, if you do wish to dedicate a portion of your focus towards some community or charitable concerns, then this is a great day to set the wheels in motion and make a declaration. (The Universe will pay heed)
The first of 2018's eclipses occurs on 31st January, as a full Moon in Leo. A area of your chart associated with domestic and day to day concerns, with a sign not so well suited to the task. You may feel like making a grandiose gesture towards refining your home, changing your diet or better planning your finances. An Eclipse is not a typical full Moon however and often portends endings alongside the energetic peak associated with the average full Moon. There may be a sense of loss felt at this time, whether for something actual, or simply a nostalgic metaphysical notion. As you know Pisces, perception is the real truth and if you can experience it through the senses and feelings, it doesn't matter whether it is deemed to 'exist', or can be tangibly proven. It is still real, if you experience it. That is enough truth.
February brings with it a strong Aquarius spirit, not just from the Sun but also Mercury, Venus and Juno are present there. As your solar 12th House, this marks a retreat time for you. As you are not necessarily the most sociable sign and quite often more comfortable in your dream world than that place other people call home, this isn't entirely unwelcome and the new Moon on 15th February may be great for visually based ideas, creative expansion and vivid dreams. If you don't already partake, this would be a good time to take up meditation or any kind of practise which involves momentary prescience and clear mindedness.
With Venus and Mercury happily floating through Pisces at the end of February and slowly meeting up in early March you should feel quite a positive burst of energy at the full Moon on 2nd March. The closer this is to your birthday, the more it will be felt, and also always it's a great time to start something new, something creatively fulfilling would be best for you right now Pisces.
Pisces whose birthdays are between 1st to 5th March will even more aware of the intoxicating creative, but slightly spaced out presence of Neptune's proximity to your Sun. As it is your ruler you are more than willing to welcome the creativity enhancement which a Neptune transit portends, the real issue is to try to keep a foot in the practical world too. To not lose sight of what is required for everyday life and existence.
Late Pisceans have been dealing with Chiron for a while and will have felt more emotional than creative of late. Chiron can bring up a lot of sorrow and painful issues and the new Moon in 17th March will exacerbate these emotional experiences. The aftermath of feeling the vulnerability of Chiron is increased kindness, compassion and desire to heal the self and others also. It's what makes humanity wonderful and Chiron rules our relationship with animals, which is why are companions are so important when we feel that the 'real' world is a pit of snakes writhing in its own insurmountable selfishness.
The month will end with a Mercury retrograde beginning on 23rd March bringing misunderstandings and fogginess to those who like everything to be perfectly planned and co-ordinated at all times (don't laugh, I know this isn't you!). The Sun when it moves into Aries will bring some tension to the building conjunction between Mars and Saturn in Capricorn (culminating at the end of the month). This will add to the frustrations of those who like to be in control. Sit back and be your gentle intuitive self Pisces, you will be the solace in the storm!
{if you would like to learn more about your creativity and how to use Neptune in Pisces fully, contact me at:}
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