Leo Sun (also applies to Leo Rising)
January to March 2018 –
Leo is the only sign whose ruling planet is predictably in the same part of the sky every year. Solar ruled as you are, there is a level of predictability to which parts of your life are highlighted from month to month. Perhaps that adds to the sense of self Leos are so famous for?
The year begins, as always with the Sun in Capricorn, moving through your 8th House, an introspective house by all accounts. (Please note this is written from the perspective of Sun in Leo but is unlikely to reflect the houses in your own personal chart).
There is however a great desire to be socialising and communicating with as many people as Jupiter and Mars; fellow fire ruling planets, meet up in your 3rd House which also connects to your local environment, neighbourhood and imaginative pursuits.
The new Moon on 19th January re-emphasises the 8th house focus however and energies will be re-directed towards passions and what we share with others. Whilst the 8th relates to resources and finances it is inextricable linked to ‘the other’ and how integrating our lives with people affects us on all levels, not just physically but energetically. Do the closest people in your life add to your energy, or do they sap it at times?
Right after the new Moon the Sun will move into your 7th House of partnerships, joining Juno which is also present in Aquarius until the end of February. If single you will be thinking about meeting a partner, it’s a lull at this time of year for Leos. Most of you are built for the Summer and a more social sphere, so this is the time of year when you want to find a mate and be more laid back and conservative. Do note though that the Lunar Eclipse on 31st January will fall in your own sign and major compromise may be required in order to achieve what you wish. Leos born around 1-5th August will feel this the most, as it is a full eclipse at 11ยบ and will signify ‘endings’ in the area of your life it touches.
The partial solar eclipse on 15th February casts a shadow over Valentine’s day and gregarious gestures may not feel so appropriate and tensions in personal relationships become more apparent. It’s a learning curve for you at the moment as the transiting nodes through your sign urge you to take a deeper look at yourself, who you are, how you interact and what your life goals actually are. For Leos, often, a positive take on life is enough to manifest a happy enough existence, but nodes mean eclipses and these always force change upon us for better or for worse (in the short term, in the longer term change is always necessary and for good).
Saturn’s recent shift into Capricorn brings the day to day concerns of how you are organising yourself, your life, your health and your home. These rudimentary concerns generally belong to the domain of Virgo but as your adjacent sign many Leos will have Virgo affiliations and are well suited to this 2.5 year period of Saturn’s passage through the solar 6th House. It’s a time when hard work will pay off, and exercise regimes will have a notable effect.
For the later Leos the ending of Uranus’ transit through Aries will be notable, as it sends your Sun a harmonious burst of creative activity. Later born Leos will already have felt this throughout 2017 and most likely welcome the increased creativity and spontaneity that Uranus adds to the mix. Come May the chaotic planet will be floating through your career house, where it is not so comfortable, so make the most of your frivolous inclinations during this time.
The full Moon on 2nd March will bring to the fore that which you own and are responsible, considerations of that which is yours and that which is another’s will be a focal point in March as the New Moon the 17th March will fall close to Chiron in Pisces. A lot of us seek comfort in others as a way to not look at ourselves or have to think of life as a personal journey. Sometimes we end up surrounded by people who don’t resonate with us, simply as a preferred alternative to loneliness. There is a sense of having to weigh up who and what in your life is actually working for you at this time. I sense that 2018 has begun with an unusually serious tone for many of you but any time spend looking at who you really are will be so healthy in the long run.
March is also a good time to physically de-clutter your life. Throw out anything you no longer need or use, have a spring clean, start afresh. This year is a time of change but so long as you look after your basic needs the changes can be fabulous!
{if you would like to know where the Lunar Eclipse in Leo falls in your chart then email me at: waxlobster@hotmail.com}
Virgo Sun (also applies to Virgo Rising)
January to March 2018 –
The year begins with a lovely meeting between energising planets Mars and Jupiter, moving together through your solar 3rd house of communication (do note that the houses in your personal chart will mostly likely be different). This helps you begin the idea with ideas and inspiration, shortly followed by a week featuring the Sun and Venus being tracked by Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn moved into its 'home' sign of Capricorn in late December and will remain in situ for around 2.5 years, which will actually work very well for Virgos.
With Capricorn being a fellow earth sign, you will benefit from the trine from Saturn which will affect you at different times, depending upon when you were born. Those Virgos who were born in August will feel this support Saturn energy between now and the end of March. Saturn is the taskmaster; and celebrates commitment, constructive planning and hard work. Effectively, using Capricorn as your solar 5th House, we are looking at areas of creativity and that connected with performance, drama, dance, children and all forms of expressive of art. Saturn here will show you how to have discipline and practise can have a freeing impact upon these kinds of pursuits.
Later Virgos will be feeling less supported as Chiron, your ruling planet opposes the position of your Sun. Those born between 17th-22nd September in particular will be aware of this year (and the last 6 months of 2017) being quite a learning curve. Whilst Chiron your ruler is about healing, understanding vulnerability and reaching out to others with passion. It also does give a feeling of isolation and a keen empathy for others' suffering, whether on a small scale, or on a much larger one. The positive upside is that Virgos are often drawn to 'make a difference' and direct their work towards the betterment of mankind. Late Virgos will be considering how to integrate this kind of empathic consciousness into their daily lives at this time, most likely as a result of recognising some of their own personal sorrows.
Key dates throughout this period are 14th and 26th January, 7th February & 4th March, all dates highlighing a cycle between Venus and Chiron and bring ideas for how to bring kindness and healing to others.
There will be a full lunar eclipse on 31st January in Leo, the solar 12th House. This could bring interesting dreams, and memories of childhood. It would be helpful to meditate on anything which comes up at this time, the 12th house is concerned with the unconscious mind and can give clues as to what deep programming may be holding us back and blocking our progress in life. Eclipses are about endings, so awareness could be helpful, as otherwise changes could be very unexpected at this time.
The Partial solar eclipse on 15th February will bring domestic concerns to the fore. This is a good time to rearrange furniture, organise finances or begin a new health regime. The 6th House correlates naturally to Virgo and so this Aquarius New Moon is always a good time for Virgos, and the beginning of the Chinese New year also.
The Full Moon on 2nd March will bring a peak of productivity, as it will be in your own sign of Virgo. Fall at 10 degrees those born around 3rd September will be affected most, but use the energy to finish projects and make the most of the energy burst. Mercury will move into retrograde motion on 23rd March so these 3 weeks at the start of the month will be the most productive of the period for Virgos.
Furthermore, the new Moon on 17th March falling in the house of partnerships will start to put the emphasis more firmly upon the 'other'. Those closest to you may have wishes to state at this point, as the sign most likely to be of service to others, you do have the tendency to be very receptive to the wishes and needs of those close to you. Unlike Pisces, your opposite sign, you will do so wordlessly and gracefully for a while until it becomes too much. Again, late Virgos are more likely to be prone to this cycle at this time with Chiron in opposition to your Sun currently and with this new Moon falling very close to this point. It's okay to state you *own* wishes from time to time Virgo. There will be many people feeling vulnerable at this time and potentially asking for your help, try not to give more than you have.
Remember that Saturn in Capricorn is the beginning of a supportive, productive and very strong time for Virgos and whilst this year won't necessarily be smooth sailing, you will feel grounded, capable and equipped to deal with anything that is thrown at you during this time.
{if you'd like to know where Saturn falls in your personal chart and when it will be trine your own Sun position email me at: waxlobster@hotmail.com}

Libra Sun (also applies to Libra Rising)
January to March 2018 –
2018 begins with Venus in Capricorn, and forming a nice conjunction to the Sun in the first few days. This is a nice, harmonious connection in your house of home Libra. (I refer to your solar 4th House, but this may differ in your personal chart).
Saturn recently moved into Capricorn to begin it's 2.5 year visit and whilst the early born Libras may have felt the tension of a difficult angle from Saturn in Capricorn to your own Sun position, there is a natural understanding between Libra and Saturn. Since Saturn is exalted (perform best) in Libra, it can add a sense of clarity and structure to your Sun, which at times can be a known as 'indecisive' and is certainly prone to over-adapting to its surroundings at times.
Capricorn is your solar 4th House and his deals with all things home and family, including how and where you live, your relationship with your family, the type of upbringing you have had and, to some extent, even genetics. So, expect there to be serious considerations around where you live, whether this is financially viable, and purchasing your own property at this time. With Mars & Jupiter in your 2nd House, finances feel unusually robust, despite so many being out of pocket, from having literally 'bought into' the commercialism of December.
The new Moon at the end of Capriorn on 19th January takes place very close to Venus, which has just moved into Aquarius and despite the square to the chaotic planet; Uranus, this is a great time to begin something new, fulfilling and creative. Anything begun on a new Moon is more likely to stand the test of time and since there is still a focus upon home, perhaps a dream board of how, where, and when you would like to change residence could have a powerful manifesting impact.
Venus will remain in Aquarius until 11th February, encouraging a creative, fun and frivolous side to life. Those feeling the Saturn square to their Suns will still be aware of the pressures of having to work extra hard to stay afloat and successful at this time. Mid-later born Libras will be feeling a bit more fun-loving at this time. Late Libras will be experiencing the last of Uranus (ruler of Aquarius, change, chaos, invention) opposing their Suns and this can be both unnerving and exciting. It's a once in a lifetime experience though Libra, so embrace it. Not everything should be predictable or controlled and the best ideas nearly always come from 'out of nowhere'.
This year's first eclipse takes place on 31st January and will be in Leo, reigning in some changes to your social circle. Your solar 11th House is concerned with community and ecological issues, but also friendships and like-minded groups. Since Eclipses to bring 'endings' there could be some notable changes at this time, perhaps by the end of the Summer you will find that your social life has changed altogether. Try not to resist changes, they are there to help us evolve.
Venus in more romantic Pisces from 11th February may feel a little insipid but it's an imaginative time also. Shortly followed by a partial Solar Eclipse on 15th February, this could actually turn out to be quite a romantic time for many Libras. Whilst Aquarius can be deemed as one of the 'colder' signs of the zodiac, for Libra Sun it rules short term romances. Not to say that they remain short-term but this house is about the beginning of relationships when they are just beginning. Single Libras should get out and about on the weekend following this full moon, settled Libras, you have an excuse to be your most schmaltzy and cheesy, something your sign is known for doing best!
A lot of Libras have had a tough run of late with Pluto squaring the Sun and forcing some difficult personal changes upon you. Throughout 2018 those who will be affected will be those born from the 11th to 15th October, those born earlier will already relate to what I'm talking about (although this transit could have ocurred up to 7 years ago for the very early Libras). Depending upon whereabouts in your personal chart Pluto has been, you will have had to let go and probably experience some notable losses and personal changes to your life as a result. The key with this is to recognise that change is inevitable and that the winding, twisting path of life brings us things that we may not welcome but leaves us as stronger, more powerful individuals if we allow ourselves to be grateful rather than resentful when things don't go as planned.
The final new Moon of the winter will be on 17th March and falls in Pisces. This area of the chart is connected with day to day issues but this is a great time to look at starting a new health regime, rearranging ones home, or generally having a spring clean to better enhance personal energy. In fact a lot of March will be about refining and purity ones' self and life, as Venus in the solar 6th House from 11th March will shine a light on all that would usually be associated with Virgo and health. If you take care of yourself in March, Libra, you will have a whole lot more energy to expend when it comes to the Summer months.
{to learn more about how Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are affecting you throughout 2018 contact me at: waxlobster@hotmail.com}

Scorpio Sun (also applies to Scorpio Rising)
January to March 2018 –
In October 2017 uplifting Jupiter entered Scorpio and you've been feeling the benefits ever since. Those born within the first half of the sign in particular, will already have had the planet of luck, fortune, expansion and academic success touching on your natal Sun and giving you an energy boost and optimist that had been sadly lacking for a while.
The year begans with energetic Mars also in Scorpio and sailing through happily alongside Jupiter, meeting up as they did on 7th January. Mars remains in Scorpio until the 27th January (and Jupiter until September 2018) so you will feel a little more vibrant than you usually would during January.
With Saturn now in Capricorn, since its entry in late December, you will have a serious, focussed mindset (writing as I am from the perspective of Sun in Scorpio, do note that your personal chart will likely feature different house emphases). Capricorn is the 3rd solar House and deals with communication, ability to disseminate information, it rules the media and your neighbourhood also. Saturn will bring a serious tone to your thoughts and plans and, since it remains here for 2.5 years, this would be a great time for any of you aspiring writers out there to get started. The thing with Saturn is, it helps to maintain a steady, constructive flow of energy, so if you do begin something based upon Saturn in your 3rd you are far more likely to follow through and finish it.
Scorpio whilst a fixed sign, is not known for its patience; often ahead of the game in terms of awareness intuition, you are frequently more aware of others' motivations and thoughts, sometimes before they are themselves. This ability is often under-used but the new Moon on 17th January is bidding you to look at how you can integrate this ability into your world more effectively.
The following Lunar Eclipse on 31st January will fall in Leo, the sign which for you is connected with career and your standing in the world. Perhaps by better utilising your ability to psychologically understand not only other people, but the framework of the world around us, you could use this eclipse to further your stance career-wise?
Certainly Eclipses bring change and often endings, so areas of your work, or even your parenting (as social standing applies equally to how our children view us) could be adapted and refined at this time, to greater success.
With Jupiter in your sign most changes will be in your favour this year Scorpio, use it to your advantage, plan what you really want to experience in your life and take steps towards to creating that.
Through the first half of February; Mercury and Venus moving hand in hand through Aquarius brings harmony to your home life. Creative changes and warm interactions are well supported, if you'd like to refurbish or beautify your surroundings ideas will be plentiful and finances should be available also, as Venus puts a positive spin on finances in general. Get your paintbrush out, even for a little art therapy, if not to brighten up your environment.
Single Scorpios will find that romance is on the cards for them from 11th February with Venus moving into Pisces, your solar house of romance. Use the weekend following which features a new Moon and partial eclipse, to socialise, house parties hosted by yourself or others, will be particularly fruitful in this regard. The new Moon in Aquarius falls in the 4th House, so an introduction by family or in a residence is likely for those looking to meet somebody. Settled Scorpios, equally can enjoy the romantic haze from the comfort of your own homes. It's good to set an intention with a New Moon and so a little cleansing ritual using white sage, and a nod to basic feng shui, will enhance the efficacy of any energy you send out into the ether.
March continues to be an excellent time for Scorpios looking for love and in general an expressive time where joining a dance class, or learning a musical instrument will be particularly enjoyable. For those who are already creatively advance, do find the time to express this. Neptune in the house of performing arts is very encouraging for Scorpio musicians and dancers, even film makers and actors can benefit from the creatively inspiring Neptune in such a support position.
Those born in mid-Scorpio will be feeling a lovely trine from Neptune this year and it will increase your intuitive capabilities also. If you are beginning a new creative pursuit, you could use the new Moon in Pisces on 17th March to make it a very positive new beginning. Although this New Moon meets up with the wounded healer Chiron and may feel quite emotional, this could add a greater depth to anything you begin.
Mercury will be moving into retrograde motion on 23 March, so this will actually help you to revise and refine anything you begin learning earlier in the month.
{If you'd like to know more about how to utilise your creativity at this time you can contact me at: waxlobster@hotmail.com}
January to March 2018 –
Leo is the only sign whose ruling planet is predictably in the same part of the sky every year. Solar ruled as you are, there is a level of predictability to which parts of your life are highlighted from month to month. Perhaps that adds to the sense of self Leos are so famous for?
The year begins, as always with the Sun in Capricorn, moving through your 8th House, an introspective house by all accounts. (Please note this is written from the perspective of Sun in Leo but is unlikely to reflect the houses in your own personal chart).
There is however a great desire to be socialising and communicating with as many people as Jupiter and Mars; fellow fire ruling planets, meet up in your 3rd House which also connects to your local environment, neighbourhood and imaginative pursuits.
The new Moon on 19th January re-emphasises the 8th house focus however and energies will be re-directed towards passions and what we share with others. Whilst the 8th relates to resources and finances it is inextricable linked to ‘the other’ and how integrating our lives with people affects us on all levels, not just physically but energetically. Do the closest people in your life add to your energy, or do they sap it at times?
Right after the new Moon the Sun will move into your 7th House of partnerships, joining Juno which is also present in Aquarius until the end of February. If single you will be thinking about meeting a partner, it’s a lull at this time of year for Leos. Most of you are built for the Summer and a more social sphere, so this is the time of year when you want to find a mate and be more laid back and conservative. Do note though that the Lunar Eclipse on 31st January will fall in your own sign and major compromise may be required in order to achieve what you wish. Leos born around 1-5th August will feel this the most, as it is a full eclipse at 11ยบ and will signify ‘endings’ in the area of your life it touches.
The partial solar eclipse on 15th February casts a shadow over Valentine’s day and gregarious gestures may not feel so appropriate and tensions in personal relationships become more apparent. It’s a learning curve for you at the moment as the transiting nodes through your sign urge you to take a deeper look at yourself, who you are, how you interact and what your life goals actually are. For Leos, often, a positive take on life is enough to manifest a happy enough existence, but nodes mean eclipses and these always force change upon us for better or for worse (in the short term, in the longer term change is always necessary and for good).
Saturn’s recent shift into Capricorn brings the day to day concerns of how you are organising yourself, your life, your health and your home. These rudimentary concerns generally belong to the domain of Virgo but as your adjacent sign many Leos will have Virgo affiliations and are well suited to this 2.5 year period of Saturn’s passage through the solar 6th House. It’s a time when hard work will pay off, and exercise regimes will have a notable effect.
For the later Leos the ending of Uranus’ transit through Aries will be notable, as it sends your Sun a harmonious burst of creative activity. Later born Leos will already have felt this throughout 2017 and most likely welcome the increased creativity and spontaneity that Uranus adds to the mix. Come May the chaotic planet will be floating through your career house, where it is not so comfortable, so make the most of your frivolous inclinations during this time.
The full Moon on 2nd March will bring to the fore that which you own and are responsible, considerations of that which is yours and that which is another’s will be a focal point in March as the New Moon the 17th March will fall close to Chiron in Pisces. A lot of us seek comfort in others as a way to not look at ourselves or have to think of life as a personal journey. Sometimes we end up surrounded by people who don’t resonate with us, simply as a preferred alternative to loneliness. There is a sense of having to weigh up who and what in your life is actually working for you at this time. I sense that 2018 has begun with an unusually serious tone for many of you but any time spend looking at who you really are will be so healthy in the long run.
March is also a good time to physically de-clutter your life. Throw out anything you no longer need or use, have a spring clean, start afresh. This year is a time of change but so long as you look after your basic needs the changes can be fabulous!
{if you would like to know where the Lunar Eclipse in Leo falls in your chart then email me at: waxlobster@hotmail.com}
January to March 2018 –
The year begins with a lovely meeting between energising planets Mars and Jupiter, moving together through your solar 3rd house of communication (do note that the houses in your personal chart will mostly likely be different). This helps you begin the idea with ideas and inspiration, shortly followed by a week featuring the Sun and Venus being tracked by Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn moved into its 'home' sign of Capricorn in late December and will remain in situ for around 2.5 years, which will actually work very well for Virgos.
With Capricorn being a fellow earth sign, you will benefit from the trine from Saturn which will affect you at different times, depending upon when you were born. Those Virgos who were born in August will feel this support Saturn energy between now and the end of March. Saturn is the taskmaster; and celebrates commitment, constructive planning and hard work. Effectively, using Capricorn as your solar 5th House, we are looking at areas of creativity and that connected with performance, drama, dance, children and all forms of expressive of art. Saturn here will show you how to have discipline and practise can have a freeing impact upon these kinds of pursuits.
Later Virgos will be feeling less supported as Chiron, your ruling planet opposes the position of your Sun. Those born between 17th-22nd September in particular will be aware of this year (and the last 6 months of 2017) being quite a learning curve. Whilst Chiron your ruler is about healing, understanding vulnerability and reaching out to others with passion. It also does give a feeling of isolation and a keen empathy for others' suffering, whether on a small scale, or on a much larger one. The positive upside is that Virgos are often drawn to 'make a difference' and direct their work towards the betterment of mankind. Late Virgos will be considering how to integrate this kind of empathic consciousness into their daily lives at this time, most likely as a result of recognising some of their own personal sorrows.
Key dates throughout this period are 14th and 26th January, 7th February & 4th March, all dates highlighing a cycle between Venus and Chiron and bring ideas for how to bring kindness and healing to others.
There will be a full lunar eclipse on 31st January in Leo, the solar 12th House. This could bring interesting dreams, and memories of childhood. It would be helpful to meditate on anything which comes up at this time, the 12th house is concerned with the unconscious mind and can give clues as to what deep programming may be holding us back and blocking our progress in life. Eclipses are about endings, so awareness could be helpful, as otherwise changes could be very unexpected at this time.
The Partial solar eclipse on 15th February will bring domestic concerns to the fore. This is a good time to rearrange furniture, organise finances or begin a new health regime. The 6th House correlates naturally to Virgo and so this Aquarius New Moon is always a good time for Virgos, and the beginning of the Chinese New year also.
The Full Moon on 2nd March will bring a peak of productivity, as it will be in your own sign of Virgo. Fall at 10 degrees those born around 3rd September will be affected most, but use the energy to finish projects and make the most of the energy burst. Mercury will move into retrograde motion on 23rd March so these 3 weeks at the start of the month will be the most productive of the period for Virgos.
Furthermore, the new Moon on 17th March falling in the house of partnerships will start to put the emphasis more firmly upon the 'other'. Those closest to you may have wishes to state at this point, as the sign most likely to be of service to others, you do have the tendency to be very receptive to the wishes and needs of those close to you. Unlike Pisces, your opposite sign, you will do so wordlessly and gracefully for a while until it becomes too much. Again, late Virgos are more likely to be prone to this cycle at this time with Chiron in opposition to your Sun currently and with this new Moon falling very close to this point. It's okay to state you *own* wishes from time to time Virgo. There will be many people feeling vulnerable at this time and potentially asking for your help, try not to give more than you have.
Remember that Saturn in Capricorn is the beginning of a supportive, productive and very strong time for Virgos and whilst this year won't necessarily be smooth sailing, you will feel grounded, capable and equipped to deal with anything that is thrown at you during this time.
{if you'd like to know where Saturn falls in your personal chart and when it will be trine your own Sun position email me at: waxlobster@hotmail.com}

Libra Sun (also applies to Libra Rising)
January to March 2018 –
2018 begins with Venus in Capricorn, and forming a nice conjunction to the Sun in the first few days. This is a nice, harmonious connection in your house of home Libra. (I refer to your solar 4th House, but this may differ in your personal chart).
Saturn recently moved into Capricorn to begin it's 2.5 year visit and whilst the early born Libras may have felt the tension of a difficult angle from Saturn in Capricorn to your own Sun position, there is a natural understanding between Libra and Saturn. Since Saturn is exalted (perform best) in Libra, it can add a sense of clarity and structure to your Sun, which at times can be a known as 'indecisive' and is certainly prone to over-adapting to its surroundings at times.
Capricorn is your solar 4th House and his deals with all things home and family, including how and where you live, your relationship with your family, the type of upbringing you have had and, to some extent, even genetics. So, expect there to be serious considerations around where you live, whether this is financially viable, and purchasing your own property at this time. With Mars & Jupiter in your 2nd House, finances feel unusually robust, despite so many being out of pocket, from having literally 'bought into' the commercialism of December.
The new Moon at the end of Capriorn on 19th January takes place very close to Venus, which has just moved into Aquarius and despite the square to the chaotic planet; Uranus, this is a great time to begin something new, fulfilling and creative. Anything begun on a new Moon is more likely to stand the test of time and since there is still a focus upon home, perhaps a dream board of how, where, and when you would like to change residence could have a powerful manifesting impact.
Venus will remain in Aquarius until 11th February, encouraging a creative, fun and frivolous side to life. Those feeling the Saturn square to their Suns will still be aware of the pressures of having to work extra hard to stay afloat and successful at this time. Mid-later born Libras will be feeling a bit more fun-loving at this time. Late Libras will be experiencing the last of Uranus (ruler of Aquarius, change, chaos, invention) opposing their Suns and this can be both unnerving and exciting. It's a once in a lifetime experience though Libra, so embrace it. Not everything should be predictable or controlled and the best ideas nearly always come from 'out of nowhere'.
This year's first eclipse takes place on 31st January and will be in Leo, reigning in some changes to your social circle. Your solar 11th House is concerned with community and ecological issues, but also friendships and like-minded groups. Since Eclipses to bring 'endings' there could be some notable changes at this time, perhaps by the end of the Summer you will find that your social life has changed altogether. Try not to resist changes, they are there to help us evolve.
Venus in more romantic Pisces from 11th February may feel a little insipid but it's an imaginative time also. Shortly followed by a partial Solar Eclipse on 15th February, this could actually turn out to be quite a romantic time for many Libras. Whilst Aquarius can be deemed as one of the 'colder' signs of the zodiac, for Libra Sun it rules short term romances. Not to say that they remain short-term but this house is about the beginning of relationships when they are just beginning. Single Libras should get out and about on the weekend following this full moon, settled Libras, you have an excuse to be your most schmaltzy and cheesy, something your sign is known for doing best!
A lot of Libras have had a tough run of late with Pluto squaring the Sun and forcing some difficult personal changes upon you. Throughout 2018 those who will be affected will be those born from the 11th to 15th October, those born earlier will already relate to what I'm talking about (although this transit could have ocurred up to 7 years ago for the very early Libras). Depending upon whereabouts in your personal chart Pluto has been, you will have had to let go and probably experience some notable losses and personal changes to your life as a result. The key with this is to recognise that change is inevitable and that the winding, twisting path of life brings us things that we may not welcome but leaves us as stronger, more powerful individuals if we allow ourselves to be grateful rather than resentful when things don't go as planned.
The final new Moon of the winter will be on 17th March and falls in Pisces. This area of the chart is connected with day to day issues but this is a great time to look at starting a new health regime, rearranging ones home, or generally having a spring clean to better enhance personal energy. In fact a lot of March will be about refining and purity ones' self and life, as Venus in the solar 6th House from 11th March will shine a light on all that would usually be associated with Virgo and health. If you take care of yourself in March, Libra, you will have a whole lot more energy to expend when it comes to the Summer months.
{to learn more about how Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are affecting you throughout 2018 contact me at: waxlobster@hotmail.com}

Scorpio Sun (also applies to Scorpio Rising)
January to March 2018 –
In October 2017 uplifting Jupiter entered Scorpio and you've been feeling the benefits ever since. Those born within the first half of the sign in particular, will already have had the planet of luck, fortune, expansion and academic success touching on your natal Sun and giving you an energy boost and optimist that had been sadly lacking for a while.
The year begans with energetic Mars also in Scorpio and sailing through happily alongside Jupiter, meeting up as they did on 7th January. Mars remains in Scorpio until the 27th January (and Jupiter until September 2018) so you will feel a little more vibrant than you usually would during January.
With Saturn now in Capricorn, since its entry in late December, you will have a serious, focussed mindset (writing as I am from the perspective of Sun in Scorpio, do note that your personal chart will likely feature different house emphases). Capricorn is the 3rd solar House and deals with communication, ability to disseminate information, it rules the media and your neighbourhood also. Saturn will bring a serious tone to your thoughts and plans and, since it remains here for 2.5 years, this would be a great time for any of you aspiring writers out there to get started. The thing with Saturn is, it helps to maintain a steady, constructive flow of energy, so if you do begin something based upon Saturn in your 3rd you are far more likely to follow through and finish it.
Scorpio whilst a fixed sign, is not known for its patience; often ahead of the game in terms of awareness intuition, you are frequently more aware of others' motivations and thoughts, sometimes before they are themselves. This ability is often under-used but the new Moon on 17th January is bidding you to look at how you can integrate this ability into your world more effectively.
The following Lunar Eclipse on 31st January will fall in Leo, the sign which for you is connected with career and your standing in the world. Perhaps by better utilising your ability to psychologically understand not only other people, but the framework of the world around us, you could use this eclipse to further your stance career-wise?
Certainly Eclipses bring change and often endings, so areas of your work, or even your parenting (as social standing applies equally to how our children view us) could be adapted and refined at this time, to greater success.
With Jupiter in your sign most changes will be in your favour this year Scorpio, use it to your advantage, plan what you really want to experience in your life and take steps towards to creating that.
Through the first half of February; Mercury and Venus moving hand in hand through Aquarius brings harmony to your home life. Creative changes and warm interactions are well supported, if you'd like to refurbish or beautify your surroundings ideas will be plentiful and finances should be available also, as Venus puts a positive spin on finances in general. Get your paintbrush out, even for a little art therapy, if not to brighten up your environment.
Single Scorpios will find that romance is on the cards for them from 11th February with Venus moving into Pisces, your solar house of romance. Use the weekend following which features a new Moon and partial eclipse, to socialise, house parties hosted by yourself or others, will be particularly fruitful in this regard. The new Moon in Aquarius falls in the 4th House, so an introduction by family or in a residence is likely for those looking to meet somebody. Settled Scorpios, equally can enjoy the romantic haze from the comfort of your own homes. It's good to set an intention with a New Moon and so a little cleansing ritual using white sage, and a nod to basic feng shui, will enhance the efficacy of any energy you send out into the ether.
March continues to be an excellent time for Scorpios looking for love and in general an expressive time where joining a dance class, or learning a musical instrument will be particularly enjoyable. For those who are already creatively advance, do find the time to express this. Neptune in the house of performing arts is very encouraging for Scorpio musicians and dancers, even film makers and actors can benefit from the creatively inspiring Neptune in such a support position.
Those born in mid-Scorpio will be feeling a lovely trine from Neptune this year and it will increase your intuitive capabilities also. If you are beginning a new creative pursuit, you could use the new Moon in Pisces on 17th March to make it a very positive new beginning. Although this New Moon meets up with the wounded healer Chiron and may feel quite emotional, this could add a greater depth to anything you begin.
Mercury will be moving into retrograde motion on 23 March, so this will actually help you to revise and refine anything you begin learning earlier in the month.
{If you'd like to know more about how to utilise your creativity at this time you can contact me at: waxlobster@hotmail.com}
I don't usually pay much attention to astrology, but being a Virgo born on the 16th of september, that pretty summed me up in so many ways, and life is good right now. I have been on steep learning curve in the past year, actually that has been in my new job where I really to 'make a difference' helping people to make important changes in their lives... I like your page, thanks Paul