At 12:39pm (UK time) on Thursday 8th November Jupiter will move into Sagittarius. The last time Jupiter was in it's home, was 2007, where it was resident for the entire year up to the end of December 2007. Do you remember 2007? There may be similar themes coming up over the next 12 months.
As Jupiter rules Sagittarius it will be felt more powerfully, which can only be a good thing, as it it engenders optimism, good will and positivity, areas which have seemed to be lacking in many of our lives during 2018 so far. Saturn's residency in Capricorn has brought quite a deal of heaviness, even to those to whose personal planets are not directly affected.
This isn't going to change anytime soon unfortunately, as Saturn will remain in situ for a little while yet however despite the fact that it is bringing a sombre tone to proceedings, it is highlighting areas which are outdated and cannot continue to operate as they have in the past. By the time Saturn moves into Aquarius in March 2020 it is fair to say some important political changes will have occurred.
As Jupiter rules Sagittarius it will be felt more powerfully, which can only be a good thing, as it it engenders optimism, good will and positivity, areas which have seemed to be lacking in many of our lives during 2018 so far. Saturn's residency in Capricorn has brought quite a deal of heaviness, even to those to whose personal planets are not directly affected.
This isn't going to change anytime soon unfortunately, as Saturn will remain in situ for a little while yet however despite the fact that it is bringing a sombre tone to proceedings, it is highlighting areas which are outdated and cannot continue to operate as they have in the past. By the time Saturn moves into Aquarius in March 2020 it is fair to say some important political changes will have occurred.
As Sagittarius is a sign which deals with language, travel and culture, there will be some rather interesting emphasis upon these areas in the coming months. Global issues will be in the spotlight and things will, as usual, likely get worse before they get better. Divisions may be more notable and religious contention will be brought into the spotlight once more.
The time that Saturn spend in Sagittarius in recent years, and the issues that came up as a result, will be reconsidered. However, things tend to end on a good note with Jupiter, though known to create excess and expansion wherever it falls, it is a planet which wants to propagate equality and fairness. Although there is an argumentative side to Jupiter, overall judgement is not favoured and the fights created are for peace and the good of humanity.
There will be an upturn in conscientiousness during the next 12 months, the side that is for goodness and equality will start to be backed more avidly. We may even see a better version of politics on our home shores at long last. A great deal of work is needed right now to rectify the damage which has been created in society in the UK (and quite probably many other parts of the world). I have the optimism to believe that Jupiter in Sagittarius will begin those reparations.
To provide a more horoscope style synopsis I have written a little about what to expect for each of the Sun signs during this period running from Thursday 8th November 2018 to Monday 2nd December 2018. Do please note that the write up for your Sun (or star) sign is general, for a reading to find out more about Jupiter in your chart now and when you were born then contact me at:
Sun in Aries,
Jupiter is a compatible planet for you, ruler of fellow fire sign, Sagittarius it embodies all of the traits you would naturally associate with Sagittarius in the chart. Falling in the natural 9th House in your solar chart, Jupiter here is all about travel, exploration, philosophy and beliefs. As an Aries, you not only have the strongest and most vibrant position for the Sun, you also have a natural relationship with all of the planets, so that when they are in their own signs you feel them more strongly than most.
This gives you increased power and this year you will be able to use all of the energy, optimism and 'luck' associated with Jupiter to work in your favour.
Of course 'luck' is what we attract when we are resonating with ourselves and our environment as authentically and as optimistically as possible. This will be a more natural state for you this year Aries. You've had enough of the Scorpio/8th House soul searching and now will have the chance to shine and get out and about more, just as your natural soul energy calls you to.
Sun in Taurus,
If you are a strongly Taurean type you probably won't resonate very easily with Sagittarius as a sign. They can be argumentative, unpredictable and rather flippant for your taste. This will may be an unnerving year for you as a result Taurus, you do like to know where you stand and what to expect and none of this will be quite so clear as you would wish.
With Sagittarius falling as your natural 8th House, you will be digging deeper into your psyche at this time and learning more about your true beliefs and motivations. You may be the kind of Taurus who believes you are a free spirit, and after this year but after this year you will have a far better and richer understanding of what freedom truly is. Sometimes you have to let go of everything to find who you really are, and that can be quite a scary thing to do. Jupiter is upbeat in its manner though and whatever it touches it will expand and uplift, so the learning curve will be easy to yield to, once you've taken the leap of faith required to enjoy this period fully.
Sun in Gemini,
with Jupiter in Sagittarius in your opposite sign, your focus for the next year will be on personal relationship. Fortunately Jupiter brings an uplifting and joyful energy, as well as being a little over zealous and argumentative at times, so the overall experience will be to explore and learn more about yourself as your relate closely with another.
You will attract a positivity in this area of your life, so Geminis not currently involved are likely to meet somebody during this time.
Relationships for this year will help you understand more about what you really believe and assist in you developing a deeper sense of faith and purpose in your life. There will also be a focus on making more time for fun and laughter too though, Jupiter is also the joker and the trickster planet and you share much in common with this more mischievous vibration of this expansive planet.
You may find that you have more time to travel with a partner too, as Jupiter is not only about exploring your inner world, but also rules the desire to witness other ways of life and culture.
Sun in Cancer,
Interestingly Jupiter is exalted (meaning it operates at its best) in Cancer, and so, whilst there may seem to be a little difference between your focus on home and family and the explorative nature of Jupiter, you actually resonate easily with this planet.
During this period Jupiter will be moving through your solar 6th House, casting a focus up on the day to day elements of life. Now, this isn't the most fun or entertaining area of anybody's chart, but on the other hand Jupiter will make it so and, much can be achieved during this time.
The boring bits of life; the housework, the administrative side of things, what you eat and the kind of foods you buy, all of these things come into focus. This is a great year to begin a new, healthier lifestyle; to give up any foods which you know don't suit you, to take up a yoga class to improve your posture and regulate your sleep patterns.
These areas of life can be very enjoyable when approached with zest and enthusiasm and the overall happiness which will be achieved in the long-term will always be retrospectively worthwhile.
The time that Saturn spend in Sagittarius in recent years, and the issues that came up as a result, will be reconsidered. However, things tend to end on a good note with Jupiter, though known to create excess and expansion wherever it falls, it is a planet which wants to propagate equality and fairness. Although there is an argumentative side to Jupiter, overall judgement is not favoured and the fights created are for peace and the good of humanity.
There will be an upturn in conscientiousness during the next 12 months, the side that is for goodness and equality will start to be backed more avidly. We may even see a better version of politics on our home shores at long last. A great deal of work is needed right now to rectify the damage which has been created in society in the UK (and quite probably many other parts of the world). I have the optimism to believe that Jupiter in Sagittarius will begin those reparations.
To provide a more horoscope style synopsis I have written a little about what to expect for each of the Sun signs during this period running from Thursday 8th November 2018 to Monday 2nd December 2018. Do please note that the write up for your Sun (or star) sign is general, for a reading to find out more about Jupiter in your chart now and when you were born then contact me at:
Sun in Aries,
Jupiter is a compatible planet for you, ruler of fellow fire sign, Sagittarius it embodies all of the traits you would naturally associate with Sagittarius in the chart. Falling in the natural 9th House in your solar chart, Jupiter here is all about travel, exploration, philosophy and beliefs. As an Aries, you not only have the strongest and most vibrant position for the Sun, you also have a natural relationship with all of the planets, so that when they are in their own signs you feel them more strongly than most.
This gives you increased power and this year you will be able to use all of the energy, optimism and 'luck' associated with Jupiter to work in your favour.
Of course 'luck' is what we attract when we are resonating with ourselves and our environment as authentically and as optimistically as possible. This will be a more natural state for you this year Aries. You've had enough of the Scorpio/8th House soul searching and now will have the chance to shine and get out and about more, just as your natural soul energy calls you to.
Sun in Taurus,
If you are a strongly Taurean type you probably won't resonate very easily with Sagittarius as a sign. They can be argumentative, unpredictable and rather flippant for your taste. This will may be an unnerving year for you as a result Taurus, you do like to know where you stand and what to expect and none of this will be quite so clear as you would wish.
With Sagittarius falling as your natural 8th House, you will be digging deeper into your psyche at this time and learning more about your true beliefs and motivations. You may be the kind of Taurus who believes you are a free spirit, and after this year but after this year you will have a far better and richer understanding of what freedom truly is. Sometimes you have to let go of everything to find who you really are, and that can be quite a scary thing to do. Jupiter is upbeat in its manner though and whatever it touches it will expand and uplift, so the learning curve will be easy to yield to, once you've taken the leap of faith required to enjoy this period fully.
Sun in Gemini,
with Jupiter in Sagittarius in your opposite sign, your focus for the next year will be on personal relationship. Fortunately Jupiter brings an uplifting and joyful energy, as well as being a little over zealous and argumentative at times, so the overall experience will be to explore and learn more about yourself as your relate closely with another.
You will attract a positivity in this area of your life, so Geminis not currently involved are likely to meet somebody during this time.
Relationships for this year will help you understand more about what you really believe and assist in you developing a deeper sense of faith and purpose in your life. There will also be a focus on making more time for fun and laughter too though, Jupiter is also the joker and the trickster planet and you share much in common with this more mischievous vibration of this expansive planet.
You may find that you have more time to travel with a partner too, as Jupiter is not only about exploring your inner world, but also rules the desire to witness other ways of life and culture.
Sun in Cancer,
Interestingly Jupiter is exalted (meaning it operates at its best) in Cancer, and so, whilst there may seem to be a little difference between your focus on home and family and the explorative nature of Jupiter, you actually resonate easily with this planet.
During this period Jupiter will be moving through your solar 6th House, casting a focus up on the day to day elements of life. Now, this isn't the most fun or entertaining area of anybody's chart, but on the other hand Jupiter will make it so and, much can be achieved during this time.
The boring bits of life; the housework, the administrative side of things, what you eat and the kind of foods you buy, all of these things come into focus. This is a great year to begin a new, healthier lifestyle; to give up any foods which you know don't suit you, to take up a yoga class to improve your posture and regulate your sleep patterns.
These areas of life can be very enjoyable when approached with zest and enthusiasm and the overall happiness which will be achieved in the long-term will always be retrospectively worthwhile.
Sun in Leo,
As a fellow fire sign you enjoy Jupiter being in it's own sign and this area of your chart is particularly compatible, as Sagittarius is your solar 5th House, the house that is naturally ruled by Leo. This is a time when you can really come out of your shell and shine.
The last 12 months have been a little dull in their focus and your spirits have been lower than usual, this will begin to improve now, as the fun more upbeat side of your nature will start to take centre stage again. There is also a correlation with children when there is an emphasis on this house, so you may find your job, home or family has more of a focus on children at this time.
For Leos who desperately need a 'pick me up' to shake off recent stresses, joining a theatre group, an art or a dance class at this time will have a wonderful overall effect on your spirit. You will also be more attractive to those around you. Enjoy, you were born to shine and now is your chance to really feel like yourself again. Even shy Leos will feel more confident and comfortable in the limelight during the year ahead.
Sun in Virgo,
This year is all about the home for you Virgo, Jupiter will be shining into the area of your chart which deals with your domestic situation and your family. You could well decide to move where you live this year, but it will be your own choice to do so.
You may find that you are more interesting in learning about the history of your family, and spending time with people you have neglected a little in previous years. Home decorating is also possible and some Virgos may even more abroad, with Jupiter being associated with travel and cultural exploration.
For some it may be more about learning and filling in the gaps in your education, there may be areas of study that you have considered for years and not quite had the time or inclination to do so. This is a great time to do some home study, or develop some personal health regimes that you can develop as a routine from home. We all need to work on ourselves and Virgos tend to understand the importance of this more than most, this is a good time to make your home your castle, Virgo.
Sun in Libra,
This will be sociable year for you Libra, as Jupiter in your solar 3rd House gives you the inclination to get out there and talk to the people in your locality. The 3rd House of the chart is about your neighbourhood, environment and how you interact and communicate with it. You may find that you have more interest in getting involved in what's going on around and near you at this time, and will want to have more of a voice.
If you've ever had a desire to become better at public speaking, or singing, this is a great time to develop these attributes, perhaps you've always wanted to learn a language? There is not better time for this than when Jupiter is in the sign of culture, travel and higher learning.
Travelling will be more enjoyable at this time, but the shorter trips are highlighted when the 3rd House is lit up. Perhaps you'll think about moving to a different neighbourhood, or simply develop a more vibrant social scene a little further afield from where you reside.
This is a great time to develop your thoughts and opinions recreationally Libra, Jupiter moving into Sagittarius will be very liberating and uplifting for you.
Sun in Scorpio,
Well, I'm sorry to say that after a year of uplifting Jupiter in your sign you are going to have to get used to life without it again.
That's the bad news, the good news is that this year could prove very helpful financially. Jupiter in your solar 2nd House, does imply more comfortable finances and the ability to make more money in the next 12 or so months.
The 2nd House is also about the physical touch and food, so the inclination to over-indulge could be present at this time too. It's good to look into the kinds of foods which suit your constitution, as getting in touch with what suits your body is what allows you to be more free and easy with your eating habits.
Jupiter will help you understand your physical body better and this is a great time to not only try out different types of food stuffs, but also to take up something more culturally diverse such as yoga, martial arts, reiki etc. Connecting a more diverse cultural practise to your physical routine will really help you thrive this year Scorpio and it will also take you out of your head and help you to think less and live more in the moment.
Sun in Sagittarius,
Finally, your ruling planet is back! It's been 11 or so years since Jupiter was in Sagittarius and it's a wonderful feeling for Sagittarians when your solar 1st House is finally graced by the presence of joyful Jupiter!
This is going to be a great year for you Sagittarius, the world is your oyster once more and you know exactly how to appreciate the help and uplift that Jupiter will be bringing to your life.
Many of you will take a little more time to travel, your energy levels will be great improved at this time. You've not really felt at your best for the last year, so there is a lot that you feel that you have been missing out on that you will now, miraculously have more time and energy to focus upon.
As you are often more of the teacher than the student you are likely to come educational ideas at this time. There will be some of you who are inclined more to study, but the more experienced of you realise how much you have to share and give back to others and this year brings a great opportunity for you to come up with new endeavours in this area.
Enjoy Sagittarius, you've had a rough few years, you deserve this!
Sun in Capricorn,
On the plus side you will feel energised by Jupiter in Sagittarius, it generates more natural energy in its own sign, but this will be strangely introspective year for Capricorns. Jupiter will be in your solar 12th House, and so a lot of what happens may feel like it's very random and unpredictable to you, even when it's very positive.
The 12th House is quite intangible and difficult to 'feel' the best way to get a handle on it, is by developing a regular meditative practise and keeping a dream diary. The subconscious rules the show in this realm and whilst it is just as (usually far more) instrumental in the manifestation process, it is a little more difficult to control and understand.
With Saturn in your sign for another year or so, you have enough in your life to control, or feel that you should be keeping an eye on however, so you could look at this Jupiter transit as a great form of escape from day to day life.
If indeed you do take the time this year to meditate and go within more, you will develop a much closer relationship with yourself, your surroundings and consequently, those who really matter the most to you in your life too.
Sun in Aquarius,
Jupiter will fall in your solar 11th House, which is actually the same house which is naturally ruled by Aquarius in the chart. Consequently, a lot of your focus this year will be on the more Aquarian, innovative and creative side of your nature.
Your natural altruism and desire for equality and fairness in life will be highlighted, and you will most likely become far more involved in supporting the community and local charities. The current trend for environmental concerns and more kindness towards animals will continue to grow in popularity and many Aquarius will be instrumental in developing these concerns further in the public eye.
You may be more inclined to look at causes overseas, than at home, any can factor in at this time and your sway, wherever you focus your attention, will be at its most prolific.
Humour will also become more important, as it breaks down barriers and joins people together. This should be a fun year for you Aquarius, but it will also be industrious and one where you branch out and focus on what matters to you, more than you have for a long time.
Sun in Pisces,
There is a good relationship between Pisces and Jupiter, back in the days before your ruling planet; Neptune was discovered, it was said that you were ruled by Jupiter. Indeed, there is a commonality between your connection with the spiritual truths and Jupiter's affinity with the more earthly manifestation of these.
It's easy for you to feel lost at sea and for those of you who have had the Neptune doubling up on your Pisces planets a little buoyant Jupiter throwing a more vibrant aspect to your planets will be very welcome.
Sagittarius is your solar 10th House, so actually this year will show a lot of support going on for you career-wise. If you have ideas or areas at work which you think you could really develop your knowledge or experience, this is the time to speak up.
Further training could be of great benefit to you this year, or it could be that you already have a skillset which is being overlooked and would bring you a lot more fulfilment.
An entire change in direction will occur for many Pisces, and it will be of great benefit to you whatever it is. Your tendency towards self-doubt is your weakness, if you allow Jupiter to boost your confidence this year, you can achieve so much more than you think. Go for it Pisces!
If you would like me to do a personal reading for you about Jupiter, or maybe you are looking for advice in your career direction, or need some assistance in your relationship, then you can contact me at:
Or of course you can book a reading via my facebook page:
Wishing you all a most productive, uplifting and joyful year ahead with Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Shalom and blessings~~~ WaxyJo x
As a fellow fire sign you enjoy Jupiter being in it's own sign and this area of your chart is particularly compatible, as Sagittarius is your solar 5th House, the house that is naturally ruled by Leo. This is a time when you can really come out of your shell and shine.
The last 12 months have been a little dull in their focus and your spirits have been lower than usual, this will begin to improve now, as the fun more upbeat side of your nature will start to take centre stage again. There is also a correlation with children when there is an emphasis on this house, so you may find your job, home or family has more of a focus on children at this time.
For Leos who desperately need a 'pick me up' to shake off recent stresses, joining a theatre group, an art or a dance class at this time will have a wonderful overall effect on your spirit. You will also be more attractive to those around you. Enjoy, you were born to shine and now is your chance to really feel like yourself again. Even shy Leos will feel more confident and comfortable in the limelight during the year ahead.
Sun in Virgo,
This year is all about the home for you Virgo, Jupiter will be shining into the area of your chart which deals with your domestic situation and your family. You could well decide to move where you live this year, but it will be your own choice to do so.
You may find that you are more interesting in learning about the history of your family, and spending time with people you have neglected a little in previous years. Home decorating is also possible and some Virgos may even more abroad, with Jupiter being associated with travel and cultural exploration.
For some it may be more about learning and filling in the gaps in your education, there may be areas of study that you have considered for years and not quite had the time or inclination to do so. This is a great time to do some home study, or develop some personal health regimes that you can develop as a routine from home. We all need to work on ourselves and Virgos tend to understand the importance of this more than most, this is a good time to make your home your castle, Virgo.
Sun in Libra,
This will be sociable year for you Libra, as Jupiter in your solar 3rd House gives you the inclination to get out there and talk to the people in your locality. The 3rd House of the chart is about your neighbourhood, environment and how you interact and communicate with it. You may find that you have more interest in getting involved in what's going on around and near you at this time, and will want to have more of a voice.
If you've ever had a desire to become better at public speaking, or singing, this is a great time to develop these attributes, perhaps you've always wanted to learn a language? There is not better time for this than when Jupiter is in the sign of culture, travel and higher learning.
Travelling will be more enjoyable at this time, but the shorter trips are highlighted when the 3rd House is lit up. Perhaps you'll think about moving to a different neighbourhood, or simply develop a more vibrant social scene a little further afield from where you reside.
This is a great time to develop your thoughts and opinions recreationally Libra, Jupiter moving into Sagittarius will be very liberating and uplifting for you.
Sun in Scorpio,
Well, I'm sorry to say that after a year of uplifting Jupiter in your sign you are going to have to get used to life without it again.
That's the bad news, the good news is that this year could prove very helpful financially. Jupiter in your solar 2nd House, does imply more comfortable finances and the ability to make more money in the next 12 or so months.
The 2nd House is also about the physical touch and food, so the inclination to over-indulge could be present at this time too. It's good to look into the kinds of foods which suit your constitution, as getting in touch with what suits your body is what allows you to be more free and easy with your eating habits.
Jupiter will help you understand your physical body better and this is a great time to not only try out different types of food stuffs, but also to take up something more culturally diverse such as yoga, martial arts, reiki etc. Connecting a more diverse cultural practise to your physical routine will really help you thrive this year Scorpio and it will also take you out of your head and help you to think less and live more in the moment.
Sun in Sagittarius,
Finally, your ruling planet is back! It's been 11 or so years since Jupiter was in Sagittarius and it's a wonderful feeling for Sagittarians when your solar 1st House is finally graced by the presence of joyful Jupiter!
This is going to be a great year for you Sagittarius, the world is your oyster once more and you know exactly how to appreciate the help and uplift that Jupiter will be bringing to your life.
Many of you will take a little more time to travel, your energy levels will be great improved at this time. You've not really felt at your best for the last year, so there is a lot that you feel that you have been missing out on that you will now, miraculously have more time and energy to focus upon.
As you are often more of the teacher than the student you are likely to come educational ideas at this time. There will be some of you who are inclined more to study, but the more experienced of you realise how much you have to share and give back to others and this year brings a great opportunity for you to come up with new endeavours in this area.
Enjoy Sagittarius, you've had a rough few years, you deserve this!
Sun in Capricorn,
On the plus side you will feel energised by Jupiter in Sagittarius, it generates more natural energy in its own sign, but this will be strangely introspective year for Capricorns. Jupiter will be in your solar 12th House, and so a lot of what happens may feel like it's very random and unpredictable to you, even when it's very positive.
The 12th House is quite intangible and difficult to 'feel' the best way to get a handle on it, is by developing a regular meditative practise and keeping a dream diary. The subconscious rules the show in this realm and whilst it is just as (usually far more) instrumental in the manifestation process, it is a little more difficult to control and understand.
With Saturn in your sign for another year or so, you have enough in your life to control, or feel that you should be keeping an eye on however, so you could look at this Jupiter transit as a great form of escape from day to day life.
If indeed you do take the time this year to meditate and go within more, you will develop a much closer relationship with yourself, your surroundings and consequently, those who really matter the most to you in your life too.
Sun in Aquarius,
Jupiter will fall in your solar 11th House, which is actually the same house which is naturally ruled by Aquarius in the chart. Consequently, a lot of your focus this year will be on the more Aquarian, innovative and creative side of your nature.
Your natural altruism and desire for equality and fairness in life will be highlighted, and you will most likely become far more involved in supporting the community and local charities. The current trend for environmental concerns and more kindness towards animals will continue to grow in popularity and many Aquarius will be instrumental in developing these concerns further in the public eye.
You may be more inclined to look at causes overseas, than at home, any can factor in at this time and your sway, wherever you focus your attention, will be at its most prolific.
Humour will also become more important, as it breaks down barriers and joins people together. This should be a fun year for you Aquarius, but it will also be industrious and one where you branch out and focus on what matters to you, more than you have for a long time.
Sun in Pisces,
There is a good relationship between Pisces and Jupiter, back in the days before your ruling planet; Neptune was discovered, it was said that you were ruled by Jupiter. Indeed, there is a commonality between your connection with the spiritual truths and Jupiter's affinity with the more earthly manifestation of these.
It's easy for you to feel lost at sea and for those of you who have had the Neptune doubling up on your Pisces planets a little buoyant Jupiter throwing a more vibrant aspect to your planets will be very welcome.
Sagittarius is your solar 10th House, so actually this year will show a lot of support going on for you career-wise. If you have ideas or areas at work which you think you could really develop your knowledge or experience, this is the time to speak up.
Further training could be of great benefit to you this year, or it could be that you already have a skillset which is being overlooked and would bring you a lot more fulfilment.
An entire change in direction will occur for many Pisces, and it will be of great benefit to you whatever it is. Your tendency towards self-doubt is your weakness, if you allow Jupiter to boost your confidence this year, you can achieve so much more than you think. Go for it Pisces!
If you would like me to do a personal reading for you about Jupiter, or maybe you are looking for advice in your career direction, or need some assistance in your relationship, then you can contact me at:
Or of course you can book a reading via my facebook page:
Wishing you all a most productive, uplifting and joyful year ahead with Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Shalom and blessings~~~ WaxyJo x
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