This new Moon, meeting up with the Sun in fiery Leo tilts the balance of planets into the fire signs. With the Moon making its impact; by joining up with the Sun, Venus continues her sojourn further into the sign at; 22° Leo. The timing of this new Moon, also coincides Mars’ recent return to Sagittarius – also on Tuesday 2nd August, after its long backwards dip into Scorpio. As mentioned in previous articles, Mars was retrograde from 18th April 2016 until 30th June 2016. It had reached 8° Sagittarius at the time of its retrograde and so will still be in the so called ‘shadow of the retrograde until it returns to that point on 22nd August. Still, with Mars back in Sagittarius, energies are higher and anything which has been moving slowly in your life over the last few months will start to gather momentum again.
Saturn is also in Sagittarius, interestingly sitting at 9° very close to the retrograde point for the whole of the month of August as it slows down, ready to turn to forward motion itself. If you have any planets around 8-9° Sagittarius, these are significantly highlighted, once again (just as they were in April). For those of you born around 30th November, that would be the position of your Sun at birth, so most likely this has been a very low energy year for you so far. Do look at what comes up in August in this case, you will learn far more from observing other areas of your life which come to the fore. There is no need to fight against what should be, if you’re tired then rest. Rather than be frustrated look at what IS working for you and embrace it.

In the new Moon chart Neptune sits angularly on the ascendant throwing quite a dampener on the usually energetic Sun-Moon conjunction in Leo. Confusion is the theme of this new Moon, this is not a time to begin something constructive or to make a wish. Neptune always brings a deeper, spiritual and emotional tint to whatever it connects. It is linked to confusion and deception, because we live in a world where facts and figures are valued more highly than creativity, but really Neptune is about all that is elevated and of a higher frequency.
There is a bit of a conflict of interest however, as the Sun-Moon in Leo fall in the detail oriented 6th House implying that facts and figures at this time may well be obfuscated and unavailable. As always, if flowing with the cycles choosing to allow a more creative approach to what is usually mundane will work incredibly well at this time.
I personally postponed the tidying and plant repotting that I need to do to coincide with the new moon and allow new energy to flow more freely around my space. Feng Shui is very important to procure new energy and allow change to occur, and this new Moon favours energetically enhancing ones’ personal space. Whilst many of the more constructive parts of our lives may not be easy to navigate at this time, there is a great deal of cleansing energy which can be worked with and utilized at this time.
A bit of a clean, a move around, to bring new kinds of energy into stagnant areas of your life will work well at this time. This isn’t a time for constructive thought and there won’t be a feeling of great action and celebration in the usual new Moon in Leo sense. Allow action to take place where it is needed, let go of anything which doesn’t seem to be flowing at this time and this can be a very positive new Moon.

August is quite a static month as we wait for Mars to reach as far in Sagittarius and Saturn sits tight awaiting Mars to surge past on 24th August. After which things will begin moving so quickly it will be a very exciting an eventful Autumn.
Enjoy the rest, don’t fight the forces of nature and this can be a tranquil, uplifting and inspiring new Moon time.
If you’d like to know about where 8° Sagittarius falls in your chart, or perhaps to have a personal prediction for this exciting Summer ahead, then do contact me at:
Blessings and joy to you all~~~~~
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